[REQUEST] Coromon

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[REQUEST] Coromon

Post by rudm09 »

Game Name: Coromon
Game Engine: Solar2D
Game Version: Release 1.0
Options Required: Infinite money,100% encounter coromon potent, infinite items,infinite skill points,coromon editor.
Steam Website:
Other Info: Just already putting this request here for when the game releases tomorrow,the game also has a demo that will transfer the progress to main game for anyone who wants to check the values, the only two of the options that i really want are infinite items and encounter coromon potent,(potents are the shiny of the game) and thanks for the work!

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Re: [REQUEST] Coromon

Post by Tordeus »

+1 here :D

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Re: [REQUEST] Coromon

Post by rudm09 »

The game has released i hope that someone will make a table soon!

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Re: [REQUEST] Coromon

Post by BlackMonster »

Would like to request some cheats :

- Damage Multiply x2 x3 etc
- 100% crit
- Exp multiply x2 x3 etc
- Gold multiply x2 x3 etc
- 100% catch Coromons
- Always "Perfect" Coromons catch (max IV/EV+Shiny in pokemon terms)


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Re: [REQUEST] Coromon

Post by capeleto »

I'm happy just with 100% Catch Rate, and 100% Spawn Chance for Perfect Coromon.
The rest for me is bonus.
Thanks in advance!

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Re: [REQUEST] Coromon

Post by Klangfarben »

Table, table, table....... "like a junkie on withdrawal" :)

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Re: [REQUEST] Coromon

Post by Erik The Born »

Going to request noclip or walk through wall cheat.

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Re: [REQUEST] Coromon

Post by TeddyRiggs »


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Re: [REQUEST] Coromon

Post by yanhu0335 »

+1,especially mod the coromon potent

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Re: [REQUEST] Coromon

Post by cfemen »

I wrote a (quick n dirty) Lua hook with Cheat Engine and a Logger Console with C++:


I found the Developer Flags, I flipped the "noClipMode" to true and it works,I walked inside the bed :lol: and can also get out of bounds (the game will eventually crash if you too far outside)

btw you can see all the possible dev-flags in my debug console

If I have time (and if I like the game ) I might write a stable hook and will gather all useful functions / flags and so on :)
Edit : table is here : viewtopic.php?p=243942#p243942
There is still stuff that I could do (e.g monster stat editor I've added that in a debug table) but Im done and won't do any more scripts :)

all the functions / tables in the game that can be called, there might be more coz multiple Lua States:

