Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Upload your cheat tables here (No requests)
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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by okami_x »

[QUOTE="LCHLH, post: 136972, member: 6072"]

So, does Disable Effects (specifically Chaos State) work for anyone? cause enabling some stuff works, but disabling debuffs doesn't. Tried poking around those addresses, but all I managed is to crash my game a few times


Here is a script to not take damage from using Rod of Discord

[CODE]{ Game : Terraria.exe


Date : 2020-05-26

Author : Okami-x

This script does blah blah blah



define(bytes,C6 83 69 06 00 00 01)








mov byte ptr [ebx+00000669],00

jmp return


jmp newmem

nop 2




db bytes

// mov byte ptr [ebx+00000669],01


I'll not upload the CT in this post because I'm working on something.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by yourlootismine »

Did anyone make a script for the bestiary kill count (not the banner kill count)?

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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by PapyrusOfficial »

This is astonishing. Thank you for this. I was trying to create my own cheat table by poking around and watching tutorials, haha.

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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by xfake »

To spawn anything, you must first have the item ID.

Next, open your player pointer and then the "Item" tab. Edit the "netID" value to whatever item ID you want. (You should have an item in the first slot of your inventory prior to changing the netID or else you will have to reload your character).

Lastly, either drop the item or reload your character and the item should automatically be updated!

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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by JCarter »

[QUOTE="xfake, post: 137056, member: 42112"]

To spawn anything, you must first have the item ID.

Next, open your player pointer and then the "Item" tab. Edit the "netID" value to whatever item ID you want. (You should have an item in the first slot of your inventory prior to changing the netID or else you will have to reload your character).

Lastly, either drop the item or reload your character and the item should automatically be updated!


It's working tho. But is there a way to use something like "call Terraria.Item::SetDefaults" to reset item immidietely with id change?

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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by GhostNT »

Update journey menu fix

[QUOTE="LCHLH, post: 136569, member: 6072"]

• text on unlearned items is not displayed; not critical, not even sure it's possible to enable, no big deal really

• shortcut key to open the menu doesn't work; bit more important, but nothing an AHK script doesn't resolve (and I run one anyway to prevent carpal tunnel from all the clicking)

[S]• Enemy Difficulty slider doesn't work[/S]

• Enemy Spawn slider doesn't work at all; this is kind of important for me personally, and I'm not having luck finding the enemy spawn value in memory (correction, I can find both the float for the slider and the byte for enemy number, but can't change either)


[SPOILER="Unlock Journey Menu"]

[CODE=cea]{ Game : Terraria.exe


Date : 2020-05-20

Author : Ghost

This script does blah blah blah



define(bytesDraw,80 B8 1D 06 00 00 03)


define(bytesTooltip,0F 85 B7 00 00 00)


define(bytesToggle,74 04 5E 5F 5D C3)


define(bytesSpawn,0F 84 CF 00 00 00)



assert(addressTooltip-7,80 B8 1D 06 00 00 03)


assert(addressToggle-7,80 BE 1D 06 00 00 03)




jmp long Terraria.GameContent.Creative.CreativeUI::Draw+3F

nop 2


nop 6


nop 6


nop 6



db bytesDraw

// cmp byte ptr [eax+0000061D],03


db bytesTooltip

// jne Terraria.Main::MouseText_DrawItemTooltip_GetLinesInfo+2F00


db bytesToggle

// je Terraria.Player::ToggleCreativeMenu+21

// pop esi

// pop edi

// pop ebp

// ret


db bytesSpawn

// je Terraria.NPC::SpawnNPC+1B38


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Terraria.GameContent.Creative.CreativeUI::Draw+26

305234B0: 33 C0 - xor eax,eax

305234B2: 89 45 F0 - mov [ebp-10],eax

305234B5: 89 45 F4 - mov [ebp-0C],eax

305234B8: 8B F1 - mov esi,ecx

305234BA: 8B FA - mov edi,edx

305234BC: 80 7E 21 00 - cmp byte ptr [esi+21],00

305234C0: 75 07 - jne 305234C9

305234C2: 8B CE - mov ecx,esi

305234C4: E8 E7 FE FF FF - call 305233B0

305234C9: E8 22 C4 32 FC - call 2C84F8F0

// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------

305234CE: 80 B8 1D 06 00 00 03 - cmp byte ptr [eax+0000061D],03

// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------

305234D5: 74 10 - je 305234E7

305234D7: 8B CE - mov ecx,esi

305234D9: 33 D2 - xor edx,edx

305234DB: E8 70 FE FF FF - call 30523350

305234E0: 8D 65 F8 - lea esp,[ebp-08]

