Should work at least as fine as my previous update
I updated the "unlimited countable spell" to work on faction spell, as I broke it in previous fix.
It seems that the quick spell cooldown works also for enemy, but was also the case in previous fix.
if you find out other issue, let me know, I may look into it... or not
Disclaimer :
I am not the creator of the script, just trying to fix it after game version changes broke it.
But not good enough to do it properly.
fixes :
v0.4 fix some pointers
v0.4 fix game version
v0.3 fix game crash when deactivate the main script
v0.3 in battle god mode works better (still not perfect)
v0.2 fix pointer for "Supply/Wind during Battle"
v0.1 Related to Battles (RTS) unlimited countable spell now works again for faction spell
v0.1 fix game version
known issues :
- Related to Battles (TBS) Auto-Resolve God Mode not working
- Related to Battles (TBS) Troops Quick Level Up not working
- Related to Battles (RTS) god mode let some (friendly ?) damage pass
- Related to Battles (RTS) Full Wind Of Magic probably also works for AI
- Related to Battles (RTS) Quick Spell Cooldown also works for AI
can you update ? 2.2.1 is released today and 2.2.0 not more working...
How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
I have a problem when using this table. During campaign, every time I try to fight a battle manually, there is a black screen with only the game's cursor showing and the game music is playing. It is the screen that appears just before the battle loading screen (when army compositions are shown) but instead of lasting for a second, the black screen stays on for 10-15 minutes, maybe more. Eventually, the battle loading screen will appear, and the battle will load, but it really ruins the game to have to wait for 15 minutes or more to fight a battle. I know that this is due to using this table, because I don't have this problem when playing without activating it.
Does anybody know how to solve this? The table works great otherwise. I am not using any mods or trainers or anything similar.
Does anybody know how to solve this? The table works great otherwise. I am not using any mods or trainers or anything similar.
I have the same issue sometimes, but I didn't know it works again after 10 / 15 mns (not enough patience here ^^)
I suppose it's an issue with memory allocation, the game disturbed by the memory taken by the script. I'm not good enough to find a solution to this issue.
The easy one would be to deactivate the main script before a battle and activate it again when started, but you will probably have the same issue the other way and will probably not able to reactivate.
There is another thread : viewtopic.php?f=4&t=19224
With a script, without allocating memory, but it's limiting possibilities, and I think not updated
For me, it happens every time. Usually it doesn't happen for the first few manual battles when I start a new campaign, but after I've played for some time it happens.
I've tried shutting down cheat engine before a battle, but sometimes the problem remains even then. Also, even if it solves the problem of a battle not loading, when a battle starts, sometimes I'm not able to reactivate the script. What's more, sometimes I'll save the game, then close it, and then start the game again without the cheat engine, yet the game still acts as if the cheat script is activated. I'm not sure whether it is necessary to end turn before the effect of the cheat table "wears off", I didn't have the patience to test everything methodically.
I've since given up on this script, and have instead started playing with some mods that offer some of the functions of this script. I still hope that someone with the skills will solve the issue, since this table offers more things than the mods.
What's more, sometimes I'll save the game, then close it, and then start the game again without the cheat engine, yet the game still acts as if the cheat script is activated.
you mean the game or the campaign ?
if it's the whole game : it's weird
if it's the campaign : it's normal
By deactivating the script you mean unchecking the box next to "Total War Warhammer 3 V2.2.1" in this table? I've never done that, I've always just closed cheat engine. I thought killing it was more effective than just deactivating, but it seems I was wrong
As for the script effect "lingering on" after closing the game, yes I meant closing the whole Total War game, not just quitting the campaign to main menu. I would initiate a battle, then save game during the screen where you can choose whether to auto resolve or fight manually. I would then quit the whole game, close CE, and start the game without CE. I once had the same problem when saving the game during my turn before initiating a battle (while script was active). I then did the same thing - close game, close CE, start the game again without starting CE. Only then did I initiate a battle and I still got the black screen.
With a script, without allocating memory, but it's limiting possibilities, and I think not updated
I get a black screen due to "Unlimited Countable Spell". I tried fast loading before the fight with different options and only disabling this feature allowed me to fight.
Thank you! I finally found the time to play WH 3 again and I can confirm that your solution works for me - no more of that annoying black screen nor the game hanging.
@SeriousY I've only now realized that you are the one who updated the original table. Thank you for keeping it alive!
Should work at least as fine as my previous update
I updated the "unlimited countable spell" to work on faction spell, as I broke it in previous fix.
It seems that the quick spell cooldown works also for enemy, but was also the case in previous fix.
if you find out other issue, let me know, I may look into it... or not
Disclaimer :
I am not the creator of the script, just trying to fix it after game version changes broke it.
But not good enough to do it properly.
fixes :
v0.5 fix game version
v0.4 fix some pointers
v0.4 fix game version
v0.3 fix game crash when deactivate the main script
v0.3 in battle god mode works better (still not perfect)
v0.2 fix pointer for "Supply/Wind during Battle"
v0.1 Related to Battles (RTS) unlimited countable spell now works again for faction spell
v0.1 fix game version
known issues :
- Related to Battles (TBS) Auto-Resolve God Mode not working
- Related to Battles (TBS) Troops Quick Level Up not working
- Related to Battles (RTS) Full Wind Of Magic probably also works for AI
- Related to Battles (RTS) Quick Spell Cooldown also works for AI