Code: Select all

CoromonServer   table: 12506E20
electrifiedStatus       table: 166148E8
OnlineProfileData       table: 12637220
blockStatusStatus       table: 16611F08
ObtainableGiftItems     table: 188B6938
UIGridViewBuilder       table: 18506400
monsterOnlineAvatarConfigList   table: 12C53220
outerTopBarMilestoneButtonBuilder       table: 187575F8
worldSnow       table: 15ED23F0
playerOnlineStyle       table: 18F893F8
tonumber        function: 084212D0
inElasticCustom function: 084503F8
OnlineBattleData        table: 125038D8
monsterFamilyDataList   table: 18B98240
combinedNavigationBuilder       table: 08E25E68
outQuart        function: 086354E0
worldDungeon    table: 15ED2D50
inOutExpo       function: 08635700
pauseMenuScreen table: 175A7478
outElasticCustom        function: 0844FFA8
cronHelper      table: 08DE8308
tier3AI table: 18B9FF90
UIContainerBuilder      table: 18515978
innerTopBarTitle        table: 18754BF0
debugMapSelectScreen    table: 123A4100
escapeMove      table: 1660B6F8
knockdownStatus table: 166140C8
feelersStatus   table: 166146E0
outBackCustom   function: 08635580
OnlineWinBattleTaunt    table: 12685430
localiseKey     function: 090C0F10
freezeConditionStatus   table: 16610DD8
sortOrders      table: 166167D8
wrapFunctions   function: 063780D8
device  table: 08DCFF98
OnlineBattleRules       table: 12637A40
gifHelper       table: 08DE7610
spriteAnimation table: 08E26DE0
worldTransitions        table: 188B4660
collectgarbage  function: 08428738
RandomizeEncounterZonesMode     table: 127085D8
outQuint        function: 08635740
HttpResponseCodes       table: 08DD0FD8
milliseconds    table: 08DD1438
inOutBack       function: 086357C0
berserkStatus   table: 16612750
staticHazeWeatherEffect table: 1660F8E8
math    table: 085E0988
TypeEffectivenessMode   table: 12680AC0
outInSine       function: 08635540
SaveslotFacade  table: 126FE010
titleScreen     table: 1850B950
graphics        table: 091C9928
zoneParticipant table: 18D3BC10
traitList       table: 18A39D90
localiseArray   function: 090D87F0
worldOverlay    table: 15ED0A50
trainerHubUtility       table: 15EDB248
staticFurStatus table: 166123B8
gcinfo  function: 08421070
spriteEvent     table: 08E27060
MTE     table: 187B2388
typeUtility     table: 1272FB38
playerPerks     table: 18F8DC00
system  table: 085E14A0
OnlineAvatar    table: 18514348
restMove        table: 1660AD98
shareHelper     table: 125067E0
toboolean       function: 06378118
dialog  table: 16615C98
outInBounce     function: 08635A40
innerTopBarMonstersSeenCounter  table: 18755208
outCubic        function: 08635760
questList       table: 1905F710
_patch  function: 1252C990
keyboardOverlayBuilder  table: 18511F80
nextFrameFunction       function: 08633360
monsterUsableItemMove   table: 1660B568
burnConditionStatus     table: 1660FD48
catchableMonsterParticipant     table: 18D3C7C8
sleepConditionStatus    table: 16611058
worldThunder    table: 15ED1E50
monsterBattleConfigList table: 09005CE0
emptyParams     function: 126D7668
monsterSummaryScreen    table: 175A3B70
accelerate      function: 08635080
groupHelper     table: 08DE6300
blazingCoalsEntryHazard table: 1660D458
xpcall  function: 08421110
_VERSION        Lua 5.1
fillBarBuilder  table: 08E24748
KeyboardKey     table: 18514AC8
tier4AI table: 18B9FFE0
ObtainableQuestRewardItems      table: 188B6FF0
characterConfigList     table: 18E2D6D0
next    function: 08421170
iceSpikesEntryHazard    table: 1660D7C8
twilightWeatherEffect   table: 1660F168
nextFrame       function: 08633080
gridHelper      table: 08DE8740
worldThunderFlash       table: 15ED20A8
utf8    table: 08DD0BA0
UIScrollBarBuilder      table: 18516788
abc     function: 090B8680
monsterDatabaseScreen   table: 175A2860
audio   table: 08661598
sleepCondition  table: 166108B0
select  function: 08421270
TrainerMonsterList      table: 187B1550
innerTopBarBattleToken  table: 187544E8
statBoostStatus table: 166136C8
magnet  table: 08DD1870
execute function: 063781F8
tostring        function: 08421450
OnlineMenuScreen        table: 175A4200
curseCondition  table: 1660FFC8
UISaveBarBuilder        table: 187517C0
textHelper      table: 08DE5E00
worldMapDataUtility     table: 1267E720
outQuad function: 086356A0
RandomizeEvolutionsMode table: 127076B0
assert  function: 08420F50
CatchingRule    table: 12705B30
SilenceableMessagePopup table: 18513F10
harborUtility   table: 123976A8
monsterBorderSpriteList table: 18D31DF0
outerTopBarMonsterFilterButtonBuilder   table: 18757D50
OnlineMatchmakingScreen table: 175A6B40
load    function: 08421470
OnlineAuthenticationServer      table: 126FC2B0
playerStats     table: 18F8B428
vararg  table: 08DD0678
Class   table: 08DD17F8
volcanoCaveUtility      table: 1239F768
__dep_require   table: 12509300
monsterGlowSpriteList   table: 18C8B938
network table: 08428CB0
paramHelper     table: 08DE87E0
loadstring      function: 084211F0
horizontalNavigationBuilder     table: 08E266B0
parentNavigationBuilder table: 08E26160
snapshotHelper  table: 08DE6F30
fiveFrameImageBuilder   table: 08E24D10
lpeg    table: 08E227B8
table   table: 085DDE88
battleDialog    table: 18B9E348
outInQuad       function: 086353C0
AjaxLoaderOverlay       table: 18513808
ipairs  function: 0638C188
RandomizeSkillsMode     table: 127066C0
outInElasticCustom      function: 08635420
saveslotDataHelper      table: 126FD020
outInQuint      function: 08635500
RandomizeQuestMonstersMode      table: 12707C78
rainWeatherEffect       table: 1660DB38
iapList table: 186563B0
continuousLoop  function: 08635880
seconds table: 08DD1208
destinyBondStatus       table: 16614E10
freezeCondition table: 16610DB0
_extend function: 16BA09F8
inputHelper     table: 08E0A460
MonsterStorageScreenSortMode    table: 12680F70
handCursorBuilder       table: 18752D28
crash   function: 063782D8
loadfile        function: 084213D0
outBounce       function: 08635A20
overclockerStatus       table: 16613358
OnlineMatchmakingSocket table: 126FAED8
poisonCondition table: 166114E0
characterConfigUtility  table: 127363E8
playerMonsters  table: 1875BF90
navigations     table: 08E27448
inOutQuart      function: 08635520
imageHelper     table: 08DE6490
trainerEncounterOverlayBuilder  table: 18F902C0
afterSkillMoveMiss      table: 17351420
playerStateHelper       table: 18F8F7D0
outInBackCustom function: 08635560
_G      table: 085DD348
UICheckboxBuilder       table: 18515018
BattleEnvironmentPreview        table: 18514578
Battle  table: 18F91378
traitUtility    table: 1268C168
monsterShadowConfigList table: 08FB8700
OnlineSaveslotServer    table: 126FC198
