Okay I'm gonna give the Crystal Power Challenge as an example:
Step 1 - Open DnSpy and open your DLL.
Step 2 - Under Assets.Scripts.Data go find the Challenge tab and click it.
Step 3 - Ctrl + F "private static bool FinishCPC" without the quotes and you should only get 1 hit
Step 4 - Now there are 2 cases for all the challenges i think. 1st case is there is only 1 return false in the code section, 2nd case is there are 2 return false sections. Challenges that require you to beat Baal fall into the 1st case but CPC falls into the 2nd case. What you want to do is to remove the code snippet of the 2nd return false code.
Step 5 - Right click the section then select Edit Method. Find the 2nd return false condition then remove it. Starting from the If condition down to it's bracket (it's just 4 lines).
Code: Select all
if ((state.Statistic.CrystalPowerGainedInChallenge + cdouble).Ceiled < rightSide)
return false;
Step 6 - This is optional but if you save now you would have to click the challenge 25 times to max it. In order to max it in one click find the state.Statistic.CrystalPowerChallengesFinished line, and change it to state.Statistic.CrystalPowerChallengesFinished += 25; This makes it so that one complete challenge counts for 25 times.
Step 7 - Compile. Then go to File - Save Module then just click OK.
For Case 1 challenges on the Return False condition there is a !state.IsBaalDefeated() inside the if condition. Just remove that exclamation mark then follow the remaining steps.
If you want to apply this to other challenges you just ctrl + f Finish(Challenge Abbreviation). So for Ultimate Baal Challenge it is FinishUBC.
For step 6 the line is unique to the challenge but it is always state.Statistic.SomeChallengeFinished = ++Statistic.SomeChallengeFinished, it shouldn't be hard to find. The max is unique too so change that accordingly. Just ask me if you have any more questions.
Edit: If you want to complete a challenge normally but you want to only do it once to max it out, you can just do the optional step instead.