Code: Select all
{ Game : ds.exe
Date : 2020-12-25
Author : Bliseer
This script does blah blah blah
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
aobscanmodule(infAmmo,ds.exe,44 0F 43 70 58) // should be unique
// cmovae r14d,[rax+58]
// jmp return
// jmp newmem
cmovb r14d,[rax+58]
//unlimited bloodpack Granede
//aobscanmodule(infBloodpack,ds.exe,C5 FA 5D C2 C4 C1 7A 11 86 D8 47 00 00) // should be unique
aobscanmodule(infBloodpack,ds.exe,C5 FA 5D C2 C4 C1 7A 11 86 38 48 00 00) // should be unique
// vminss xmm0,xmm0,xmm2
// vmovss [r14+000047D8],xmm0
// jmp return
// jmp newmem
// nop 8
vmaxss xmm0,xmm0,xmm2
//unlimited bloodpack2 bullet
//aobscanmodule(infBloodpack2,ds.exe,C5 FA 5C D6 C5 F0 57 C9 EB) // should be unique
aobscanmodule(infBloodpack2,ds.exe,C5 F2 5C C6 C5 E8 57 D2) // should be unique
// vsubss xmm0,xmm1,xmm6
// vxorps xmm2,xmm2,xmm2
// jmp return
// jmp newmem
// nop 3
vsubss xmm0,xmm1,xmm7
aobscanmodule(infChiralium,ds.exe,41 0F 4F 09 44 8B C1) // should be unique
// cmovg ecx,[r9]
// mov r8d,ecx
// jmp return
// jmp newmem
// nop 2
cmovle ecx,[r9]
//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
db 41 0F 4F 09 44 8B C1
// db C5 FA 5C D6
db C5 F2 5C C6 C5 E8 57 D2
// db C5 FA 5D C2
db C5 FA 5D C2 C4 C1 7A 11 86 38 48 00 00
db 44 0F 43 70 58
ds.exe+26D462F: CC - int 3
ds.exe+26D4630: 41 56 - push r14
ds.exe+26D4632: 48 83 EC 50 - sub rsp,50
ds.exe+26D4636: 4D 63 C0 - movsxd r8,r8d
ds.exe+26D4639: 44 8B F2 - mov r14d,edx
ds.exe+26D463C: 49 C1 E0 06 - shl r8,06
ds.exe+26D4640: 48 89 74 24 38 - mov [rsp+38],rsi
ds.exe+26D4645: 48 8B F1 - mov rsi,rcx
ds.exe+26D4648: 49 8B 44 08 28 - mov rax,[r8+rcx+28]
ds.exe+26D464D: 3B 50 58 - cmp edx,[rax+58]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
ds.exe+26D4650: 44 0F 43 70 58 - cmovae r14d,[rax+58]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
ds.exe+26D4655: 49 8B 44 08 50 - mov rax,[r8+rcx+50]
infAmmo: 66 44 89 30 - mov [rax],r14w
ds.exe+26D465E: 0F B6 41 12 - movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+12]
ds.exe+26D4662: 2C 37 - sub al,37
ds.exe+26D4664: 3C 01 - cmp al,01
ds.exe+26D4666: 0F 87 1A 01 00 00 - ja ds.exe+26D4786
ds.exe+26D466C: 48 8B 91 C8 02 00 00 - mov rdx,[rcx+000002C8]
ds.exe+26D4673: B9 38 03 00 00 - mov ecx,00000338
ds.exe+26D4678: 48 85 D2 - test rdx,rdx
ds.exe+26D467B: 48 89 5C 24 48 - mov [rsp+48],rbx
ds.exe+274E1B0: C4 C1 7A 10 8E 38 48 00 00 - vmovss xmm1,[r14+00004838]
ds.exe+274E1B9: C4 C1 7A 11 86 40 48 00 00 - vmovss [r14+00004840],xmm0
ds.exe+274E1C2: C4 C1 3A 58 86 44 48 00 00 - vaddss xmm0,xmm8,[r14+00004844]
ds.exe+274E1CB: C4 C1 72 5C D0 - vsubss xmm2,xmm1,xmm8
ds.exe+274E1D0: C5 F8 2F F2 - vcomiss xmm6,xmm2
ds.exe+274E1D4: C4 C1 7A 11 86 44 48 00 00 - vmovss [r14+00004844],xmm0