tier2AI table: 18B9FA18
monsterStorageScreen    table: 175A31C0
monsterDataList table: 18A8BDC0
UIContainerStyle        table: 12686268
worldBackground table: 15ED2878
stayingFrostyStatus     table: 16612DB8
outInBack       function: 086359E0
unpack  function: 084210D0
inBackCustom    function: 086355E0
innerTopBarGold table: 18752F80
inOutElasticCustom      function: 0844FE58
worldMapScreen  table: 175A82B0
CoromonWebsocket        table: 12507730
OnlineAuthenticationProvider    table: 126834A0
getmetatable    function: 084211D0
burnCondition   table: 1660F4B0
outInCubic      function: 086354C0
rawset  function: 084212F0
openssl table: 090B3E48
spawnableHelper table: 16616378
appleTVHelper   table: 12505598
itemScreen      table: 123A4C40
outerTopBarDebugButtonBuilder   table: 18756D88
threeFrameImageBuilder  table: 08E24A68
onlineOpponentTrainerParticipant        table: 1660A690
lib     table: 12507A78
forcedParentNavigationBuilder   table: 08E26660
SaveslotClusterPopup    table: 18513268
rawget  function: 08421410
pauseMenuScreenBuilder  table: 18511148
dofile  function: 08420F90
sparkWallStatus table: 1660CD50
inBounce        function: 08635920
finalGiftStatus table: 16614BE0
battleHelper    table: 18B9D650
os      table: 085E0898
gauntletModuleUtility   table: 1268C2F8
rechargingStatus        table: 16613D80
debug   table: 085E0B68
UITableViewBuilder      table: 1874F1C8
OnlineStyleScreen       table: 175A5650
fontInfoList    table: 12B0A020
difficultyUtility       table: 126359E8
display table: 08B21E50
localise        function: 090D86D0
monsterDataUtility      table: 1268C820
UIScrollBarBackgroundBuilder    table: 18516850
achievementHelper       table: 12505A20
debugSettings   table: 08E77D98
playerOnlineCasualCustomPreferences     table: 1874CD60
gridMoveDataUtility     table: 12510BC8
localiseDialogAnswers   function: 090D8810
skillMoveUtility        table: 1267DE10
percentages     function: 086350A0
rateAppHelper   table: 12506358
twoFrameImageBuilder    table: 08E24DB0
iapHelper       table: 125059F8
monsterUtility  table: 1268D180
outerTopBarSeasonRewardsButtonBuilder   table: 18759718
afterSkillMoveEffectiveAttack   table: 173512E0
UISeparatorBuilder      table: 18750230
QuestMonsterList        table: 187B0B00
print   function: 08423150
parabola        function: 086353E0
monsterOutlineSpriteList        table: 18D35DB0
statBoostUtility        table: 1272FEA8
offlineOpponentTrainerParticipant       table: 16609EE8
EncounterZoneList       table: 18A347A0
monsterMaskDimensionList        table: 18C86B90
OnlineTier      table: 12681EC0
unrequire       function: 06378278
orderedPairs    function: 063782F8
Window  table: 08DD0768
titanEncounterOverlayBuilder    table: 18F8FC30
inBack  function: 08635780
hazyCondition   table: 16610748
battlePriorities        table: 18F90B58
lfs     table: 08E0B798
heatwaveWeatherEffect   table: 1660F050
swapTraitStatus table: 16614758
encryptionHelper        table: 08E280C8
worldSaveBlocker        table: 15ED2760
_network_pathForFile    function: 084264B0
inQuart function: 08635480
iceTownUtility  table: 123A1658
maskHelper      table: 08DD2568
deviceSettings  table: 08E5ADA8
logbookScreen   table: 12395740
inOutBackCustom function: 08635400
gameSettings    table: 090C7AD8
getfenv function: 08421150
monsterShadowSpriteList table: 18C82AE0
statUtility     table: 12507BE0
io      table: 085DDF28
RandomizableObtainableItemList  table: 188B5B28
bn      table: 090B5648
skillDataList   table: 18D3A158
xml     table: 090B77A8
json    table: 08E08840
__dep_corona    table: 125093C8
inQuint function: 08635660
outInQuart      function: 086356E0
darkMagicWeatherEffect  table: 1660F2A8
try     function: 1252C2F0
focusArrowBuilder       table: 18751EC8
robbedStatus    table: 1660C508
trappedStatus   table: 16612520
saveslotDataVersionHelper       table: 126FDC28
InputDeviceRegistry     table: 08DD0420
package table: 085DDCF8
UIScrollIndicatorBuilder        table: 18516AA8
UIFillBarBackgroundBuilder      table: 185163C8
require function: 12502650
directionHelper table: 08DE95C8
monsterSpriteList       table: 18BA2718
localiseComplex function: 090D8830
repeatSkillStatus       table: 16612638
_       -6
rawequal        function: 08421090
timer   table: 08EAFDA0
newproxy        function: 0638C368
iceSkillUtility table: 1660A438
pwarn   function: 1250C690
desertRouteUtility      table: 1239B708
forceRemoveStatus       table: 166142F8
fillEffectHelper        table: 08DE72A0
afterPartialSkillMoveCriticalHit        table: 17351A30
AI      table: 17348AB8
analyticsHelper table: 17318478
playerSettings  table: 18F8A5F0
inputNavigationBuilder  table: 08E25E90
OnlineWinnerScreen      table: 18B9CA48
cloneArray      function: 08425B30
OnlineSelectSquadScreen table: 175A5B50
blockTraitStatus        table: 16611C88
snowWeatherEffect       table: 1660EC18
milestoneScreen table: 175A2090
debugSkillButtonConfigScreen    table: 123A4510
debugQuestStateScreen   table: 123A4150
debugBurnConditionConfigScreen  table: 123A3DE0
electricSkillMoveUtility        table: 1660A7D0
inOutBounce     function: 08635A00
CustomDifficultyScreen  table: 123A39D0
createCharacterScreen   table: 123A3278
setfenv function: 08421430
OnlineSquad     table: 12512DD8
coronabaselib   table: 085E0FF0
monsterHitboxConfigList table: 1280C0D0
fileHelper      table: 08E0AE10
iceRouteUtility table: 1239DB48
inCubic function: 08635440
catch   function: 1252C430
pyramidAreaUtility      table: 1239B820
outBack function: 086357A0
worldHelper     table: 15ED0488
Type    table: 12709438
pairs   function: 0638C1B8
textureCacheHelper      table: 08DD2478
desertTownUtility       table: 1239A5B0
easing  table: 08428760
BattleEnvironmentPreviewOffsetList      table: 187B1898
RandomizeTrainerMonstersMode    table: 12709230
array   table: 08E76420
offlinePlayerTrainerParticipant table: 18D3DC90
innerTopBarMonstersStoredCounter        table: 18755AA0
outExpo function: 08635600
mescherRealmUtility     table: 12399778
worldRain       table: 15ED2198
croppedDisplayObjectBuilder     table: 08E23E10
BattleMusic     table: 126FE5B0
rectHelper      table: 08DD2C20
coroutine       table: 085DDC58
inCirc  function: 08DD0010
expressionBuilder       table: 15ECD008
amishTownUtility        table: 12396320
cutsceneUtility table: 12732BD0
gridNavigationBuilder   table: 08E25AA8
innerTopBarMonstersOwnedCounter table: 187556E0
outerTopBarQuitButtonBuilder    table: 18756428
darkCoatStatus  table: 16612DE0
sleepable       table: 08DD2158
ghostTownUtility        table: 15EDB8D8
hazyConditionStatus     table: 16610798