305234E3: 5E - pop esi

305234E4: 5F - pop edi

305234E5: 5D - pop ebp

305234E6: C3 - ret

305234E7: 8B CE - mov ecx,esi



// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Terraria.Main::MouseText_DrawItemTooltip_GetLinesInfo+2E43

2697FC98: 85 C0 - test eax,eax

2697FC9A: 0F 84 E8 00 00 00 - je 2697FD88

2697FCA0: A1 C0 5C 74 04 - mov eax,[04745CC0]

2697FCA5: 8B 15 24 0E CB 01 - mov edx,[01CB0E24]

2697FCAB: 3B 50 04 - cmp edx,[eax+04]

2697FCAE: 0F 83 47 01 00 00 - jae 2697FDFB

2697FCB4: 8B 44 90 08 - mov eax,[eax+edx*4+08]

2697FCB8: 89 85 64 FC FF FF - mov [ebp-0000039C],eax

2697FCBE: 8B 85 64 FC FF FF - mov eax,[ebp-0000039C]

2697FCC4: 80 B8 1D 06 00 00 03 - cmp byte ptr [eax+0000061D],03

// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------

2697FCCB: 0F 85 B7 00 00 00 - jne 2697FD88

// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------

2697FCD1: 8B 97 90 00 00 00 - mov edx,[edi+00000090]

2697FCD7: 89 95 D0 FC FF FF - mov [ebp-00000330],edx

2697FCDD: 8D 45 80 - lea eax,[ebp-80]

2697FCE0: 50 - push eax

2697FCE1: 8B 0D 18 70 74 04 - mov ecx,[04747018]

2697FCE7: 39 09 - cmp [ecx],ecx

2697FCE9: FF 15 34 14 8E 10 - call dword ptr [108E1434]

2697FCEF: 85 C0 - test eax,eax

2697FCF1: 0F 84 91 00 00 00 - je 2697FD88

2697FCF7: FF 15 10 B8 CB 01 - call dword ptr [01CBB810]



// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Terraria.Player::ToggleCreativeMenu+1B

2585A513: 57 - push edi

2585A514: 56 - push esi

2585A515: 8B F1 - mov esi,ecx

2585A517: 80 BE 1C 06 00 00 00 - cmp byte ptr [esi+0000061C],00

2585A51E: 74 04 - je 2585A524

2585A520: 5E - pop esi

2585A521: 5F - pop edi

2585A522: 5D - pop ebp

2585A523: C3 - ret

2585A524: 80 BE 1D 06 00 00 03 - cmp byte ptr [esi+0000061D],03

// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------

2585A52B: 74 04 - je 2585A531

2585A52D: 5E - pop esi

2585A52E: 5F - pop edi

2585A52F: 5D - pop ebp

2585A530: C3 - ret

// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------

2585A531: 33 FF - xor edi,edi

2585A533: 80 3D 58 10 CB 01 00 - cmp byte ptr [01CB1058],00

2585A53A: 74 0C - je 2585A548

2585A53C: C6 05 58 10 CB 01 00 - mov byte ptr [01CB1058],00

2585A543: BF 01 00 00 00 - mov edi,00000001

2585A548: 80 3D E5 17 CB 01 00 - cmp byte ptr [01CB17E5],00

2585A54F: 74 06 - je 2585A557

2585A551: FF 15 BC B1 2A 06 - call dword ptr [062AB1BC]

2585A557: 80 3D 44 10 CB 01 00 - cmp byte ptr [01CB1044],00




27C11A75: D8 0D 70 E4 C2 27 - fmul dword ptr [27C2E470]

27C11A7B: DD 9D 80 F0 FF FF - fstp qword ptr [ebp-00000F80]

27C11A81: F2 0F 10 85 80 F0 FF FF - movsd xmm0,[ebp-00000F80]

27C11A89: F2 0F 2C C0 - cvttsd2si eax,xmm0

27C11A8D: A3 C4 09 CB 01 - mov [01CB09C4],eax

27C11A92: E8 09 0C 99 F3 - call 1B5A26A0

27C11A97: 8B C8 - mov ecx,eax

27C11A99: 39 09 - cmp [ecx],ecx

27C11A9B: FF 15 9C BE DA 05 - call dword ptr [05DABE9C]