ds.exe+274E1DD: 76 06 - jna ds.exe+274E1E5
ds.exe+274E1DF: C5 F8 57 C0 - vxorps xmm0,xmm0,xmm0
ds.exe+274E1E3: EB 0D - jmp ds.exe+274E1F2
ds.exe+274E1E5: C4 C1 7A 10 86 3C 48 00 00 - vmovss xmm0,[r14+0000483C]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
ds.exe+274E1EE: C5 FA 5D C2 - vminss xmm0,xmm0,xmm2
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
ds.exe+274E1F2: C4 C1 7A 11 86 38 48 00 00 - vmovss [r14+00004838],xmm0
ds.exe+274E1FB: 48 8B 87 B8 00 00 00 - mov rax,[rdi+000000B8]
ds.exe+274E202: C5 92 58 88 48 03 00 00 - vaddss xmm1,xmm13,[rax+00000348]
ds.exe+274E20A: C5 FA 11 8F D4 00 00 00 - vmovss [rdi+000000D4],xmm1
ds.exe+274E212: C5 78 28 94 24 C0 00 00 00 - vmovaps xmm10,[rsp+000000C0]
ds.exe+274E21B: C5 78 28 8C 24 D0 00 00 00 - vmovaps xmm9,[rsp+000000D0]
ds.exe+274E224: 4C 8B B4 24 10 01 00 00 - mov r14,[rsp+00000110]
ds.exe+274E22C: C5 78 28 A4 24 A0 00 00 00 - vmovaps xmm12,[rsp+000000A0]
ds.exe+274E235: C5 FA 10 87 D4 00 00 00 - vmovss xmm0,[rdi+000000D4]
ds.exe+274E23D: C5 F8 2F C6 - vcomiss xmm0,xmm6
ds.exe+28372DC: 48 8B D9 - mov rbx,rcx
ds.exe+28372DF: 48 8B 0D 4A C1 15 05 - mov rcx,[ds.exe+7993430]
ds.exe+28372E6: C5 F8 28 F1 - vmovaps xmm6,xmm1
ds.exe+28372EA: C5 CA 5A C9 - vcvtss2sd xmm1,xmm6,xmm1
ds.exe+28372EE: C5 F8 29 7C 24 30 - vmovaps [rsp+30],xmm7
ds.exe+28372F4: E8 27 7F 6E 00 - call ds.exe+2F1F220
ds.exe+28372F9: C5 FA 10 8B 38 48 00 00 - vmovss xmm1,[rbx+00004838]
ds.exe+2837301: C5 F8 2F CE - vcomiss xmm1,xmm6
ds.exe+2837305: C5 C0 57 FF - vxorps xmm7,xmm7,xmm7
ds.exe+2837309: 76 0A - jna ds.exe+2837315
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
ds.exe+283730B: C5 F2 5C C6 - vsubss xmm0,xmm1,xmm6
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
ds.exe+283730F: C5 E8 57 D2 - vxorps xmm2,xmm2,xmm2
ds.exe+2837313: EB 08 - jmp ds.exe+283731D
ds.exe+2837315: C5 CA 5C D1 - vsubss xmm2,xmm6,xmm1
ds.exe+2837319: C5 F8 57 C0 - vxorps xmm0,xmm0,xmm0
ds.exe+283731D: C5 F8 2F D7 - vcomiss xmm2,xmm7
ds.exe+2837321: C5 FA 11 83 38 48 00 00 - vmovss [rbx+00004838],xmm0
ds.exe+2837329: C5 CA C2 C1 01 - vcmpss xmm0,xmm6,xmm1,01
ds.exe+283732E: C4 E3 71 4A C6 00 - vblendvps xmm0,xmm1,xmm6,xmm0
ds.exe+2837334: C5 FA 58 8B 44 48 00 00 - vaddss xmm1,xmm0,[rbx+00004844]
ds.exe+283733C: C5 FA 11 8B 44 48 00 00 - vmovss [rbx+00004844],xmm1
ds.exe+25975C0: 8B C2 - mov eax,edx
ds.exe+25975C2: 4C 8D 8F AC 23 00 00 - lea r9,[rdi+000023AC]
ds.exe+25975C9: 48 8D 97 A8 23 00 00 - lea rdx,[rdi+000023A8]
ds.exe+25975D0: 48 8D 0C C0 - lea rcx,[rax+rax*8]
ds.exe+25975D4: 4D 8D 0C C9 - lea r9,[r9+rcx*8]
ds.exe+25975D8: 48 8D 14 CA - lea rdx,[rdx+rcx*8]
ds.exe+25975DC: 8B 0A - mov ecx,[rdx]
ds.exe+25975DE: 03 CE - add ecx,esi
ds.exe+25975E0: 78 0A - js ds.exe+25975EC
