[REQUEST] Tap Ninja
[REQUEST] Tap Ninja
Game Name: Tap Ninja
Game Engine: No idea
Game Version: 2.6.2
Options Required: Unlimited Currencies, Unlimited Keys, Autokill, Permanent Buffs
Steam Website:
Other Info:
Game Engine: No idea
Game Version: 2.6.2
Options Required: Unlimited Currencies, Unlimited Keys, Autokill, Permanent Buffs
Steam Website:
Other Info:
Re: [REQUEST] Tap Ninja
Code: Select all
Game Name : Tap Ninja - Idle Game
Game Vendor : Steam
Game Process : Tap Ninja.exe
Game Release date : 17 Mar, 2022
CE Version : 7.4
Game Version / Build Id / Date Update : v.2.8.6 / 8873542 / 4 June 2022
After the game is open, click directly on [Activate] on the cheat table.
Table will auto attach to process Game
This is what i got, i didn't try it all value. so test it with all values.
Setting Cheat Engine
Setting CE:
1. Tab Debugger Options
2. Debugger Method Set (Use VEH Debugger)
1. Tab Debugger Options
2. Debugger Method Set (Use VEH Debugger)
Options Cheat Table
- +++ SCRIPT +++
- Player Data
- Upgrades
- +++ POINTER +++
- Player Data
- gold
- elixir
- goldTotalAscension
- goldTotalLifetime
- goldMaxAscension
- goldMaxLifetime
- goldDestroyedByAscending
- gpsRaw
- gpsFull
- gpsFullMaxLifetime
- gpsFullMaxAscension
- goldTotalConvertedToElixir
- elixirTotal
- elixirMax
- elixirMostGotAscending
- eventCoinValueGotLifetime
- eventCoinValueGotAscension
- awayIncomeBanked
- awayIncomeEarnedLifetime
- awayIncomeEarnedAscension
- timeActivePlayTicks
- timeSpeedStepMaxedTicks
- timeThisSessionTicks
- timeThisAscensionTicks
- amber
- key
- star
- starMax
- oldestCompatibleVersion
- languageActive
- skinActiveNow
- dyeActive
- lastCloudBackupNr
- daysSinceStart
- daysPlayedDifferent
- daysPlayedConsecutive
- achGameRestartsDone
- coinCollectedLifetime
- emeraldCollectedLifetime
- sapphireCollectedLifetime
- rubyCollectedLifetime
- diamondCollectedLifetime
- coinCollectedAscension
- emeraldCollectedAscension
- sapphireCollectedAscension
- rubyCollectedAscension
- diamondCollectedAscension
- buildingsOwnedLifetime
- buildingsOwnedAscension
- buyQuantityActive
- upgradesLifetime
- upgradesAscension
- upgradesTiersCompleted
- skillsLifetime
- skillsTotal
- ascendedTimesLifetime
- infiniteBonusGpsLevel
- infiniteBonusCoinLevel
- infiniteBonusGpsCostMultiplier
- infiniteBonusCoinCostMultiplier
- elementBonusAether
- elementBonusWind
- elementBonusFire
- elementBonusWater
- elementBonusEarth
- katanaSlashUsedLifetime
- katanaSlashEnemiesDestroyedLifetime
- katanaSlashUsedAscension
- katanaSlashEnemiesDestroyedAscension
- shurikenVortexUsedLifetime
- shurikenVortexEnemiesDestroyedLifetime
- shurikenVortexFireflyDestroyedLifetime
- shurikenVortexUsedAscension
- shurikenVortexEnemiesDestroyedAscension
- shurikenVortexFireflyDestroyedAscension
- ropeHookUsedLifetime
- ropeHookEnemiesDestroyedLifetime
- ropeHookShieldbearerDestroyedLifetime
- ropeHookUsedAscension
- ropeHookEnemiesDestroyedAscension
- ropeHookShieldbearerDestroyedAscension
- frenzyUsedLifetime
- frenzyEnemiesDestroyedLifetime
- frenzyUsedAscension
- frenzyEnemiesDestroyedAscension