newClass        function: 1263C350
string  table: 085E0870
outStr  function: 1252CA70
swampUtility    table: 15EDBAB8
luxSolisTownUtility     table: 15EDB338
minutes table: 08DD1168
navigationBuilder       table: 08E256E8
switchMonsterMove       table: 1660C030
worldSounds     table: 15ED29E0
slideViewOverlayBuilder table: 12506A38
itemUtility     table: 1268C370
cutsceneHelper  table: 166157C0
characterList   table: 19064648
soundDurationList       table: 09005C68
chargingStatus  table: 16613B28
urlHelper       table: 12634E30
battleAI        table: 18B9D808
serverSettings  table: 090D7FC0
playerOnlineSquads      table: 1874C6D0
itemList        table: 186567C0
worldMescherRealmLightSoulFlasks        table: 15ED1FB8
saveslotDataUtility     table: 126FCAD0
vibrateHelper   table: 125062B8
OnlineSelectMonsterOrderScreen  table: 175A4AC0
tiledLayers     table: 16614D98
ObtainableHiddenItems   table: 189CB508
UIFadeBuilder   table: 18750370
pieChartBuilder table: 08E24838
onlinePlayerTrainerParticipant  table: 16609650
timeHelper      table: 08DE73B8
usableItemMove  table: 1660B1F8
worldBattleEffect       table: 15ED2FF8
LocalisableEnum table: 126FE2E0
ObtainableItemChestItems        table: 1850AAC8
outerTopBarRandomButtonBuilder  table: 187572D8
OnlineRankingServer     table: 126FBDD8
outCirc function: 08DCFC00
worldDungeonDrips       table: 15ED2E90
SaveslotPreferences     table: 126FDFC0
verticalNavigationBuilder       table: 08E25F30
frigidBarrierStatus     table: 16611DA0
type    function: 08421290
lua     table: 090B7C08
worldInterface  table: 15ECDE40
focusBuilder    table: 08E25238
finally function: 1252C490
inOutSine       function: 08DCFED0
AjaxLoader      table: 18514140
Runtime table: 091CA850
worldDesertShadow       table: 15ED2A08
linear  function: 086355A0
monsterParticipant      table: 18D3C930
outerTopBarMonsterSortButtonBuilder     table: 18758660
pauseMenu       table: 1850DA20
titanParticipant        table: 18BA0530
electricTownUtility     table: 123975E0
worldLocationUtility    table: 12508D10
monsterPortraitConfigList       table: 12157C78
spriteHelper    table: 08DE69B8
OnlineIdentityProvider  table: 12682BE0
steamHelper     table: 126369B0
playerCurrency  table: 18759CE0
pcall   function: 084210B0
ObtainableDrillShovelItems      table: 188B0588
sandstormWeatherEffect  table: 1660F848
transition      table: 08EB12B8
eventManager    table: 08DCFF48
worldDesertRouteHeatMeter       table: 15ED1A68
colors  table: 08E276F0
LocalisableEnumWithDescription  table: 126FE560
recallBlockerWorldEffect        table: 15ECD8C8
fireSkillUtility        table: 1660A960
skipMove        table: 1660BA90
inOutCubic      function: 08635460
blockSkillStatus        table: 16612B10
module  function: 08421990
worldDarkness   table: 15ED11D0
abstractInventoryBuilder        table: 188B5768
spinnerSwapWorldEffect  table: 15ECDB70
fillHelper      table: 08DD2B58
traitRerollWorldEffect  table: 15ECD3F0
plugin_luasec_ssl       table: 090B5328
pnotice function: 1250C668
functionHelper  table: 08DE93E8
spriteList      table: 1905EFE0
Enum    table: 126FE178
playerWorldData table: 18F8EDF8
keys    table: 08E26700
inOutQuad       function: 08635640
debugHelper     table: 08DD2040
lastStandStatus table: 16613470
skillPowerBoostStatus   table: 16613448
potentialStatSoftResetWorldEffect       table: 15ECD5A8
worldLocationList       table: 187AEB48
tier1AI table: 18B9F770
outInCirc       function: 08635720
RandomizeStartersMode   table: 12706EB8
firedUpStatus   table: 16614578
monsterBurnConditionConfigList  table: 12AA9C70
touches table: 08E26868
playerGauntlet  table: 18F8B7C0
native  table: 091C94A0
potentialRerollWorldEffect      table: 15ECD5F8
monsterShadowOffsetList table: 121B60D8
nineFrameImageBuilder   table: 08E24F90
pack    function: 06378138
BattleEnvironment       table: 126FF118
reflectDamageStatus     table: 166124A8
emojiBuilder    table: 16617020
delayedPoisonStatus     table: 16613650
bleedingStatus  table: 16613D58
errStr  function: 1252CA10
AfterCatchMonsterSummaryMode    table: 126818F8
localiseWrapper function: 090D88B0
al      table: 085DFB10
SpawnLocation   table: 16614C80
OnlineAuthentication    table: 126FB130
skillMove       table: 1660C1E8
rockWallStatus  table: 1660CE68
inOutCirc       function: 08635620
orderedPairsWithIndex   function: 06378358
requireOnce     function: 06378158
kindredSoulStatus       table: 166139E8
caltropsEntryHazard     table: 1660D8E0
bit     table: 1250FCF0
sheetHelper     table: 08DE6C38
catchableTrainerMonsterParticipant      table: 18D3CCA0
characterPartList       table: 19065DE0
outInExpo       function: 08635680
negate  function: 063783F8
orderedPairsNext        function: 06378178
iceWallStatus   table: 1660C878
soundList       true
copyTraitStatus table: 16613F60
OnlineBattleSocket      table: 126FA5C8
sumoStanceStatus        table: 16611E18
blockHealStatus table: 166119E0
displayGroups   table: 1245BAC0
playerQuests    table: 18F8DF48
settingsScreen  table: 175A7DB0
premonitionStatus       table: 16613F10
specialEventHelper      table: 08DE5CE8
worldBattleEnvironment  table: 15ED32F0
battleEffectUtility     table: 12737B30
languageHelper  table: 090D7E30
chargeMove      table: 1660AF78
playerInventory table: 1875A190
OnlineProfileServer     table: 126FBAB8
milestoneList   table: 18A89D18
AfterCatchMonsterNicknameMode   table: 12681920
superKnockdownStatus    table: 16612FC0
inQuad  function: 086354A0
shockConditionStatus    table: 16610950
inExpo  function: 086355C0
steps   function: 08635000
inSine  function: 08DCFE80
blockNegativeStatBoostStatus    table: 16611828
poisonConditionStatus   table: 166115D0
monsterPotentialUtility table: 1272FC78
crypto  table: 090B7A50
rechargeMove    table: 1660B108
AIScoreHelper   table: 1660A578
shockCondition  table: 16610AB8
curseConditionStatus    table: 166107C0
pairsWithIndex  function: 06378238
Monster table: 1268A2F0
systemHelper    table: 08DD2770
inOutQuint      function: 086356C0
setmetatable    function: 08421250
forfeitMove     table: 1660B770
UIBottomBar     table: 18514E88
ObtainableItem  table: 188B5E70
outSine function: 08DD0060
localiseDialogAnswersWrapper    function: 090D88D0
soundHelper     table: 08DE7980
OnlineRankingData       table: 12637A18
metatable       table: 0867DAB8
targetingUtility        table: 12734F20
app     table: 08E77258
error   function: 08421030
EOSHelper       table: 126364B0
Last edited by cfemen on Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Erik The Born
Posts: 13
Joined: Sat Feb 09, 2019 10:14 am
Reputation: 0