ds.exe+25975E2: 41 3B 09 - cmp ecx,[r9]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
ds.exe+25975E5: 41 0F 4F 09 - cmovg ecx,[r9]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
ds.exe+25975E9: 44 8B C1 - mov r8d,ecx
ds.exe+25975EC: 44 89 02 - mov [rdx],r8d
ds.exe+25975EF: 48 85 DB - test rbx,rbx
ds.exe+25975F2: 74 09 - je ds.exe+25975FD
ds.exe+25975F4: 48 8B CB - mov rcx,rbx
ds.exe+25975F7: FF 15 D3 40 1B 01 - call qword ptr [ds.exe+374B6D0]
ds.exe+25975FD: 48 8B 5C 24 30 - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
ds.exe+2597602: 48 8B 74 24 38 - mov rsi,[rsp+38]
ds.exe+2597607: 48 83 C4 20 - add rsp,20
ds.exe+259760B: 5F - pop rdi
Code: Select all
{ Game : DeathStranding.exe
Date : 2020-12-25
Author : Bliseer
This script does blah blah blah
//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat
aobscanmodule(infAmmo,DeathStranding.exe,44 0F 43 70 58) // should be unique
// cmovae r14d,[rax+58]
// jmp return
// jmp newmem
cmovb r14d,[rax+58]
//unlimited bloodpack Granede
//aobscanmodule(infBloodpack,DeathStranding.exe,C5 FA 5D C2 C4 C1 7A 11 86 D8 47 00 00) // should be unique
aobscanmodule(infBloodpack,DeathStranding.exe,C5 FA 5D C2 C4 C1 7A 11 86 38 48 00 00) // should be unique
// vminss xmm0,xmm0,xmm2
// vmovss [r14+000047D8],xmm0
// jmp return
// jmp newmem
// nop 8
vmaxss xmm0,xmm0,xmm2
//unlimited bloodpack2 bullet
//aobscanmodule(infBloodpack2,DeathStranding.exe,C5 FA 5C D6 C5 F0 57 C9 EB) // should be unique
aobscanmodule(infBloodpack2,DeathStranding.exe,C5 F2 5C C6 C5 E8 57 D2) // should be unique
// vsubss xmm0,xmm1,xmm6
// vxorps xmm2,xmm2,xmm2
// jmp return
// jmp newmem
// nop 3
vsubss xmm0,xmm1,xmm7
aobscanmodule(infChiralium,DeathStranding.exe,41 0F 4F 09 44 8B C1) // should be unique
// cmovg ecx,[r9]
// mov r8d,ecx
// jmp return
// jmp newmem
// nop 2
cmovle ecx,[r9]
//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
db 41 0F 4F 09 44 8B C1
// db C5 FA 5C D6
db C5 F2 5C C6 C5 E8 57 D2
// db C5 FA 5D C2
db C5 FA 5D C2 C4 C1 7A 11 86 38 48 00 00
db 44 0F 43 70 58
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: DeathStranding.exe+26D4650
DeathStranding.exe+26D462F: CC - int 3
DeathStranding.exe+26D4630: 41 56 - push r14
DeathStranding.exe+26D4632: 48 83 EC 50 - sub rsp,50
DeathStranding.exe+26D4636: 4D 63 C0 - movsxd r8,r8d
DeathStranding.exe+26D4639: 44 8B F2 - mov r14d,edx
DeathStranding.exe+26D463C: 49 C1 E0 06 - shl r8,06
DeathStranding.exe+26D4640: 48 89 74 24 38 - mov [rsp+38],rsi
DeathStranding.exe+26D4645: 48 8B F1 - mov rsi,rcx
DeathStranding.exe+26D4648: 49 8B 44 08 28 - mov rax,[r8+rcx+28]
DeathStranding.exe+26D464D: 3B 50 58 - cmp edx,[rax+58]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
DeathStranding.exe+26D4650: 44 0F 43 70 58 - cmovae r14d,[rax+58]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