- criticalTimesLifetime
- criticalTimesAscend
- enemiesDestroyedTotalLifetime
- enemiesDestroyedTotalThisAscension
- samuraiDestroyedLifetime
- samuraiDestroyedAscension
- hellhoundDestroyedLifetime
- hellhoundDestroyedAscension
- spearmanDestroyedLifetime
- spearmanDestroyedAscension
- shieldbearerDestroyedLifetime
- shieldbearerDestroyedAscension
- roninDestroyedLifetime
- roninDestroyedAscension
- fireflyDestroyedLifetime
- fireflyDestroyedAscension
- fireflyRainbowDestroyedLifetime
- fireflyRainbowDestroyedAscension
- fireflyStormDestroyedLifetime
- fireflyStormDestroyedAscension
- fireflyMissedInRow
- holidayFireflyDestroyedToday
- eventsTriggeredLifetime
- eventsTriggeredAscension
- eventCountCoinDropRegularLifetime
- eventCountCoinDropBigLifetime
- eventCountCoinDropMegaLifetime
- eventCountIncreaseGpsLifetime
- eventCountIncreaseCoinValueLifetime
- eventCountIncreaseGpsBigLifetime
- eventCountEnemyCoinDropMultiplyLifetime
- eventCountSamuraiFrenzyLifetime
- eventCountGemstoneFeverLifetime
- eventCountFireflySwarmLifetime
- eventCountFireflyStormLifetime
- eventCountKeyDropLifetime
- eventCountCoinDropRegularAscension
- eventCountCoinDropBigAscension
- eventCountCoinDropMegaAscension
- eventCountIncreaseGpsAscension
- eventCountIncreaseCoinValueAscension
- eventCountIncreaseGpsBigAscension
- eventCountEnemyCoinDropMultiplyAscension
- eventCountSamuraiFrenzyAscension
- eventCountGemstoneFeverAscension
- eventCountFireflySwarmAscension
- eventCountFireflyStormAscension
- eventCountKeyDropAscension
- highestPlayerClicksOnOneFireflyLifetime
- highestPlayerClicksOnOneFireflyAscension
- vipMoneyDollarsSpent
- vipItemsBought
- vipNoResetAscendUsed
- vipDailyAmberAdWatchedTotal
- vipDailyAmberAdWatchedToday
- vipDailyKeyAdWatchedTotal
- vipDailyKeyAdWatchedToday
- vipMultistepItemLevel0
- challengeStars
- starUpgradesTotal
- starsSpent
- lastTimeBeforeAway
- awayIncomeBankOpened
- debugDataTimeNow
- energyEnemiesDestroyedLifetime
- energyEnemiesDestroyedAscension
- timeActivePlay
- timeSpeedStepMaxed
- timeThisAscension
- elixirBonusGps
- elixirBonusCoin
- energyTimerNow
- energyTimerTotalLifetime
- energyTimerTotalAscension
- energyEffectiveLongestStreakLifetime
- energyEffectiveLongestStreakAscend
- fireflySpawnTimer
- zoneTimerNow
- weatherTimerNow
- weatherCooldownNow
- powerChartTimer
- numberNotationActive
- skinFirstChoiceDoneNew
- whatsNewSeen280
- starsFreeReset280
- randomColorGotSamurai
- randomColorGotHellhound
- randomColorGotSpearmen
- randomColorGotShieldbearer
- winterSolsticeAnnouncmentSeen
- springFestivalAnnouncmentSeen
- shurikenVortexAutoOnEnabled
- ropeHookAutoOnEnabled
- energyAutoOnEnabled
- regularEventSafetyCountNow
- eventDailyKeyDropGot
- eventFirstSamuraiFrenzyDone
- vipStatus
- vipSkinArchangel
- vipPermaGpsBonus0
- vipPermaGpsBonus1
- vipPermaGpsBonus2
- vipPermaGpsBonus3
- hiddenAchievementFound
- challengeWarningDisabledNew
- challengeFirstFreeKeysGot
- oldChallengeStarsConverted
- notificationsOn
- steamDlcEarned0
- steamDlcEarned1
- steamDlcEarned2
- steamDlcEarned3
