[REQ] Against The Storm

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Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by mahdidul »

parker_4144 wrote:
Wed Dec 07, 2022 6:43 am
mahdidul wrote:
Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:41 am
parker_4144 wrote:
Tue Dec 06, 2022 5:03 am

Thank you for sharing.
How do I enable "ConfigurableAgainstThe Storm.dll"?
1. Download [Link]
2. Extract it on the root game folder (where Against the Storm.exe is located)
3. Create "plugins" folder on the BepInEx folder (the path should be <root game>/BepInEx/plugins
4. Drop ConfigurableAgainstThe Storm.dll to the created "plugins" folder
5. Run the game to let BepInEx create config folder and files automatically
6. Close the game
7. Open generated mod config file "mahdidul.againstthestorm.general.cfg" on <root game>/BepInEx/config
8. Edit values to your liking and save it
9. Re-run the game. Now the mod should be enabled
Great! but "AdditionalRelicWorkingTime" doesn't seem to work. I changed the value(20 -> any value) and checked it again in the game, but there seems to be no difference.
I've noticed it as well. Here's the update. I've added more options as well.

Please do note that I haven't tested all these options myself. So let me know if any option is not working.

Code: Select all

## Settings file was created by plugin Against The Storm Mod v1.0
## Plugin GUID: mahdidul.againstthestorm.general


## All production building output multiplier. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
ProductionMultiplier = 20

## All production building storage capacity bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalBuildingStorageCapacity = 200

## Worker movement speed bonus. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalWorkerSpeed = 20

## All production building speed. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalBuildingProductionSpeed = 200

## Construction speed bonus. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalConstructionSpeed = 200

## All production building multiplier. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalHouseCapacity = 200

## Worker carry capacity bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalWorkerCarryCapacity = 200

## How long to plant in the farmfield - in second. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
PlantingTime = 0.1

## How long to plow the farmfield - in second. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
PlowingTime = 0.1

## How long to wait for harvesting farm - in second. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
HarvestingTime = 0.1

## Farm harvested crops quantity bonus. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalHarvestedCrops = 20

## Prevent order from getting blocked. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
OrdersNeverBlocked = true

## Attacking trader will not get blocked penalties. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
TraderAttackPenaltiesNeverBlocked = true

## Prevent trader routes from getting blocked. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
TradeRoutesNeverBlocked = true

## Fertile soil bonus for farmfields. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalGrassAmount = 200

## Higher values will drain foods quickly. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
HungerMultiplier = 0

## Lower values will likely prevent worker from leaving. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
LeavingRate = 0

## Set hearth sacrifice max stacks. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
HearthSacrificeMaxStacks = 200

## Set Newcomers count bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalNewcomersCount = 20

## Set Newcomers goods multiplier. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
NewcomersGoodsMultiplier = 200

## Set Order options amount. Max 7 on 1080p screen. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
OrdersOptionsAmount = 7

## Set raw deposits charges bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalRawDepositsCharges = 20000

## Set production multiplier bonus per-recipe. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalRecipeProductionMultiplier = 20

## Set chance for extra rewards from relics. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
RelicExtraRewardsChance = 20

## Set working speed on relics. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
RelicsWorkingSpeed = 20

## Set working time on relic. Will disable RelicsWorkingSpeed value. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
RelicWorkingTime = 0

## Set resolve rate per-second. Negative values will drain resolve otherwise will increase. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalResolveChangePerSec = 2

## Set resolve to reputation ration. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
ResolveToReputationRatio = 2

## Set all seasons length multiplier. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
SeasonLengthMultiplier = 0.34

## Set all seasons length. Lower values will make season changes more frequent. Will disable SeasonLengthRate value. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
SeasonLength = 0

## Set TimedOrdersAmount. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
TimedOrdersAmount = 10

## Set Trader merchs amount bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalTraderMerchsAmount = 20

## Set Trade routes amount bonus. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalTradeRoutesAmount = 10

## Set TradeRoutesSpeed. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
TradeRoutesSpeed = 200

## Set TradeRoutesTravelTime. Will disable TradeRoutesSpeed value. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
TradeRoutesTravelTime = 0