DeathStranding.exe+26D4655: 49 8B 44 08 50 - mov rax,[r8+rcx+50]
infAmmo: 66 44 89 30 - mov [rax],r14w
DeathStranding.exe+26D465E: 0F B6 41 12 - movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+12]
DeathStranding.exe+26D4662: 2C 37 - sub al,37
DeathStranding.exe+26D4664: 3C 01 - cmp al,01
DeathStranding.exe+26D4666: 0F 87 1A 01 00 00 - ja DeathStranding.exe+26D4786
DeathStranding.exe+26D466C: 48 8B 91 C8 02 00 00 - mov rdx,[rcx+000002C8]
DeathStranding.exe+26D4673: B9 38 03 00 00 - mov ecx,00000338
DeathStranding.exe+26D4678: 48 85 D2 - test rdx,rdx
DeathStranding.exe+26D467B: 48 89 5C 24 48 - mov [rsp+48],rbx
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: DeathStranding.exe+274E1EE
DeathStranding.exe+274E1B0: C4 C1 7A 10 8E 38 48 00 00 - vmovss xmm1,[r14+00004838]
DeathStranding.exe+274E1B9: C4 C1 7A 11 86 40 48 00 00 - vmovss [r14+00004840],xmm0
DeathStranding.exe+274E1C2: C4 C1 3A 58 86 44 48 00 00 - vaddss xmm0,xmm8,[r14+00004844]
DeathStranding.exe+274E1CB: C4 C1 72 5C D0 - vsubss xmm2,xmm1,xmm8
DeathStranding.exe+274E1D0: C5 F8 2F F2 - vcomiss xmm6,xmm2
DeathStranding.exe+274E1D4: C4 C1 7A 11 86 44 48 00 00 - vmovss [r14+00004844],xmm0
DeathStranding.exe+274E1DD: 76 06 - jna DeathStranding.exe+274E1E5
DeathStranding.exe+274E1DF: C5 F8 57 C0 - vxorps xmm0,xmm0,xmm0
DeathStranding.exe+274E1E3: EB 0D - jmp DeathStranding.exe+274E1F2
DeathStranding.exe+274E1E5: C4 C1 7A 10 86 3C 48 00 00 - vmovss xmm0,[r14+0000483C]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
DeathStranding.exe+274E1EE: C5 FA 5D C2 - vminss xmm0,xmm0,xmm2
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
DeathStranding.exe+274E1F2: C4 C1 7A 11 86 38 48 00 00 - vmovss [r14+00004838],xmm0
DeathStranding.exe+274E1FB: 48 8B 87 B8 00 00 00 - mov rax,[rdi+000000B8]
DeathStranding.exe+274E202: C5 92 58 88 48 03 00 00 - vaddss xmm1,xmm13,[rax+00000348]
DeathStranding.exe+274E20A: C5 FA 11 8F D4 00 00 00 - vmovss [rdi+000000D4],xmm1
DeathStranding.exe+274E212: C5 78 28 94 24 C0 00 00 00 - vmovaps xmm10,[rsp+000000C0]
DeathStranding.exe+274E21B: C5 78 28 8C 24 D0 00 00 00 - vmovaps xmm9,[rsp+000000D0]
DeathStranding.exe+274E224: 4C 8B B4 24 10 01 00 00 - mov r14,[rsp+00000110]
DeathStranding.exe+274E22C: C5 78 28 A4 24 A0 00 00 00 - vmovaps xmm12,[rsp+000000A0]
DeathStranding.exe+274E235: C5 FA 10 87 D4 00 00 00 - vmovss xmm0,[rdi+000000D4]
DeathStranding.exe+274E23D: C5 F8 2F C6 - vcomiss xmm0,xmm6
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: DeathStranding.exe+283730B
DeathStranding.exe+28372DC: 48 8B D9 - mov rbx,rcx
DeathStranding.exe+28372DF: 48 8B 0D 4A C1 15 05 - mov rcx,[DeathStranding.exe+7993430]
DeathStranding.exe+28372E6: C5 F8 28 F1 - vmovaps xmm6,xmm1
DeathStranding.exe+28372EA: C5 CA 5A C9 - vcvtss2sd xmm1,xmm6,xmm1