Re: [REQUEST] Coromon

Post by Erik The Born »

cfemen wrote:
Fri Apr 01, 2022 4:16 pm
I wrote a (quick n dirty) Lua hook with Cheat Engine and a Logger Console with C++:


I found the Developer Flags, I flipped the "noClipMode" to true and it works,I walked inside the bed :lol: and can also get out of bounds (the game will eventually crash if you too far outside)

btw you can see all the possible dev-flags in my debug console

If I have time I might write a stable hook and will gather all useful functions / flags and so on :)

all the functions / tables in the game that can be called, there might be more coz multiple Lua States:

Code: Select all

CoromonServer   table: 12506E20
electrifiedStatus       table: 166148E8
OnlineProfileData       table: 12637220
blockStatusStatus       table: 16611F08
ObtainableGiftItems     table: 188B6938
UIGridViewBuilder       table: 18506400
monsterOnlineAvatarConfigList   table: 12C53220
outerTopBarMilestoneButtonBuilder       table: 187575F8
worldSnow       table: 15ED23F0
playerOnlineStyle       table: 18F893F8
tonumber        function: 084212D0
inElasticCustom function: 084503F8
OnlineBattleData        table: 125038D8
monsterFamilyDataList   table: 18B98240
combinedNavigationBuilder       table: 08E25E68
outQuart        function: 086354E0
worldDungeon    table: 15ED2D50
inOutExpo       function: 08635700
pauseMenuScreen table: 175A7478
outElasticCustom        function: 0844FFA8
cronHelper      table: 08DE8308
tier3AI table: 18B9FF90
UIContainerBuilder      table: 18515978
innerTopBarTitle        table: 18754BF0
debugMapSelectScreen    table: 123A4100
escapeMove      table: 1660B6F8
knockdownStatus table: 166140C8
feelersStatus   table: 166146E0
outBackCustom   function: 08635580
OnlineWinBattleTaunt    table: 12685430
localiseKey     function: 090C0F10
freezeConditionStatus   table: 16610DD8
sortOrders      table: 166167D8
wrapFunctions   function: 063780D8
device  table: 08DCFF98
OnlineBattleRules       table: 12637A40
gifHelper       table: 08DE7610
spriteAnimation table: 08E26DE0
worldTransitions        table: 188B4660
collectgarbage  function: 08428738
RandomizeEncounterZonesMode     table: 127085D8
outQuint        function: 08635740
HttpResponseCodes       table: 08DD0FD8
milliseconds    table: 08DD1438
inOutBack       function: 086357C0
berserkStatus   table: 16612750
staticHazeWeatherEffect table: 1660F8E8
math    table: 085E0988
TypeEffectivenessMode   table: 12680AC0
outInSine       function: 08635540
SaveslotFacade  table: 126FE010
titleScreen     table: 1850B950
graphics        table: 091C9928
zoneParticipant table: 18D3BC10
traitList       table: 18A39D90
localiseArray   function: 090D87F0
worldOverlay    table: 15ED0A50
trainerHubUtility       table: 15EDB248
staticFurStatus table: 166123B8
gcinfo  function: 08421070
spriteEvent     table: 08E27060
MTE     table: 187B2388
typeUtility     table: 1272FB38
playerPerks     table: 18F8DC00
system  table: 085E14A0
OnlineAvatar    table: 18514348
restMove        table: 1660AD98
shareHelper     table: 125067E0
toboolean       function: 06378118
dialog  table: 16615C98
outInBounce     function: 08635A40
innerTopBarMonstersSeenCounter  table: 18755208
outCubic        function: 08635760
questList       table: 1905F710
_patch  function: 1252C990
keyboardOverlayBuilder  table: 18511F80
nextFrameFunction       function: 08633360
monsterUsableItemMove   table: 1660B568
burnConditionStatus     table: 1660FD48
catchableMonsterParticipant     table: 18D3C7C8
sleepConditionStatus    table: 16611058
worldThunder    table: 15ED1E50
monsterBattleConfigList table: 09005CE0
emptyParams     function: 126D7668
monsterSummaryScreen    table: 175A3B70
accelerate      function: 08635080
groupHelper     table: 08DE6300
blazingCoalsEntryHazard table: 1660D458
xpcall  function: 08421110
_VERSION        Lua 5.1
fillBarBuilder  table: 08E24748
KeyboardKey     table: 18514AC8
tier4AI table: 18B9FFE0
ObtainableQuestRewardItems      table: 188B6FF0
characterConfigList     table: 18E2D6D0
next    function: 08421170
iceSpikesEntryHazard    table: 1660D7C8
twilightWeatherEffect   table: 1660F168
nextFrame       function: 08633080
gridHelper      table: 08DE8740
worldThunderFlash       table: 15ED20A8
utf8    table: 08DD0BA0
UIScrollBarBuilder      table: 18516788
abc     function: 090B8680
monsterDatabaseScreen   table: 175A2860
audio   table: 08661598
sleepCondition  table: 166108B0
select  function: 08421270
TrainerMonsterList      table: 187B1550
innerTopBarBattleToken  table: 187544E8
statBoostStatus table: 166136C8
magnet  table: 08DD1870
execute function: 063781F8
tostring        function: 08421450
OnlineMenuScreen        table: 175A4200
curseCondition  table: 1660FFC8
UISaveBarBuilder        table: 187517C0
textHelper      table: 08DE5E00
worldMapDataUtility     table: 1267E720
outQuad function: 086356A0
RandomizeEvolutionsMode table: 127076B0
assert  function: 08420F50
CatchingRule    table: 12705B30
SilenceableMessagePopup table: 18513F10
harborUtility   table: 123976A8
monsterBorderSpriteList table: 18D31DF0
outerTopBarMonsterFilterButtonBuilder   table: 18757D50
OnlineMatchmakingScreen table: 175A6B40
load    function: 08421470
OnlineAuthenticationServer      table: 126FC2B0
playerStats     table: 18F8B428
vararg  table: 08DD0678
Class   table: 08DD17F8
volcanoCaveUtility      table: 1239F768
__dep_require   table: 12509300
monsterGlowSpriteList   table: 18C8B938
network table: 08428CB0
paramHelper     table: 08DE87E0
loadstring      function: 084211F0
horizontalNavigationBuilder     table: 08E266B0
parentNavigationBuilder table: 08E26160
snapshotHelper  table: 08DE6F30
fiveFrameImageBuilder   table: 08E24D10
lpeg    table: 08E227B8
table   table: 085DDE88
battleDialog    table: 18B9E348
outInQuad       function: 086353C0
AjaxLoaderOverlay       table: 18513808
ipairs  function: 0638C188
RandomizeSkillsMode     table: 127066C0
outInElasticCustom      function: 08635420
saveslotDataHelper      table: 126FD020
outInQuint      function: 08635500
RandomizeQuestMonstersMode      table: 12707C78
rainWeatherEffect       table: 1660DB38
iapList table: 186563B0
continuousLoop  function: 08635880
seconds table: 08DD1208
destinyBondStatus       table: 16614E10
freezeCondition table: 16610DB0
_extend function: 16BA09F8
inputHelper     table: 08E0A460
MonsterStorageScreenSortMode    table: 12680F70
handCursorBuilder       table: 18752D28
crash   function: 063782D8
loadfile        function: 084213D0
outBounce       function: 08635A20
overclockerStatus       table: 16613358
OnlineMatchmakingSocket table: 126FAED8
poisonCondition table: 166114E0
characterConfigUtility  table: 127363E8
playerMonsters  table: 1875BF90
navigations     table: 08E27448
inOutQuart      function: 08635520