27C11AA1: 85 C0 - test eax,eax

// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------

27C11AA3: 0F 84 CF 00 00 00 - je 27C11B78

// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------

27C11AA9: 8B 0D 1C 70 74 04 - mov ecx,[0474701C]

27C11AAF: BA 50 38 64 0B - mov edx,0B643850

27C11AB4: 39 09 - cmp [ecx],ecx

27C11AB6: FF 15 68 79 6C 15 - call dword ptr [156C7968]

27C11ABC: 89 85 78 FF FF FF - mov [ebp-00000088],eax

27C11AC2: 83 BD 78 FF FF FF 00 - cmp dword ptr [ebp-00000088],00

27C11AC9: 0F 84 A9 00 00 00 - je 27C11B78

27C11ACF: 8B 8D 78 FF FF FF - mov ecx,[ebp-00000088]

27C11AD5: 8B 01 - mov eax,[ecx]

27C11AD7: 8B 40 30 - mov eax,[eax+30]



[SPOILER="Unlock All Craft In Journey Menu"]

[CODE=cea]{ Game : Terraria.exe


Date : 2020-05-26

Author : Ghost

This script does blah blah blah



define(bytes,8B 40 04 8B 50 08)


assert(address,E8 ?? ?? ?? ??)



db 8B 51 04

//mov edx,[ecx+04]

nop 8



call Terraria.Main::get_LocalPlayerCreativeTracker

// call Terraria.Main::get_LocalPlayerCreativeTracker


db bytes

//mov eax,[eax+04]

//mov edx,[eax+08]


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Terraria.GameContent.Creative.CreativeItemSacrificesCatalog::FillListOfItemsThatCanBeObtainedInfinitely+1E

20CAFC55: 53 - push ebx

20CAFC56: 83 EC 4C - sub esp,4C

20CAFC59: 8B F1 - mov esi,ecx

20CAFC5B: 8D 7D AC - lea edi,[ebp-54]

20CAFC5E: B9 11 00 00 00 - mov ecx,00000011

20CAFC63: 33 C0 - xor eax,eax

20CAFC65: F3 AB - repe stosd

20CAFC67: 8B CE - mov ecx,esi

20CAFC69: 89 55 A8 - mov [ebp-58],edx

20CAFC6C: 8B D9 - mov ebx,ecx

// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------

20CAFC6E: E8 85 B1 ED FB - call 1CB8ADF8

20CAFC73: 8B 40 04 - mov eax,[eax+04]

20CAFC76: 8B 50 08 - mov edx,[eax+08]

// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------

20CAFC79: 38 02 - cmp [edx],al

20CAFC7B: 8D 7D AC - lea edi,[ebp-54]

20CAFC7E: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0

20CAFC81: 66 0F D6 07 - movq [edi],xmm0

20CAFC85: 66 0F D6 47 08 - movq [edi+08],xmm0

20CAFC8A: 66 0F D6 47 10 - movq [edi+10],xmm0

20CAFC8F: 89 55 AC - mov [ebp-54],edx

20CAFC92: 8B 42 20 - mov eax,[edx+20]



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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by okami_x »

Addresses for Unlock Journey menu and Unlock all in Duplication menu by GhostNT are different for me.

[CODE]For Journey menu


define(bytesTooltip,0F 85 D1 00 00 00)

For Duplication Unlock:


I thought to leave them here just in case someone needs them.

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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by wooteevar »

Out of curiosity - how would I go about updating these things for tModLoader? I would love to help out on that end at least a little bit.

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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by Runbstreath »

Is there a way to unlock all items in the Journey menu?

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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by Lions »

[QUOTE="Runbstreath, post: 137193, member: 42169"]

Is there a way to unlock all items in the Journey menu?


terrasavr lets you unlock all



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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by bluefusion »

Can someone help, my cheat table isnt working. When I try to activate anything it doesn't do anything. Cant check the boxes. I also saw that there is no functional social slots, can someone add that please
Last edited by bluefusion on Thu May 28, 2020 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by GhostNT »

If you are tired of banners. The counts kills will continue to show.

