Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

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Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by SunBeam »

[ 27 Mar 22 - Hit #2 ]

Kindly DO NOT POST these tools (table, DLL, etc. - anything I personally post in this topic) on other forums/communities (e.g.: Nexus, OCD). Same as you prefer those places, I prefer FRF, having created these tools specifically for this community. If you want to spread the news and let others enjoy all of this, then please link them to join FRF. Thank you for respecting my choice!

Before you begin:

The table was initially designed with CE 7.4 in mind, but I switched to CE 7.1. There are some issues with CE 7.4 trying to allocate near preferred image bases (or something like that, according to Dark Byte) which causes allocations in my [ Initialize ] script to fail intermittently. What that translates to: every 1-2 tries of my table with a new instance of the game, the script will fail. So you will have to kill game, restart it (which takes a while, given Denuvo start-up and logging in) and retry. With CE 7.1 this won't happen.

So, till CE 7.4 is fixed, download the portable CE 7.1 version below:

Link: [Link]
Password: sunbeam

The table:


(230.59 KiB) Downloaded 29942 times

How to use:

1) Run the game till you're at the main menu.

*) While here, make sure you've ran the injector so the CONSOLE is created. Running the injector is MANDATORY if you want to use the console and commands.

2) Go into the game world (CONTINUE) and as soon as the loading screen goes away, alt-tab to CE 7.1.

3) Open the table in CE 7.1 and activate the [ Initialize ] script. CE will say it wants to open the game process, click Yes.

4) Wait for a few seconds and you will be asked two more things: if you want to disable TAB as console key (click Yes) and if you want to change the console key (I usually click No). No worries which choice you make, you can re-run these separately later.

5) An explanation of the scripts is given in the topic link below. Makes no sense for me to re-type everything.

6) EVERYTHING that is specified in this topic is VALID for Tiny Tina as well. So "what commands can we use?" -> check that topic. It is self-implied that you will need to download and use the injector below, which creates the console -- you need the console to type in commands -- for you and lets you dump Names and Objects.

NOTES for dummies:

* If you've activated the [ Initialize ] script at main menu, you'll see an error. You will have to close the game, re-open it and retry as instructed.

* If you've activated the [ Initialize ] script after having moved in the game world, fired, walked, etc. then it's possible some DeveloperPerks console commands won't work (you will get "Command not recognized" message in the console). Why? Because the DeveloperPerks UObject is destroyed by the Garbage Collector after 1-1.5 minutes from Actor wake-up (your player having performed an action). If that's the case, return to main menu and go back to game world and it will work.

* Set Weapon Properties will set certain properties for the CURRENT Weapon. They can be edited by right-clicking the script, 'Change script' and inspecting the content. The values are listed as floats. Example: "writeFloat( FireRate + 0x4, 20.0 )". Want to change the fire rate to lower or higher, edit the 20.0 to something else. Note that you need to edit this value on both lines:

Code: Select all

      FireRate = WeaponFireProjectileComponent + 0x218
      writeFloat( FireRate + 0x4, 20.0 ) // here
      writeFloat( FireRate + 0x8, 20.0 ) // and here
There is a hotkey assigned to this script and that's NUMPAD 7. You can change it yourself by right clicking the script and using 'Set/Change hotkeys'. Then click the first entry, 'Edit Hotkey' and type your own. Then set it with 'Apply'.

To set the properties for all your weapons, just select the weapon in-game, press Numpad 7 and wait for a few seconds. You will be able to tell if it worked by the weapon crosshair changing shape. Cycle to next weapon, press Numpad 7 and so on. The Weapon properties are resident throughout the game session, so you only need to do it once per weapon. Note that if you drop the weapon and let's say some enemy picks it up (just a thought), they will benefit from whatever settings you applied to that weapon :D

Lastly, the script is designed to ERROR out. So if you don't see it enable/activate and right-clicking on it shows:

Code: Select all

<<Error in line 0 (assert(true)) :Wrong syntax. ASSERT(address,11 22 33 ** 55 66)>>
That's how it's intended to work. Why? Because if it would activate and you'd want to reuse it, you would have to perform 2 actions: deactivate it first, then reactivate it. Which makes no sense for a toggle script that doesn't have a [DISABLE] section. In short: that forced error stops the script from activating, although it executes its content in [ENABLE] section.