imageHelper     table: 08DE6490
trainerEncounterOverlayBuilder  table: 18F902C0
afterSkillMoveMiss      table: 17351420
playerStateHelper       table: 18F8F7D0
outInBackCustom function: 08635560
_G      table: 085DD348
UICheckboxBuilder       table: 18515018
BattleEnvironmentPreview        table: 18514578
Battle  table: 18F91378
traitUtility    table: 1268C168
monsterShadowConfigList table: 08FB8700
OnlineSaveslotServer    table: 126FC198
tier2AI table: 18B9FA18
monsterStorageScreen    table: 175A31C0
monsterDataList table: 18A8BDC0
UIContainerStyle        table: 12686268
worldBackground table: 15ED2878
stayingFrostyStatus     table: 16612DB8
outInBack       function: 086359E0
unpack  function: 084210D0
inBackCustom    function: 086355E0
innerTopBarGold table: 18752F80
inOutElasticCustom      function: 0844FE58
worldMapScreen  table: 175A82B0
CoromonWebsocket        table: 12507730
OnlineAuthenticationProvider    table: 126834A0
getmetatable    function: 084211D0
burnCondition   table: 1660F4B0
outInCubic      function: 086354C0
rawset  function: 084212F0
openssl table: 090B3E48
spawnableHelper table: 16616378
appleTVHelper   table: 12505598
itemScreen      table: 123A4C40
outerTopBarDebugButtonBuilder   table: 18756D88
threeFrameImageBuilder  table: 08E24A68
onlineOpponentTrainerParticipant        table: 1660A690
lib     table: 12507A78
forcedParentNavigationBuilder   table: 08E26660
SaveslotClusterPopup    table: 18513268
rawget  function: 08421410
pauseMenuScreenBuilder  table: 18511148
dofile  function: 08420F90
sparkWallStatus table: 1660CD50
inBounce        function: 08635920
finalGiftStatus table: 16614BE0
battleHelper    table: 18B9D650
os      table: 085E0898
gauntletModuleUtility   table: 1268C2F8
rechargingStatus        table: 16613D80
debug   table: 085E0B68
UITableViewBuilder      table: 1874F1C8
OnlineStyleScreen       table: 175A5650
fontInfoList    table: 12B0A020
difficultyUtility       table: 126359E8
display table: 08B21E50
localise        function: 090D86D0
monsterDataUtility      table: 1268C820
UIScrollBarBackgroundBuilder    table: 18516850
achievementHelper       table: 12505A20
debugSettings   table: 08E77D98
playerOnlineCasualCustomPreferences     table: 1874CD60
gridMoveDataUtility     table: 12510BC8
localiseDialogAnswers   function: 090D8810
skillMoveUtility        table: 1267DE10
percentages     function: 086350A0
rateAppHelper   table: 12506358
twoFrameImageBuilder    table: 08E24DB0
iapHelper       table: 125059F8
monsterUtility  table: 1268D180
outerTopBarSeasonRewardsButtonBuilder   table: 18759718
afterSkillMoveEffectiveAttack   table: 173512E0
UISeparatorBuilder      table: 18750230
QuestMonsterList        table: 187B0B00
print   function: 08423150
parabola        function: 086353E0
monsterOutlineSpriteList        table: 18D35DB0
statBoostUtility        table: 1272FEA8
offlineOpponentTrainerParticipant       table: 16609EE8
EncounterZoneList       table: 18A347A0
monsterMaskDimensionList        table: 18C86B90
OnlineTier      table: 12681EC0
unrequire       function: 06378278
orderedPairs    function: 063782F8
Window  table: 08DD0768
titanEncounterOverlayBuilder    table: 18F8FC30
inBack  function: 08635780
hazyCondition   table: 16610748
battlePriorities        table: 18F90B58
lfs     table: 08E0B798
heatwaveWeatherEffect   table: 1660F050
swapTraitStatus table: 16614758
encryptionHelper        table: 08E280C8
worldSaveBlocker        table: 15ED2760
_network_pathForFile    function: 084264B0
inQuart function: 08635480
iceTownUtility  table: 123A1658
maskHelper      table: 08DD2568
deviceSettings  table: 08E5ADA8
logbookScreen   table: 12395740
inOutBackCustom function: 08635400
gameSettings    table: 090C7AD8
getfenv function: 08421150
monsterShadowSpriteList table: 18C82AE0
statUtility     table: 12507BE0
io      table: 085DDF28
RandomizableObtainableItemList  table: 188B5B28
bn      table: 090B5648
skillDataList   table: 18D3A158
xml     table: 090B77A8
json    table: 08E08840
__dep_corona    table: 125093C8
inQuint function: 08635660
outInQuart      function: 086356E0
darkMagicWeatherEffect  table: 1660F2A8
try     function: 1252C2F0
focusArrowBuilder       table: 18751EC8
robbedStatus    table: 1660C508
trappedStatus   table: 16612520
saveslotDataVersionHelper       table: 126FDC28
InputDeviceRegistry     table: 08DD0420
package table: 085DDCF8
UIScrollIndicatorBuilder        table: 18516AA8
UIFillBarBackgroundBuilder      table: 185163C8
require function: 12502650
directionHelper table: 08DE95C8
monsterSpriteList       table: 18BA2718
localiseComplex function: 090D8830
repeatSkillStatus       table: 16612638
_       -6
rawequal        function: 08421090
timer   table: 08EAFDA0
newproxy        function: 0638C368
iceSkillUtility table: 1660A438
pwarn   function: 1250C690
desertRouteUtility      table: 1239B708
forceRemoveStatus       table: 166142F8
fillEffectHelper        table: 08DE72A0
afterPartialSkillMoveCriticalHit        table: 17351A30
AI      table: 17348AB8
analyticsHelper table: 17318478
playerSettings  table: 18F8A5F0
inputNavigationBuilder  table: 08E25E90
OnlineWinnerScreen      table: 18B9CA48
cloneArray      function: 08425B30
OnlineSelectSquadScreen table: 175A5B50
blockTraitStatus        table: 16611C88
snowWeatherEffect       table: 1660EC18
milestoneScreen table: 175A2090
debugSkillButtonConfigScreen    table: 123A4510
debugQuestStateScreen   table: 123A4150
debugBurnConditionConfigScreen  table: 123A3DE0
electricSkillMoveUtility        table: 1660A7D0
inOutBounce     function: 08635A00
CustomDifficultyScreen  table: 123A39D0
createCharacterScreen   table: 123A3278
setfenv function: 08421430
OnlineSquad     table: 12512DD8
coronabaselib   table: 085E0FF0
monsterHitboxConfigList table: 1280C0D0
fileHelper      table: 08E0AE10
iceRouteUtility table: 1239DB48
inCubic function: 08635440
catch   function: 1252C430
pyramidAreaUtility      table: 1239B820
outBack function: 086357A0
worldHelper     table: 15ED0488
Type    table: 12709438
pairs   function: 0638C1B8
textureCacheHelper      table: 08DD2478
desertTownUtility       table: 1239A5B0
easing  table: 08428760
BattleEnvironmentPreviewOffsetList      table: 187B1898
RandomizeTrainerMonstersMode    table: 12709230
array   table: 08E76420
offlinePlayerTrainerParticipant table: 18D3DC90
innerTopBarMonstersStoredCounter        table: 18755AA0
outExpo function: 08635600
mescherRealmUtility     table: 12399778
worldRain       table: 15ED2198
croppedDisplayObjectBuilder     table: 08E23E10
BattleMusic     table: 126FE5B0
rectHelper      table: 08DD2C20
coroutine       table: 085DDC58
inCirc  function: 08DD0010
expressionBuilder       table: 15ECD008
amishTownUtility        table: 12396320
cutsceneUtility table: 12732BD0