## Set TraderTravelSpeed. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
TraderTravelSpeed = 200

## Set VillagerBreakTime. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
VillagerBreakTime = 0.1

## Set amount of Wildcards (All building cards) choice. Set to 1 to pick one each time. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
WildcardPicksLeft = 0

## Set to prevent blight during storm. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PreventBlightInStorm = true

## Set consumption control to always available. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
ConsumptionControlAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set favoring to always available. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
FavoringAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set to prevent workers from leaving. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PreventWorkersFromLeaving = true

## Set to always able to move all buildings. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
MovingAllBuildingsEnabled = true

## Set to prevent moving all buildings. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PreventMovingBuildings = false

## Set to always able to pause the game. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PauseAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set to always get reputation from resolve. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
ReputationFromResolveAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set to prevent season changes. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PreventSeasonChanges = false

## Set to prevent trade from getting blocked. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
TradeAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set Cornerstones rerolls count. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
CornerstonesRerollsCount = 2000

## Set total amount of Newcomers. Will disable AdditionalNewcomersCount and AdditionalNewcomersCountPerRace values. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AmountOfNewcomers = 20

## Forcefully set perks stacks amount. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
PerksStacks = 20

## Set Reputation picks amount bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
ReputationBonusPicks = 2

## Set Reputation total picks amount. Will disable ReputationBonusPicksAmount value. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
ReputationFullPicks = 0

## Set price to reroll Reputation. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
ReputationRerollPrice = 1

## Set Reputation wildcards picks amount. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
WildcardsPicksAmount = 1

See the password
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Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by parker_4144 »

mahdidul wrote:
Wed Dec 07, 2022 7:34 am
parker_4144 wrote:
Wed Dec 07, 2022 6:43 am
mahdidul wrote:
Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:41 am

1. Download [Link]
2. Extract it on the root game folder (where Against the Storm.exe is located)
3. Create "plugins" folder on the BepInEx folder (the path should be <root game>/BepInEx/plugins
4. Drop ConfigurableAgainstThe Storm.dll to the created "plugins" folder
5. Run the game to let BepInEx create config folder and files automatically
6. Close the game
7. Open generated mod config file "mahdidul.againstthestorm.general.cfg" on <root game>/BepInEx/config
8. Edit values to your liking and save it
9. Re-run the game. Now the mod should be enabled
Great! but "AdditionalRelicWorkingTime" doesn't seem to work. I changed the value(20 -> any value) and checked it again in the game, but there seems to be no difference.
I've noticed it as well. Here's the update. I've added more options as well.

Please do note that I haven't tested all these options myself. So let me know if any option is not working.

Code: Select all

## Settings file was created by plugin Against The Storm Mod v1.0
## Plugin GUID: mahdidul.againstthestorm.general


## All production building output multiplier. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
ProductionMultiplier = 20

## All production building storage capacity bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalBuildingStorageCapacity = 200

## Worker movement speed bonus. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalWorkerSpeed = 20

## All production building speed. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalBuildingProductionSpeed = 200

## Construction speed bonus. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalConstructionSpeed = 200

## All production building multiplier. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalHouseCapacity = 200

## Worker carry capacity bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalWorkerCarryCapacity = 200

## How long to plant in the farmfield - in second. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
PlantingTime = 0.1

## How long to plow the farmfield - in second. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
PlowingTime = 0.1

## How long to wait for harvesting farm - in second. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
HarvestingTime = 0.1

## Farm harvested crops quantity bonus. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalHarvestedCrops = 20

## Prevent order from getting blocked. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
OrdersNeverBlocked = true

## Attacking trader will not get blocked penalties. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
TraderAttackPenaltiesNeverBlocked = true

## Prevent trader routes from getting blocked. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
TradeRoutesNeverBlocked = true

## Fertile soil bonus for farmfields. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalGrassAmount = 200

## Higher values will drain foods quickly. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
HungerMultiplier = 0

## Lower values will likely prevent worker from leaving. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
LeavingRate = 0