DeathStranding.exe+28372EE: C5 F8 29 7C 24 30 - vmovaps [rsp+30],xmm7
DeathStranding.exe+28372F4: E8 27 7F 6E 00 - call DeathStranding.exe+2F1F220
DeathStranding.exe+28372F9: C5 FA 10 8B 38 48 00 00 - vmovss xmm1,[rbx+00004838]
DeathStranding.exe+2837301: C5 F8 2F CE - vcomiss xmm1,xmm6
DeathStranding.exe+2837305: C5 C0 57 FF - vxorps xmm7,xmm7,xmm7
DeathStranding.exe+2837309: 76 0A - jna DeathStranding.exe+2837315
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
DeathStranding.exe+283730B: C5 F2 5C C6 - vsubss xmm0,xmm1,xmm6
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
DeathStranding.exe+283730F: C5 E8 57 D2 - vxorps xmm2,xmm2,xmm2
DeathStranding.exe+2837313: EB 08 - jmp DeathStranding.exe+283731D
DeathStranding.exe+2837315: C5 CA 5C D1 - vsubss xmm2,xmm6,xmm1
DeathStranding.exe+2837319: C5 F8 57 C0 - vxorps xmm0,xmm0,xmm0
DeathStranding.exe+283731D: C5 F8 2F D7 - vcomiss xmm2,xmm7
DeathStranding.exe+2837321: C5 FA 11 83 38 48 00 00 - vmovss [rbx+00004838],xmm0
DeathStranding.exe+2837329: C5 CA C2 C1 01 - vcmpss xmm0,xmm6,xmm1,01
DeathStranding.exe+283732E: C4 E3 71 4A C6 00 - vblendvps xmm0,xmm1,xmm6,xmm0
DeathStranding.exe+2837334: C5 FA 58 8B 44 48 00 00 - vaddss xmm1,xmm0,[rbx+00004844]
DeathStranding.exe+283733C: C5 FA 11 8B 44 48 00 00 - vmovss [rbx+00004844],xmm1
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: DeathStranding.exe+25975E5
DeathStranding.exe+25975C0: 8B C2 - mov eax,edx
DeathStranding.exe+25975C2: 4C 8D 8F AC 23 00 00 - lea r9,[rdi+000023AC]
DeathStranding.exe+25975C9: 48 8D 97 A8 23 00 00 - lea rdx,[rdi+000023A8]
DeathStranding.exe+25975D0: 48 8D 0C C0 - lea rcx,[rax+rax*8]
DeathStranding.exe+25975D4: 4D 8D 0C C9 - lea r9,[r9+rcx*8]
DeathStranding.exe+25975D8: 48 8D 14 CA - lea rdx,[rdx+rcx*8]
DeathStranding.exe+25975DC: 8B 0A - mov ecx,[rdx]
DeathStranding.exe+25975DE: 03 CE - add ecx,esi
DeathStranding.exe+25975E0: 78 0A - js DeathStranding.exe+25975EC
DeathStranding.exe+25975E2: 41 3B 09 - cmp ecx,[r9]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
DeathStranding.exe+25975E5: 41 0F 4F 09 - cmovg ecx,[r9]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
DeathStranding.exe+25975E9: 44 8B C1 - mov r8d,ecx
DeathStranding.exe+25975EC: 44 89 02 - mov [rdx],r8d
DeathStranding.exe+25975EF: 48 85 DB - test rbx,rbx
DeathStranding.exe+25975F2: 74 09 - je DeathStranding.exe+25975FD
DeathStranding.exe+25975F4: 48 8B CB - mov rcx,rbx
DeathStranding.exe+25975F7: FF 15 D3 40 1B 01 - call qword ptr [DeathStranding.exe+374B6D0]
DeathStranding.exe+25975FD: 48 8B 5C 24 30 - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
DeathStranding.exe+2597602: 48 8B 74 24 38 - mov rsi,[rsp+38]
DeathStranding.exe+2597607: 48 83 C4 20 - add rsp,20
DeathStranding.exe+259760B: 5F - pop rdi