For learning purposes to make your scripts a bit better:
You should try to ignore putting bytes representing offsets in the AoB scan and in the script. These most likely change when an update for a game comes out. Your "Dragon Balls not vanish after call Shenron" script is fine for the most part, but some minor adjustments could be made by making the jump type a jo (jump if overflow). I doubt any value will overflow at that location so you can set the byte for the jump to 70. Also the 4 bytes before the jump were a lot more unique so using those would minimize the amount of bytes to scan for.
aobscanmodule(DBs_Not_Decrease,DBXV2.exe,44 39 43 * 74)
db 70
db 74
My selection of bytes to scan for and use of wildcards was not very good back when I added stuff to the table. That's why a lot of things ended up not working.
Cool Thx, really appreciate your help, if you see any other thing can be improved will be helpful, for my personal knowledge
To be honest i'm still trying to deal with the offset in script part, because i know the updates are a big pain, but till now i didn't found to many suggestions on any forum i've search. Was thinking to separate the searching byte/offset on other script, to be more easiest to edit after the update, i'm still working/learning about shortcuts on assembly, to make life easiest.
It doesn't work, on the most recent version of DBX2, or maybe i might be doing it wrong, could i get some help? You can't interact with the different parts of the CT, none of them will check off.
This table is work on the last release of "codex" with the photo mode...Try to search the aob code(get inside the zeni script) , and see if you found it when you search in CE.
It's not finding it for me. Some components like the "in match" pointers work fine it seems. But anything dealing with stat attributes in the zeni AOB script don't appear to activate or make available any of the stat editing components. I'm inexperienced when it comes to these scripts so if you want me to do a search on my end, you'll have to tell me which address I should search for to make a comparison. I've only done simple pointer scans from what I've been using
learn lua scripting and c++ and you'll get along with this shit quick xD
update: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=196&p=87780#p87739
added on main table(all in 1) 2 new features
Hero Colosseum:(old work of Geo's)
-- In Match(Pointer of Player & Npc)
-- Timer
Shenron is your personal Aladdin's Jinn:
- No longher requires Dragon Ball to call Shenron
+ 1
Kaioken not lose Stamina:
- Deactive the required Stamina consume, when your char have the Kaioken on
thank you for the ce table.but i got alots of COD, the game just crash and closed.and also my keyboard are mess up after using ur table,need to restart to fix it.
thank you for the ce table.but i got alots of COD, the game just crash and closed.and also my keyboard are mess up after using ur table,need to restart to fix it.
Try this one
DBXV2 edited aob.CT
Or that one
DBXV2 edited aob b.CT
I've edited some aob wildcards and changed an function with other one, is not an guarantee will work for your problem.
Made test with codex and 3dm version and didn't get any trouble.
The table is working fine. Gabiroma, you seem to know a lot, is it possible to enable the player to be controlled by a stronger AI? Like in training mode, you can select your opponent to be a Super Strong AI, is it possible to make the player AI controlled on Super Strong difficulty?. And thank you for keeping the table updated.
You sure it still works? They have released a 20~ mb big update yesterday, also does the character editor work too? or eac killer (originally made by geo) nevertheless gj.