Autorun External Folder

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Autorun External Folder

Post by aSwedishMagyar »

Hi all,

This is just a simple bit of lua that you can put in your autorun folder and it will run all the files in a folder you specify (since I got tired of migrating the boatload of files I was using between installs). This means for new installs of CE you don't have to worry about placing a bunch of files in your autorun folder, you can just put this single file in and it keeps working with all your fun things in a separate folder.

Below is the current folder that is pointed to:

Code: Select all

local sDir = [[C:\Users\]]..os.getenv('USERNAME')..[[\Documents\My Cheat Tables\__autorun_Lua_Files]]
local cDir = [["]]..sDir..[["]]
for dir in io.popen("dir "..cDir.." /b"):lines() do dofile(sDir..[[\]]..dir) end
You can specify your folder within brackets for the sDir variable.
Ex. local sDir = [[D:\Cheat Engine Files\Lua Tools]]

Only change the sDir variable (and in the way shown above), io.popen requires it to be in that format so don't change cDir.

Hope you find this helpful,
PW: fearlessrevolution
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