* * *

[ 25 Mar 22 - Hit #1 ]

Game Name: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
Game Vendor: Epic Store
Game Version: 1.0
Game Process: Wonderlands.exe
Game File Version:


Hello folks.

Attached below is a DLL that will do the following:
  • Run threaded UE4 code to create the UConsole UObject, member of GameViewportClient; you may then use Tilde (~) key to open up the console.
  • Will dump the UE4 FNameArray and UObjectArray, along with their addresses. What this means is you can then know what you're looking at in memory, when debugging/tracing or mapping structures, and come up with your own conclusions.

password: sunbeam
(209.8 KiB) Downloaded 7153 times

  • Download the archive; extract content to a folder of your choice.
  • Run the game, get to main menu.
  • Run IGCSInjector.exe. You can close it when asked.
  • Takes 1-2 seconds for the DLL to find the stuff, StaticCreate the Console UObject and dump Names/Objects to disk in the Win64 folder.
  • You may then use Tilde (~) key to open up the console in-game.

  • The dump location is your game folder (e.g.: G:\Epic Games\TinyTinasWonderlands\OakGame\Binaries\Win64). You will find 2 files there: NamesDump.txt and ObjectsDump.txt. You'll be very interested in the 2nd one :)
  • The .txt files are generated at "run-time". What this means is if you transition in-game from one map to another or from main menu to game world and back, you need to re-dump them. Why? UE4 destroys and recreates UObjects; re-initialization. To re-dump the .txt files press Numpad / (no, key can't be changed).
  • If Tilde key doesn't work cuz you have a non-QWERTY keyboard -OR- you want to use any other key to open the console - you need to head to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Tiny Tina's Wonderlands folder. Just press WinKey+R and paste the path in, then press Enter to go there.

    You will see a file here called Input.ini. If it doesn't exist, create it yourself. Then open the file and paste at the top the two lines below (yes, you can delete anything else you see in the file; you're not breaking anything):
    You may change Tilde to any key you like (e.g.: F10). Save the file and you're done.
With this method the ConsoleKey will always remain set to the key you want, so you don't need to click 'Yes' in the cheat table when you're asked 'Change current ConsoleKey?' to always set your key.

Other Information:
  • the game is compiled with UE4 v4.20.3
  • most of the UCheatManager UFunctions are not compiled in Shipping mode (they're basically replaced with a RET 0); same goes for all others the developers chose to use the below #id-#endif

Code: Select all

void ACharacter::ClientCheatWalk_Implementation()
	if (CharacterMovement)
		CharacterMovement->bCheatFlying = false;
A big THANK YOU flies out to Otis_Inf for the corrected UObjectIterator for UE4 4.20+. And, of course, the UE4 SDK Dumper author, KN4CK3R (the source is available on github; several people forked it -> [Link]).

Enjoy! :)

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by SunBeam »

Character Creation - Hero Stats

Function OakGame::OakUIDataCollector_Cc::execOnHeroPointsAvailableChanged

Code: Select all

0000000140E84EE0 | 4C:8BC1             | MOV R8,RCX                      |
0000000140E84EE3 | 41:B9 FF7F0000      | MOV R9D,7FFF                    |
0000000140E84EE9 | 3991 D0000000       | CMP DWORD PTR DS:[RCX+D0],EDX   |
0000000140E84EEF | 75 0A               | JNE wonderlands.140E84EFB       |
0000000140E84EF1 | 6644:8589 C8000000  | TEST WORD PTR DS:[RCX+C8],R9W   |
0000000140E84EF9 | 75 3F               | JNE wonderlands.140E84F3A       |
0000000140E84EFB | 0FB781 C8000000     | MOVZX EAX,WORD PTR DS:[RCX+C8]  |
0000000140E84F02 | 8991 D0000000       | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[RCX+D0],EDX   |
0000000140E84F08 | 8D48 01             | LEA ECX,QWORD PTR DS:[RAX+1]    |
0000000140E84F0B | 66:33C8             | XOR CX,AX                       |
0000000140E84F0E | 6641:23C9           | AND CX,R9W                      |
0000000140E84F12 | 66:33C8             | XOR CX,AX                       |
0000000140E84F15 | 6641:8988 C8000000  | MOV WORD PTR DS:[R8+C8],CX      |
0000000140E84F1D | 41:0FB780 98000000  | MOVZX EAX,WORD PTR DS:[R8+98]   |
0000000140E84F25 | 8D48 01             | LEA ECX,QWORD PTR DS:[RAX+1]    |
0000000140E84F28 | 66:33C8             | XOR CX,AX                       |
0000000140E84F2B | 6641:23C9           | AND CX,R9W                      |
0000000140E84F2F | 66:33C8             | XOR CX,AX                       |
0000000140E84F32 | 6641:8988 98000000  | MOV WORD PTR DS:[R8+98],CX      |
0000000140E84F3A | C3                  | RET                             |
And to freeze the Hero Points Available and max up your character stats on creation:

Code: Select all

000000014DD3B274 | 8B87 08050000       | MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+508]  | <<
000000014DD3B27A | 48:8D8F 880D0000    | LEA RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+D88]  |
000000014DD3B281 | 48:8D5424 20        | LEA RDX,QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+20]   |
000000014DD3B286 | 894424 20           | MOV DWORD PTR SS:[RSP+20],EAX   |
000000014DD3B28A | E8 110A74F2         | CALL wonderlands.14047BCA0      |
The pointer at that location, by searching RDI's value in the ObjectDump.txt, in my case, is:

Code: Select all

[00568324] 0x00000000E272F010 BP_UI_CharacterCustomizationManagerClass_C Transient.BP_UI_CharacterCustomizationManagerClass_C_1
So UI_CharacterCustomizationManager + 0x508 == # of points. With that in mind:


Ooops, looks like you get negative Hero Points later on :D



Some comments (will remove once I'm done ranting):

#1: I was expecting Gearbox to use UE 4.26. Guess not. We'll see articles in no time bitching the devs got greedy and are selling a masked Borderlands 3 :) On the bright side, I too can reuse the shit I've done for BL3. Including StaticFindObjectEx.

#2: Good thing Denuvo's in place, like always: 400MB executable.

#3: The Borderlands 3 console + dumper DLL works with no changes whatsoever, as the Engine version Gearbox uses is 1:1 identical between the two games.


#4: OakDeveloperPerks is definitely in there, meaning SpawnItems function should be there too :P BINGO:


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Re: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by vidulj »

Take my upvotes and my money ahead of time!

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Re: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by vidulj »

Are there a list of commands to use with the console somewhere I am missing? I feel like a dummy trying to understand this.

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Re: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by SunBeam »

Check the Borderlands 3 topic. Think I said the 2 games are identical for nothing? :)

As for the commands, they'll need some restoring before they work. Will post a cheat table later, as I did for BL3. Off to bed for now.

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Re: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by NaleenWild »

Damn Legend, is the SunBeam.

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Re: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by Kalcoism »

:roll: I was trying to follow these steps and have been at it for a good 1 and a half while watching breaking bad lol, if you're like me and cant figure it out might be best to wait for the cheat engine table. Still props to SunBeam for getting this all figured out.

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Re: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by Mirlmunir »

Holy s***, Sun Beam on the way for this game...

We are blessed.

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Re: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by 1001ace »

Im gonna be honest, I understand console commands, but none of this made me understand how to use this at all.

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Re: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by CausticSlime »

What I am curious about is how much we can effect the Loot Luck stat. That seems to be an interesting interaction to play with.

I tried scanning for the value, didn't seem to work for me though.

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Re: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by royc3wicz »

Yo, Im new to all this CheatEngine stuff, honestly idk where the cheat table is in this topic, lol, I may be jsut too dumb to use it. All I need is some money boost, maybe some keys, someone can guide me by hand how to do this please? :) I'm too old to learn this stuff all alone :/

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Re: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by duducasarotto »

royc3wicz wrote:
Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:20 am
Yo, Im new to all this CheatEngine stuff, honestly idk where the cheat table is in this topic, lol, I may be jsut too dumb to use it. All I need is some money boost, maybe some keys, someone can guide me by hand how to do this please? :) I'm too old to learn this stuff all alone :/
there is no cheat table yet we have to wait a little

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Re: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by NaleenWild »

I could probably find a few base pointers and get some things in a table but I will create a new post if I can, all I done so far is cash.

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Re: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by SunBeam »

I'm back at it, so will post a table in a bit. Hectic week.

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Re: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands [Engine:Unreal 4.20]

Post by Djossi09 »

Thank you sir :)

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