Dying Light 2

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Dying Light 2

Post by SunBeam »

UPDATE: As of 1.0.4, the devs went for the dickish move to remove the Developer Menu. Back your files up and download the ones below.

Hello everyone.

Due to the recent revelations regarding the mentality of some of the users here, on FRF, I decided I would not post anything on this game. The community's fine without my shallow tables and I'm sure you'll manage without my intervention. As such, dropped in just to leave this here:

Dying Light 2 1.0.3 [5 Feb 2022; Steam]:
  • engine_x64_rwdi.dll
  • gamedll_ph_x64_rwdi.dll
  • gamedll_ph_x64_rwdi.pdb
Download: [Link]

It's a fake .pdb dumped from IDA, after having run Class Informer. What this helps with is listing some structures' symbolic names pulled out of RTTI.


That's all. Happy reversing.

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Re: Dying Light 2

Post by Laeo »

Can you please elaborate on this reversal a bit more? I'm kind of a noob on this. Is it just replacing the existing files with the downloaded ones?

Never mind, I figured it out. It is a simple replace of old files with the new. Just back it all up!

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Re: Dying Light 2

Post by ExiledRogue »

"Could you kindly credit the original author? >>

You need to credit the person you "ported this idea from".

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Re: Dying Light 2

Post by SunBeam »

ExiledRogue wrote:
Tue Feb 08, 2022 3:27 am
"Could you kindly credit the original author? >>

You need to credit the person you "ported this idea from".
If you're referring to me, what's posted in this topic has nothing to do with that mod. Check the files for yourself. They are the backup files of v1.0.3 (2 DLLs and a PDB I made myself in IDA). I have already written above what the ZIP contains, yet you want to stir shit up again. Cool, man, we can play all day long.

I guess the only way to get rid of you is to show proof. Which makes you look stupid in the long run. So here:
  • I am the one being credited twice in the mod's notes:

  • Here's my chat with SERVPH, where I'm clearly saying NO to posting the mod on FRF:

  • Who is the one being asked here for help, in PM?

So credit the person for what, when I'm the one being credited and asked the help of? 8-) That's what happens when you don't do your homework properly & randomly accuse people with unfounded innuendos you're disinterested in verifying. Which is not what this is all about, but to stir shit up.

That being said, my one and only warning: please stick to your OCD (OCD being opench.. nah, it's clearly an obsessive compulsive disorder).
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and/or behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over.
That's right. There's a scientific name for what you're doing. Cheerios.

P.S.: To whomever else is reading this: the new user comes from the newly formed forum whose name I won't mention (it's been mentioned between the lines). Since the recent change in their new lives, the former FRF users love to piggy it back every now and then to reminisce and try to rekindle the spark with accusations and innuendos. Luckily for me and sadly for them, I am and will be prepared this time around. No more mister nice guy.

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Re: Dying Light 2

Post by Laeo »

It looks like this method disables joining other games in online multiplayer. As soon as I reverted my files I was able to join again.

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Re: Dying Light 2

Post by jonaaa »

Laeo wrote:
Tue Feb 08, 2022 4:57 am
It looks like this method disables joining other games in online multiplayer. As soon as I reverted my files I was able to join again.
It's kinda obvious, you're using older files and they're checking if you're running the latest version of the game.

You can play COOP with older versions but they need to have the same files as yours.

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Re: Dying Light 2

Post by servph »

jonaaa wrote:
Tue Feb 08, 2022 5:43 am
Laeo wrote:
Tue Feb 08, 2022 4:57 am
It looks like this method disables joining other games in online multiplayer. As soon as I reverted my files I was able to join again.
It's kinda obvious, you're using older files and they're checking if you're running the latest version of the game.

You can play COOP with older versions but they need to have the same files as yours.
You can play CO-OP with all versions, I've tested this myself and I can 10000% confirm it doesnt check what version you are on in order to matchmake.


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Re: Dying Light 2

Post by servph »

ExiledRogue wrote:
Tue Feb 08, 2022 3:27 am
"Could you kindly credit the original author? >>

You need to credit the person you "ported this idea from".
Why bring this up. Its water under the bridge we already talked about it, I understood why he was initially upset. I've had my own code stolen just for someone to ride on its popularity and have it be used for crashing other peoples games. Bringing this up just seems like a cope to me.

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Re: Dying Light 2

Post by SunBeam »

servph wrote:
Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:04 am
ExiledRogue wrote:
Tue Feb 08, 2022 3:27 am
"Could you kindly credit the original author? >>

You need to credit the person you "ported this idea from".
Why bring this up. Its water under the bridge we already talked about it, I understood why he was initially upset. I've had my own code stolen just for someone to ride on its popularity and have it be used for crashing other peoples games. Bringing this up just seems like a cope to me.
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Re: Dying Light 2

Post by CrissCross94 »

I know mentioned above it says you can still play coop with the most updated version of the Dev menu (located in the start menu, opposed to the "hints"), however every session I attempt to join comes up with the message along the lines of "unable to establish a connection". I'm assuming this doesn't work on coop anymore then?

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Re: Dying Light 2

Post by SunBeam »

Please read the forum rules. Last and single warning: no speak of anything that means online gameplay. We don't support the making of or talking of such cheats.

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Re: Dying Light 2

Post by CausingNirvana »

Legend. Thank you. was wondering why the dev menu suddenly stopped working.

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