Zero tolerance for rule breakers.
→ Do NOT bypass censored words. Do NOT link banned sites. The banned sites have tried to harm FRF or been deemed harmful and shouldn’t be linked.
→ BE FRIENDLY! Do NOT create drama. Appreciate contributors/table makers and staff. Do NOT be a nuisance
This is a free community, be nice to contributors. If you don’t like something even though it maybe allowed ( see viewtopic.php?t=26394 )
You can ignore or communicate to the staff but don’t create drama and engage in public theatrics.
→ Follow request template when requesting cheats (viewtopic.php?t=6436 )
→ Post in correct section. Do not spam requests. Bumping old request is fine. Don't use clickbait titles. Use search!!
→ Can I ask questions about online cheats?
Yes, but you are not likely to get help as this is a community focused on single player/offline aspect of games.
→ Can I ask about bypassing anti-cheat methods in online games? What about single-player ones?
Yes, you are allowed to ask questions (generic, not specific and target-oriented), but only for single-player games; we do not support or condone bypassing online-games' (mostly MMOs) anti-cheat systems. Besides, you can find resources in several other places, no need to bring this here.
→ Can I post tables that feature scripts/modifications for online cheating purposes?
This is a decided on a case by case basis but as long as the game has a single player/offline component and/or doesn't grief the gameplay of others, this is allowed. Keep in mind that, if at any given point in time, reports are issued (reports of grieving), the said table will be under review. Based on the outcome, the topic might get locked/table removed.
→ Can I post tables other people created?
Yes. When posting tables that don't belong to you:
1. check if that table's been posted already;
2. check the content of the table (not many of you know you can open .CT files with Notepad/Notepad++) and verify if an author exists (name can be included in scripts as well)
3. if post already exists, but table's been created by a certain individual and you have another, post it in that thread, giving credit
4. in case you want to make any modification to an existing table (which is not your creation) and share it with the community:
a. PM the table author asking for permission
b. if no response is given in 48 hours time (idling, author retired or just simply not wanting to reply), kindly create a header in the table with author's name (e.g.: [SunBeam] (original author)) and move all content there; then create a header with your name (e.g.: [SomeUser1]) and put your entries/scripts there -> example post: here
c. you may add to the existing credits, in a separate sub-section (if you have any logging info) (e.g.: in the Extras window)
5. as long as there's mentioning of the original author's name wherever in the table, and you've checked all steps in #4 above, the author is considered to have been credited
→ Can I use a signature in my profile?
Signatures are only available for select user groups that have gained trust within the community.
→ Pornography discussions (pictures, links, anything related) are not allowed !
→ Upload the cheat tables to this forum. No linking to any other site (github, dropboxbox, drive etc). No password protecting your cheat tables.
→ Password-protect any non-CT content such zip/rar/7zip archives if you're uploading them to this forum. They will be removed otherwise.
Please report any non-compliance.
Thank you!
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