gridNavigationBuilder   table: 08E25AA8
innerTopBarMonstersOwnedCounter table: 187556E0
outerTopBarQuitButtonBuilder    table: 18756428
darkCoatStatus  table: 16612DE0
sleepable       table: 08DD2158
ghostTownUtility        table: 15EDB8D8
hazyConditionStatus     table: 16610798
newClass        function: 1263C350
string  table: 085E0870
outStr  function: 1252CA70
swampUtility    table: 15EDBAB8
luxSolisTownUtility     table: 15EDB338
minutes table: 08DD1168
navigationBuilder       table: 08E256E8
switchMonsterMove       table: 1660C030
worldSounds     table: 15ED29E0
slideViewOverlayBuilder table: 12506A38
itemUtility     table: 1268C370
cutsceneHelper  table: 166157C0
characterList   table: 19064648
soundDurationList       table: 09005C68
chargingStatus  table: 16613B28
urlHelper       table: 12634E30
battleAI        table: 18B9D808
serverSettings  table: 090D7FC0
playerOnlineSquads      table: 1874C6D0
itemList        table: 186567C0
worldMescherRealmLightSoulFlasks        table: 15ED1FB8
saveslotDataUtility     table: 126FCAD0
vibrateHelper   table: 125062B8
OnlineSelectMonsterOrderScreen  table: 175A4AC0
tiledLayers     table: 16614D98
ObtainableHiddenItems   table: 189CB508
UIFadeBuilder   table: 18750370
pieChartBuilder table: 08E24838
onlinePlayerTrainerParticipant  table: 16609650
timeHelper      table: 08DE73B8
usableItemMove  table: 1660B1F8
worldBattleEffect       table: 15ED2FF8
LocalisableEnum table: 126FE2E0
ObtainableItemChestItems        table: 1850AAC8
outerTopBarRandomButtonBuilder  table: 187572D8
OnlineRankingServer     table: 126FBDD8
outCirc function: 08DCFC00
worldDungeonDrips       table: 15ED2E90
SaveslotPreferences     table: 126FDFC0
verticalNavigationBuilder       table: 08E25F30
frigidBarrierStatus     table: 16611DA0
type    function: 08421290
lua     table: 090B7C08
worldInterface  table: 15ECDE40
focusBuilder    table: 08E25238
finally function: 1252C490
inOutSine       function: 08DCFED0
AjaxLoader      table: 18514140
Runtime table: 091CA850
worldDesertShadow       table: 15ED2A08
linear  function: 086355A0
monsterParticipant      table: 18D3C930
outerTopBarMonsterSortButtonBuilder     table: 18758660
pauseMenu       table: 1850DA20
titanParticipant        table: 18BA0530
electricTownUtility     table: 123975E0
worldLocationUtility    table: 12508D10
monsterPortraitConfigList       table: 12157C78
spriteHelper    table: 08DE69B8
OnlineIdentityProvider  table: 12682BE0
steamHelper     table: 126369B0
playerCurrency  table: 18759CE0
pcall   function: 084210B0
ObtainableDrillShovelItems      table: 188B0588
sandstormWeatherEffect  table: 1660F848
transition      table: 08EB12B8
eventManager    table: 08DCFF48
worldDesertRouteHeatMeter       table: 15ED1A68
colors  table: 08E276F0
LocalisableEnumWithDescription  table: 126FE560
recallBlockerWorldEffect        table: 15ECD8C8
fireSkillUtility        table: 1660A960
skipMove        table: 1660BA90
inOutCubic      function: 08635460
blockSkillStatus        table: 16612B10
module  function: 08421990
worldDarkness   table: 15ED11D0
abstractInventoryBuilder        table: 188B5768
spinnerSwapWorldEffect  table: 15ECDB70
fillHelper      table: 08DD2B58
traitRerollWorldEffect  table: 15ECD3F0
plugin_luasec_ssl       table: 090B5328
pnotice function: 1250C668
functionHelper  table: 08DE93E8
spriteList      table: 1905EFE0
Enum    table: 126FE178
playerWorldData table: 18F8EDF8
keys    table: 08E26700
inOutQuad       function: 08635640
debugHelper     table: 08DD2040
lastStandStatus table: 16613470
skillPowerBoostStatus   table: 16613448
potentialStatSoftResetWorldEffect       table: 15ECD5A8
worldLocationList       table: 187AEB48
tier1AI table: 18B9F770
outInCirc       function: 08635720
RandomizeStartersMode   table: 12706EB8
firedUpStatus   table: 16614578
monsterBurnConditionConfigList  table: 12AA9C70
touches table: 08E26868
playerGauntlet  table: 18F8B7C0
native  table: 091C94A0
potentialRerollWorldEffect      table: 15ECD5F8
monsterShadowOffsetList table: 121B60D8
nineFrameImageBuilder   table: 08E24F90
pack    function: 06378138
BattleEnvironment       table: 126FF118
reflectDamageStatus     table: 166124A8
emojiBuilder    table: 16617020
delayedPoisonStatus     table: 16613650
bleedingStatus  table: 16613D58
errStr  function: 1252CA10
AfterCatchMonsterSummaryMode    table: 126818F8
localiseWrapper function: 090D88B0
al      table: 085DFB10
SpawnLocation   table: 16614C80
OnlineAuthentication    table: 126FB130
skillMove       table: 1660C1E8
rockWallStatus  table: 1660CE68
inOutCirc       function: 08635620
orderedPairsWithIndex   function: 06378358
requireOnce     function: 06378158
kindredSoulStatus       table: 166139E8
caltropsEntryHazard     table: 1660D8E0
bit     table: 1250FCF0
sheetHelper     table: 08DE6C38
catchableTrainerMonsterParticipant      table: 18D3CCA0
characterPartList       table: 19065DE0
outInExpo       function: 08635680
negate  function: 063783F8
orderedPairsNext        function: 06378178
iceWallStatus   table: 1660C878
soundList       true
copyTraitStatus table: 16613F60
OnlineBattleSocket      table: 126FA5C8
sumoStanceStatus        table: 16611E18
blockHealStatus table: 166119E0
displayGroups   table: 1245BAC0
playerQuests    table: 18F8DF48
settingsScreen  table: 175A7DB0
premonitionStatus       table: 16613F10
specialEventHelper      table: 08DE5CE8
worldBattleEnvironment  table: 15ED32F0
battleEffectUtility     table: 12737B30
languageHelper  table: 090D7E30
chargeMove      table: 1660AF78
playerInventory table: 1875A190
OnlineProfileServer     table: 126FBAB8
milestoneList   table: 18A89D18
AfterCatchMonsterNicknameMode   table: 12681920
superKnockdownStatus    table: 16612FC0
inQuad  function: 086354A0
shockConditionStatus    table: 16610950
inExpo  function: 086355C0
steps   function: 08635000
inSine  function: 08DCFE80
blockNegativeStatBoostStatus    table: 16611828
poisonConditionStatus   table: 166115D0
monsterPotentialUtility table: 1272FC78
crypto  table: 090B7A50
rechargeMove    table: 1660B108
AIScoreHelper   table: 1660A578
shockCondition  table: 16610AB8
curseConditionStatus    table: 166107C0
pairsWithIndex  function: 06378238
Monster table: 1268A2F0
systemHelper    table: 08DD2770
inOutQuint      function: 086356C0
setmetatable    function: 08421250
forfeitMove     table: 1660B770
UIBottomBar     table: 18514E88
ObtainableItem  table: 188B5E70
outSine function: 08DD0060
localiseDialogAnswersWrapper    function: 090D88D0
soundHelper     table: 08DE7980
OnlineRankingData       table: 12637A18
metatable       table: 0867DAB8
targetingUtility        table: 12734F20
app     table: 08E77258
error   function: 08421030
EOSHelper       table: 126364B0
That's sick, I would love to see a proper release from you!