[SPOILER="No Drop Banners"]

[CODE=cea]{ Game : Terraria.exe


Date : 2020-05-28

Author : Ghost

This script does blah blah blah



define(bytes,FF 76 10 FF 76 14)



assert(Terraria.NPC::CountKillForBannersAndDropThem+33C,8D 65 F4 5B 5E 5F 5D C3)


jmp long Terraria.NPC::CountKillForBannersAndDropThem+33C




db bytes

// push [esi+10]

// push [esi+14]


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Terraria.NPC::CountKillForBannersAndDropThem+2FF

2C32CB6A: DD D8 - fstp st(0)

2C32CB6C: DD D8 - fstp st(0)

2C32CB6E: A1 C0 5C CB 05 - mov eax,[05CB5CC0]

2C32CB73: 3B 58 04 - cmp ebx,[eax+04]

2C32CB76: 73 54 - jae 2C32CBCC

2C32CB78: 8B 54 98 08 - mov edx,[eax+ebx*4+08]

2C32CB7C: 3A 42 20 - cmp al,[edx+20]

2C32CB7F: 8D 42 20 - lea eax,[edx+20]

2C32CB82: D9 00 - fld dword ptr [eax]

2C32CB84: D9 40 04 - fld dword ptr [eax+04]

// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------

2C32CB87: FF 76 10 - push [esi+10]

2C32CB8A: FF 76 14 - push [esi+14]

// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------

2C32CB8D: 51 - push ecx

2C32CB8E: 6A 01 - push 01

2C32CB90: 6A 00 - push 00

2C32CB92: 6A 00 - push 00

2C32CB94: 6A 00 - push 00

2C32CB96: 6A 00 - push 00

2C32CB98: D9 C9 - fxch st(1)

2C32CB9A: DD 5D CC - fstp qword ptr [ebp-34]

2C32CB9D: DD 45 CC - fld qword ptr [ebp-34]

2C32CBA0: DD 5D CC - fstp qword ptr [ebp-34]



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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by Archerodees »

[QUOTE="GhostNT, post: 137232, member: 42037"]

If you are tired of banners. The counts kills will continue to show.

[SPOILER="No Drop Banners"]

[CODE=cea]{ Game : Terraria.exe


Date : 2020-05-28

Author : Ghost

This script does blah blah blah



define(bytes,FF 76 10 FF 76 14)



assert(Terraria.NPC::CountKillForBannersAndDropThem+33C,8D 65 F4 5B 5E 5F 5D C3)


jmp long Terraria.NPC::CountKillForBannersAndDropThem+33C




db bytes

// push [esi+10]

// push [esi+14]


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Terraria.NPC::CountKillForBannersAndDropThem+2FF

2C32CB6A: DD D8 - fstp st(0)

2C32CB6C: DD D8 - fstp st(0)

2C32CB6E: A1 C0 5C CB 05 - mov eax,[05CB5CC0]

2C32CB73: 3B 58 04 - cmp ebx,[eax+04]

2C32CB76: 73 54 - jae 2C32CBCC

2C32CB78: 8B 54 98 08 - mov edx,[eax+ebx*4+08]

2C32CB7C: 3A 42 20 - cmp al,[edx+20]

2C32CB7F: 8D 42 20 - lea eax,[edx+20]

2C32CB82: D9 00 - fld dword ptr [eax]

2C32CB84: D9 40 04 - fld dword ptr [eax+04]

// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------

2C32CB87: FF 76 10 - push [esi+10]

2C32CB8A: FF 76 14 - push [esi+14]

// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------

2C32CB8D: 51 - push ecx

2C32CB8E: 6A 01 - push 01

2C32CB90: 6A 00 - push 00

2C32CB92: 6A 00 - push 00

2C32CB94: 6A 00 - push 00

2C32CB96: 6A 00 - push 00

2C32CB98: D9 C9 - fxch st(1)

2C32CB9A: DD 5D CC - fstp qword ptr [ebp-34]

2C32CB9D: DD 45 CC - fld qword ptr [ebp-34]

2C32CBA0: DD 5D CC - fstp qword ptr [ebp-34]




Nice, although I don't mind them, I just wish they'd stop dropping every 50 kills.

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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by Plasma0king »

Please update for journey's end

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Terraria 1.4 [Steam] [UPDATED]

Post by kainhunt »

They have already updated for Journey's end. For the player pointer make sure you change your health and mana look in the game from fancy to classic. For the brightness one it may require a little bit to figure out. Others in this thread have given some great guides on it.

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