Yeah the debugger was no go for me as well on M3 Max on sonoma. I also couldn't get anywhere with pointer scans either cause the files created can't be reopened for compare, not that I know what I'm doing anyways.
The only thing i really want to find though is chiral bandwidth because ever since directors cut online structures are utter garbage. by introducing ramps and other structures it further reduced chance of player ziplines spawning in in your instance. in fact I have 0, a bit fat 0 player ziplines so I have to build my network on mac version, alone. Not enough bandwidth for that. for a full network you'd need at least 15-20 player zips, but instead i have ramps everywhere, because those are totally practical. sigh.
So as saying goes, if you want something built right, must do it yourself...just need the bandwidth hack to do it
Heck, I'd play offline if it'd let me, but game center integration is a bit weird. you cannot even start game in offline mode, and once game is open you cannot choose to go offline either. you have to actually start online, then disconnect cable to force offline mode, and I'd much rather keep my other apps online. So I've just been deleting player structures that are in my way