- debugMode
- autoKatanaSlash
- autoBuyUpgrades
- autoBuyUpgradesContinuous
- autoBuyBuildings
- debugSkipEvents
- Last Version Played New
- First Number
- Second Number
- Third Number
- Upgrades
- awayIncomeMaxDurationMinutes
- buildingCostDecreaseLevel
- upgradeCostDecreaseLevel
- enemyWaveDensityLevel
- enemySpawnRateLevel
- fireflySpeedLevel
- fireflySizeLevel
- fireflyRespawnLevel
- eventFrenzyLevel
- speedStepMaxMod
- speedStepIncreaseByHitMod
- speedStepDeteriorationByHitLevel
- katanaSlashSlashRangeLevel
- shurikenVortexMultiplier
- shurikenVortexCooldownLevel
- ropeHookGoldMultiplier
- ropeHookCooldown
- energyAutoAbilitiesLevel
- buildingKeepFarmOnAscend
- gpsMod
- gpsExtraForAchievements
- gpsExtraForCompletedUpgradeTier
- awayIncomeMod
- gpsExtraForDaysSinceStartBase
- gpsExtraForDaysSinceStartEffective
- coinValueAsGpsValuePercent
- coinBaseValue
- coinChanceForEmeraldEffective
- coinChanceForSapphireEffective
- coinChanceForRubyEffective
- coinChanceForDiamondEffective
- coinExtraDropChance
- coinChanceForEmerald
- coinChanceForSapphire
- coinChanceForRuby
- coinChanceForDiamond
- gemstoneValueIncrease
- elixirExtraModList
- challengesGoldMultiplier
- buildingGpsForEveryBuildingLevelMultiplier
- buildingGpsForEveryBuildingMilestoneMultiplier
- upgradeCostDecreaseEffective
- elementMod
- enemySamuraiExtraCoinDropped
- enemyArcherExtraCoinDropped
- enemySpearmanExtraCoinDropped
- enemyHoundExtraCoinDropped
- enemyShieldBearerExtraCoinDropped
- enemyRoninExtraCoinDropped
- enemyFlyingExtraCoinDropped
- fireflyCoinMultiplier
- bigEventChanceModifier
- passingEnemyPickpocketPercent
- ropeHookRange
- energyTimeGotPerEnemy
- energyTimerMax
- energyRegenWhileOff
- criticalChance
- criticalMultiplier
- achievementsUnlocked
- achievementsUnlockedThisSession
- ascensionUnlocked
- dragonShopUnlocked
- mpsBonusUnlocked
- challengesUnlocked
- elementUnlocked
- buildingTreasuryUnlocked
- buildingShrineUnlocked
- upgradeBuyAllUnlocked
- fireflyUnlocked
- fireflyRainbowUnlocked
- eventUnlockedGemstoneFever
- eventUnlockedFireflySwarm
- eventUnlockedFireflyStorm
- eventUnlockedKeyDrop
- vipOfflinePackUnlocked
- awayIncomeDurationUnlimited
- speedStepUnlocked
- speedStepCoinMultiplierUnlocked
- katanaSlashNoCooldown
- shurikenVortexUnlocked
- ropeHookUnlocked
- energyUnlocked
- energyAutoOnUnlocked
- criticalUnlocked
- Player Data
- Attachments
- Tap Ninja.CT
- v.2.8.6 / 8873542 / 4 June 2022
- (97.54 KiB) Downloaded 3808 times
- Tap Ninja.CT
- v.2.8.3 / 8781640 / 20 May 2022
- (97.28 KiB) Downloaded 601 times
- Tap Ninja.CT
- v.2.8.0 / Build ID 8687674
- (96.42 KiB) Downloaded 592 times
- Tap Ninja.CT
- v2.7.2 / build ID 8605273 / v2.0
- (147.83 KiB) Downloaded 251 times
- Tap Ninja.CT
- v2.7.2 / build ID 8605273
- (148.07 KiB) Downloaded 239 times
- Tap Ninja.New.CT
- v2.7.2 / Build ID 8571551
- (137.07 KiB) Downloaded 522 times
- Tap Ninja.CT
- v2.6.5
- (146.3 KiB) Downloaded 700 times
- Tap Ninja.CT
- Updated
- (141.7 KiB) Downloaded 2449 times
Last edited by BabyGroot on Mon Jun 13, 2022 8:48 am, edited 17 times in total.
