There is no such command. The affixes are randomized for SpawnAwesomeItems, so no, can't control them through some console command.
Hey Sunbeam absolutely love what you've done and helped me get back into things with your explanations. I've found it pretty easy to spawn specific stuff through the generic "Spawnitems (ItemPool_Cust_Mimicarmy) 10" or "Spawnitems (ItemPool_Rings_05_Legendary) 10" Ctrl+f "ItemPoolData ItemPool_" for waht seems to be items for anyone looking for specific things.
Now while anyone is here I saw someone in multiplayer editing other player's values(my jump height, loot luck, etc) I thought it was pretty fun, felt like we rolled a nat20 for the lobby lol and started me off down this rabbit hole, is there any code for that or something you can lead me to containing the proper information? Would be much appreciated! and thank you already
Last edited by oatmael on Thu Mar 31, 2022 3:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Any chance someone could help me out. It’s been a minute since I used a hex editor, but I remember in bl3 I found a trainer that could edit the stats on each item. I could change the parts, which would influence stats. I could also change like annoitments or item mod bonuses, just by copy and pasting the hex from one item to another. Basically making perfect items. I remember I had a table that I made with all the stats I found. I also remember you had to hover over the item you wanted to change in the inventory menu. Can anyone clarify? Want to mess around again, but forgot how to start the journey. Thanks for your time.
Remove "All" from the command. UnlockCustomizations should work. It has worked for me.
Yea, I tested that earlier after I posted my comment, but I forgot to update it. You're right.
Apologies for barging in here, but could either of you elaborate on how you got this command to work?
The console has been working well for me so far (thanks OP!) with the SpawnAwesomeItems command, but I cannot seem to get the Customization command to work, or to get any cosmetics to spawn.
Remove "All" from the command. UnlockCustomizations should work. It has worked for me.
Yea, I tested that earlier after I posted my comment, but I forgot to update it. You're right.
Apologies for barging in here, but could either of you elaborate on how you got this command to work?
The console has been working well for me so far (thanks OP!) with the SpawnAwesomeItems command, but I cannot seem to get the Customization command to work, or to get any cosmetics to spawn.
The cosmetics don't spawn, they are instead immediately unlocked. If you go to a quick change station you should see a bunch of exclamation marks that new cosmetics have been unlocked
The idea is to list out the player Characters in your session. All settings you can modify for you Character can be modified for others' Characters having joined your game Up to 3, I think (you being the 1st). So 4 in total.. or was it 8?.. Anyway, that's the principle. Since I don't care about MP, you'll have to make the most of it
is there a command for adding experience not levels? so we can level the mythos rank further ? i could find some add eperience values in the objectdumb file but no idea what to do with them
is there a command for adding experience not levels? so we can level the mythos rank further ? i could find some add eperience values in the objectdumb file but no idea what to do with them
I have explained "what to do with them" here: viewtopic.php?p=243330#p243330. There is also a lot of information in the Borderlands 3 topic.
Ok so about mythic ranks I found out that if you change your available points value it does give you a single point to use but after use it puts you at a -1 point, HOWEVER if you find your myth rank value and change that to a higher number then change your available point value to equal out to what that number would be it gives you all those points to use. E.G. you're rank is 50 change the value to 200 then change the value of your available points to 150 to equal out with the points you all ready used to 200.
Edit: If you change your Myth Rank value and spend one point it just gives you the difference in points back.
Ok so about mythic ranks I found out that if you change your available points value it does give you a single point to use but after use it puts you at a -1 point, HOWEVER if you find your myth rank value and change that to a higher number then change your available point value to equal out to what that number would be it gives you all those points to use. E.G. you're rank is 50 change the value to 200 then change the value of your available points to 150 to equal out with the points you all ready used to 200.
Edit: If you change your Myth Rank value and spend one point it just gives you the difference in points back.
i tried it like you but if i change the myth rank i get the points but the rank dont increase (yes i changed the rank not the points). the myth rank stay at my 130 and i get the additonal points as if i am 400. and when i lvl 1 additional rank i also loose all the unspend points