Ipsin wrote: ↑Thu Mar 17, 2022 6:15 pm
Was auto-parry taken out ?
Edit: Also does anyone knows what the "Show reduction", "Show MAX", and "ALL Time Defensive Back" options in the "Scripts by Gideon25 & Fullcodes" do ?
All time defensive back is an Easy parry that makes it much easier to use the parry skill (with a weapon that has the parry skill of course). There are many scripts on the "Ultimate 1.03.1" that are broken.. So ill just drop this here:
Game v1.03.1
New Screenshots on first post!
[1.]Fixed ALL Scripts/pointers (Did not mess with the coordinate/camera ones though)
[2.]Added No camera Auto Rotation script at top of table
[3.]Added Easier Backstab and Better backstab chances
[5.]Added Arcane to the No requirements for weapons script (it was missing)
[6.]Added a Cracked Pots/Ritual Pots Hack that I created. As long as you have 1 spare/unused cracked pot and 1 spare unused Ritual pot you activate before crafting screen and then you should be able to spam craft tons of things with no limit..I have not tested extensively so back up saves (always!).
[7.]Added Arcane to weapon selection script (it was missing)
[8.]Added 'Show all sites of Grace' and 'Show all Buildings' by Limno. Its a toggle that shows you them on the map but does not "technically" unlock anything (at least I don't think so).
GESTURES- can unlock them all and pick and choose, etc.
[10.]Added back in the
No Dead Toggle that was missing from the last script (its toward bottom of table).