Game Name: Rise 2: Resurrection - (Director's Cut)
Options Required: Play as bosses (6 of them can be unlocked with keyboard codes, the rest are not unlockable, also the dirctor's cut has 4 other new bosses)
Other Info: playable on dosbox or PCEM.
Table or trainer is indifferent, I would appreciate one of the two, but prefer tables, being that must be used on dosbox and dont know how external windows trainers works there.
Willing to bounty, if reasonable
old fighting game for win 95/dos the director's cut especially, has some unplayable bosses, i tried to go through the only procedure i usually know and do for fighting games (unknown value, then move cursor and see if i find values that changes) but is not working here. some guys on youtube posted videos of them plasying as the bosses but of course they dont' want to share on how they did it
[REQUEST] Rise 2 resurrection play as all bosses
[REQUEST] Rise 2 resurrection play as all bosses
Last edited by Solstar on Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
Re: [REQUEST] Rise 2 resurrection play as all bosses
ok thanks, edited
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