That's one comprehensive table ndck76, almost looked like I was inspecting the csharp dll again!
A friend asked me for some stuff with this game via
Steam so I created a few. Can't say how well they work as they were only lightly tested on my end but here they are for public use anywho. Goodluck and have fun!
I must say that while I don't usually get into these types of games much I'm considering actually playing this one! I found it annoying while learning enough to create/test tables but now that I've passed that stage I think the game has promise once it reaches release!
Entries are as follows:
Attach & Start Mono: aka Make it connect to the game (if running) and get ready to do more awesome stuff
Biome> Does nothing itself, just opens up related options to aid your desired farming/fishing etc
Override Temperature: Sets selected Temperature regardless of biome. Defaults/Starts at Normal. This contains a drop down list of selections.
Override Humidity: Sets selected Humidity regardless of biome. Defaults/Starts at Normal. This contains a drop down list of selections.
Override Water Level: Sets selected Water Level regardless of biome. Defaults/Starts at Low. This contains a drop down list of selections. The selected Water Level will not reflect in the world itself but will be applied during decision making aka can you fish.. It's defaulted to Low because higher entries can prevent collecting poo...and combined with the Worker Productivity change having it work at 50% efficiency is still fast enough.
Bypass Building Requirements: Automatically fulfills resource requirements in the pre-construction phase regardless of if you actually have the needed materials and from what I recall it also prevents the resources from being subtracted aka the game lies to itself and thinks it already has all the needed stuff...
Get Research: Has two sub-entries. Enabling this doesn't change anything but allows the other options to work.
Knowledge (Open Research): A pointer to your Current Knowledge. This Value can be modified at will and will reflect in the game. Open up the Research building as if you were going to select a new entry to populate this pointer if it's showing as ????
Instant: Makes Research Instant, if using this to get everything you can start at the bottom and 'learn' everything along the path at once and move up to then learn the orphans.
Get Time Speed: Enabling this collects a pointer to a value that you can then modify at will and have reflected in the game.
Time X: Manually modifying this Value will prevent the in game time decrease/increase buttons from working so you will need to continue altering it here! You can go as slow or as fast as you want instead of being limited betweed 1-4! Beware however that if you set it to go too fast you may not have time to react and end up with all your Workers or Unbu dead (I did that at x40 once)!
Get Unbu Heartbeat: Enabling this collects a pointer to a value that you can then modify at will and have reflected in the game and contains a sub-option which is NOT enabled by default if you'd rather just keep it steady.
Heartbeat: Current Heartbeat, this Value can be modified and is reflected in the game until the next game change updating it.
Steady at 3: Keeps Heartbeat at 3
Get Unbu Movement Speed: Enabling this collects a pointer to a value that you can then modify at will and have reflected in the game. You can technically even use a -# and have Unbu back up at a slow rate if desired? Zero is also an option if you want to stop for a bit. Turned out to be very helpful while testing the poison cloud mitigations....
Speed:The Speed to be applied to Unbu. This is the actual ground covered and does NOT update the animations
Get Workers: Enabling this collects a pointer and two sub entries that you can then modify at will.
Carry X: How much your workers can carry
Movement X: How fast your workers can move
Get Worker Productivity: Enabling this WILL automatically enable the sub option to modify Worker Productivity...
Desired Productivity: aka how fast your workers will generally do things, currently does not apply to 'gathering' or 'scavengers' but works for most other buildings.
Use Desired Productivity: Enabled with the parent option this can be disabled if you'd rather return to default values
Increase Map View Range: Pretty much makes the entire screen space on the map visible (at least on 1080, not sure if the map is different on larger?)
Mitigate Poison Cloud Effects (Enable before entering): Does what it says, tries to limit many of the negative effects encountered from being inside a Poison Cloud/Area. It doesn't prevent poison plants but does prevent their 'spread' after reproduction time is 100% Should also help prevent poisoning of Workers and Unbu. My tests with this were a tad mixed so that's why it's called Mitigate instead of Remove! Will not remove already Poisoned Workers or existing Poison Levels on Unbu etc....thus the Enable before entering part...
Resource Creation Multiplier (Use with caution): Enabling this one opens up two sub entries which are enabled by default.
Ideally you should only use this for 'short bursts' when you have stopped the collection/creation of other resources as it can still cause a de-sync in the displayed resource numbers vs actually available ones if left running~but I didn't isolate where or how that happened. In older iterations of building this one I managed to break the workers (They just starting standing around doing nothing which was of course no good) but didn't see that happening in my tests with this one. Please just beware and at least create a new SAVE before enabling this one just in case!
Multiply By: The default Value is 3 but this can be changed at will, this is the number used to multiply the created resources by. Example: You have a worker collecting berries and he brings in 1, this would turn that 1 into 3 instead. This also applies to manufacturing aka things like creating wooden planks so instead of the standard 2 you'd get 6 with the default of 3, etc.
Do NOT apply to Slots Max >=30: Does what it says, if it detects a slot in a building greater than or equal to 30 it does NOT apply the multiplication. This was done to help mitigate multiplication upon multiplication as it also applies to 'moved' resources =( yet there are some buildings with slots that are 40+ which are NOT 'Storage Buildings' so I figured having a toggle available was needed.
Unbu Max Trust: Has a sub option which is also enabled by default. This keeps your Trust level at max.
Unbu Refuses Less Commands: In my tests Unbu didn't reject any commands but still got 'frustrated' so it's possible that some may still slip by via another routine though I didn't see any cases of this while Ubu max trust was enabled, thus its positioning as a sub entry.
Updated AoB to work with 0.4.1