Re: [REQUEST] Tap Ninja
Amazing table thanks ^^ReskyAW wrote: ↑Sat Mar 19, 2022 5:10 pmGame Name : Tap Ninja - Idle Game
Game Vendor : Steam
Game Version/BuildID : hotfixes for March 19th / 8401553
Game Process : Tap Ninja.exe
CE Version : 7.4
Game Release date : 17 Mar, 2022
Screenshot Cheat Table
After the game is open, click directly on [Activate] on the cheat table.
Table will auto attach to process Game
Could you try and find the "Different days played" value? There are some achievements tied to that one too
Re: [REQUEST] Tap Ninja
added features. please check and try.Asgavin wrote: ↑Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:53 pmAmazing table thanks ^^ReskyAW wrote: ↑Sat Mar 19, 2022 5:10 pmGame Name : Tap Ninja - Idle Game
Game Vendor : Steam
Game Version/BuildID : hotfixes for March 19th / 8401553
Game Process : Tap Ninja.exe
CE Version : 7.4
Game Release date : 17 Mar, 2022
Screenshot Cheat Table
After the game is open, click directly on [Activate] on the cheat table.
Table will auto attach to process Game
Could you try and find the "Different days played" value? There are some achievements tied to that one too
Re: [REQUEST] Tap Ninja
The "Player Data" script doesn't seem to work, there was a hotfix update so maybe it broke something? Also for some reason in the "Upgrades" pointer all values appear red and modifying them does nothingReskyAW wrote: ↑Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:46 amadded features. please check and try.Asgavin wrote: ↑Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:53 pmAmazing table thanks ^^ReskyAW wrote: ↑Sat Mar 19, 2022 5:10 pmGame Name : Tap Ninja - Idle Game
Game Vendor : Steam
Game Version/BuildID : hotfixes for March 19th / 8401553
Game Process : Tap Ninja.exe
CE Version : 7.4
Game Release date : 17 Mar, 2022
Screenshot Cheat Table
After the game is open, click directly on [Activate] on the cheat table.
Table will auto attach to process Game
Could you try and find the "Different days played" value? There are some achievements tied to that one too
Re: [REQUEST] Tap Ninja
I just tried and all scripts work fine. for script [active] upgrades >> go to pointer and activate the upgrades header, the pointer will open. try to find the script < coinChanceForDiamondEffective > and set it to 9999999. the drop will change to diamond
Re: [REQUEST] Tap Ninja
I just updated and the playerdata script isn't working.
I followed steps instructed and the player data script would activate at but none of the pointers would update. I've used the previous version of your table and only changed the AUTO KATANA to enabled.
I followed steps instructed and the player data script would activate at but none of the pointers would update. I've used the previous version of your table and only changed the AUTO KATANA to enabled.
Re: [REQUEST] Tap Ninja
I'm sorry, it turns out that the pointer has not been added to the register symbol, now you can download the latest CT.Noodles wrote: ↑Sun Mar 20, 2022 1:30 pmI just updated and the playerdata script isn't working.
I followed steps instructed and the player data script would activate at but none of the pointers would update. I've used the previous version of your table and only changed the AUTO KATANA to enabled.
Re: [REQUEST] Tap Ninja
It's working now, thanks!
Re: [REQUEST] Tap Ninja
Works like a charm, thanks @ReskyAW
Re: [REQUEST] Tap Ninja
Hello. Tell me what and where I need to fix to make it work ...
Well, or lay out an already corrected version. Thanks.
Re: [REQUEST] Tap Ninja
I'll take a look, it looks like the game is updating.
Edit : I just tried it, the game does update, but the script works fine..
Re: [REQUEST] Tap Ninja
Re: [REQUEST] Tap Ninja
Cheat table update, download CT new
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