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Re: [REQUEST] Coromon

Post by acucar11 »

I spent 8 hours rerolling for a fire starter that was Pot 20
When I reached Donar Island, I immediately talked to the NPC that increases Coromons' potential once, went outside the building, walked 1000 steps, went back in and saved right next to the NPC.

Then I talk to her, and she says this bullshit:


What a waste of time.

Reloading the save or the auto-save doesn't change the RNG.

This can only be done once per coromon.

It would be amazing if there was a cheat to make it possible to try to increase the potential again instead of getting the message below:


Pretty please.

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Re: [REQUEST] Coromon

Post by kalitbartman »

acucar11 wrote:
Fri Apr 01, 2022 7:43 pm
I spent 8 hours rerolling for a fire starter that was Pot 20
When I reached Donar Island, I immediately talked to the NPC that increases Coromons' potential once, went outside the building, walked 1000 steps, went back in and saved right next to the NPC.

Then I talk to her, and she says this bullshit:


What a waste of time.

Reloading the save or the auto-save doesn't change the RNG.

This can only be done once per coromon.

It would be amazing if there was a cheat to make it possible to try to increase the potential again instead of getting the message below:


Pretty please.
should learn to backup your saves

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Re: [REQUEST] Coromon

Post by acucar11 »

You mean go to Windows and backup the file every time I save?

Do people do that?

Somehow I doubt it.

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Re: [REQUEST] Coromon

Post by cfemen »

Developer Flags:
-as title says
-warning : going out of bounds can lead to a crash!

Always Catch Successfully
-as title says

Skip Trainer Battles
-as title says

Skip Wild Battles
-as title says

No Skill Energy Cost
-attacking won't consume any energy

No Damage Flag
-basically a god mode
-note : it works for player AND enemie monsters
-idk why, you need to ask the devs :|
-if you want to use it then only activate it if an enemy attacks you

My Scripts:
Heal All Player Monsters
-I made this script coz the developer god mode is not player only ...
-it sets the health to 999 for every monster that belongs to the player
-while in a fight the health will only be updated if you get damage/heal
-the health will be clamped to the max. health, UNLESS you are not in a fight, then it will be set to 999 until next fight.

Set Potential From Monster In (Slod ID) to (POTENTIAL)
-you can choose a Slot-ID and POTENTIAL value
-if you execute the script the monster in the choosen Slot does get this potential value
-valid values are 1 to 21
-useful info from : Kotodama how to update the database!

Add (XP) To Monster In (Slot ID)
-you can set a specific amount of XP that will be added to a monster in a specific slot

Add Gold +X?
-if you execute the script then the specified X? gold amount will be added

Add Battle Tokens +X?
-note : its not tested by me! I dont know for what "battle tokens" are used
-so yeah if you need battle tokens try this script :lol:

Spawn Item In Inventory
-instructions : viewtopic.php?p=243980#p243980

Fix Inventory
-in case you have a crash if you use a item, this script does fix corrupted items.


Note : I made it as stable as possible, but sometimes it can happen that cheat engines ExecuteCodeEx causes a crash, there is nothing I can do, so just keep that in mind that there is small chance sometimes of a crash!

probably its also possible to add monsters/items to the inventory, I looked for that but didn't get all the proper arguments, so I MIGHT look again based on how motivated Iam :lol: but yeah my table should provide more than enough cheat options for now :)

acucar11 wrote:
Fri Apr 01, 2022 8:06 pm
try my Potential script and set the potential to anything you want ... good luck ...


make sure cheat engine is up2date (I've used Cheat Engine 7.4 to make the table)

Edit: uploaded a additional table with Coromon Add (Stat-ID) To Monster In (Slot ID) that script is not new,I Just never released it yet, use at own risk coz the game might get bugs if the potentialStats list is huge and higher than normally possible...
Steam 1.0.20
(25.48 KiB) Downloaded 10693 times
Steam 1.0
+Coromon Stat Script (Debug)
(25.06 KiB) Downloaded 3065 times
Steam 1.0
(22.98 KiB) Downloaded 3117 times
Last edited by cfemen on Sat May 07, 2022 12:26 pm, edited 15 times in total.

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