## Set hearth sacrifice max stacks. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
HearthSacrificeMaxStacks = 200

## Set Newcomers count bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalNewcomersCount = 20

## Set Newcomers goods multiplier. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
NewcomersGoodsMultiplier = 200

## Set Order options amount. Max 7 on 1080p screen. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
OrdersOptionsAmount = 7

## Set raw deposits charges bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalRawDepositsCharges = 20000

## Set production multiplier bonus per-recipe. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalRecipeProductionMultiplier = 20

## Set chance for extra rewards from relics. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
RelicExtraRewardsChance = 20

## Set working speed on relics. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
RelicsWorkingSpeed = 20

## Set working time on relic. Will disable RelicsWorkingSpeed value. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
RelicWorkingTime = 0

## Set resolve rate per-second. Negative values will drain resolve otherwise will increase. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalResolveChangePerSec = 2

## Set resolve to reputation ration. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
ResolveToReputationRatio = 2

## Set all seasons length multiplier. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
SeasonLengthMultiplier = 0.34

## Set all seasons length. Lower values will make season changes more frequent. Will disable SeasonLengthRate value. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
SeasonLength = 0

## Set TimedOrdersAmount. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
TimedOrdersAmount = 10

## Set Trader merchs amount bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalTraderMerchsAmount = 20

## Set Trade routes amount bonus. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalTradeRoutesAmount = 10

## Set TradeRoutesSpeed. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
TradeRoutesSpeed = 200

## Set TradeRoutesTravelTime. Will disable TradeRoutesSpeed value. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
TradeRoutesTravelTime = 0

## Set TraderTravelSpeed. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
TraderTravelSpeed = 200

## Set VillagerBreakTime. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
VillagerBreakTime = 0.1

## Set amount of Wildcards (All building cards) choice. Set to 1 to pick one each time. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
WildcardPicksLeft = 0

## Set to prevent blight during storm. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PreventBlightInStorm = true

## Set consumption control to always available. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
ConsumptionControlAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set favoring to always available. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
FavoringAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set to prevent workers from leaving. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PreventWorkersFromLeaving = true

## Set to always able to move all buildings. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
MovingAllBuildingsEnabled = true

## Set to prevent moving all buildings. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PreventMovingBuildings = false

## Set to always able to pause the game. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PauseAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set to always get reputation from resolve. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
ReputationFromResolveAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set to prevent season changes. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PreventSeasonChanges = false

## Set to prevent trade from getting blocked. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
TradeAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set Cornerstones rerolls count. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
CornerstonesRerollsCount = 2000

## Set total amount of Newcomers. Will disable AdditionalNewcomersCount and AdditionalNewcomersCountPerRace values. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AmountOfNewcomers = 20

## Forcefully set perks stacks amount. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
PerksStacks = 20

## Set Reputation picks amount bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
ReputationBonusPicks = 2

## Set Reputation total picks amount. Will disable ReputationBonusPicksAmount value. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
ReputationFullPicks = 0

## Set price to reroll Reputation. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
ReputationRerollPrice = 1

## Set Reputation wildcards picks amount. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
WildcardsPicksAmount = 1

See the password
It works very well. Thank you.

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Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by exclude »

Thanks! but
PlantingTime, PlantingTime, HarverstingTime are not working.

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Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by Desora »

Fantastic work, Mahdidul!

As noted above, the planting / harvesting time change isn't working - neither is the blight one, sadly. Also messing with trader speed seems to shut off the other changes in-game.

Oh, if you get the chance to mod it further, could you give us a parameter to increase the amount of reputation needed to win? I'd love to be able to build up the town more before victory.

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Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by Desora »

Oh, also noticed that cornerstone reroll doesn't seem to work.

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Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by BrooklynKnight »

Is there a Steam version of the trainer?

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Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by FalSBS »

BrooklynKnight wrote:
Mon Jan 02, 2023 9:02 am
Is there a Steam version of the trainer?
most functions from mahdidul plugin works on Steam so use that until they update the CT table

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Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by BabyGroot »

Code: Select all

Game Name: 					Against The Storm	
Game Process : 					Against The Storm.exe
Game Release date: 				1 Nov, 2022
CE Version : 					7.4
Version Game / Build Id / Date Patch:  		v0.40.2R / 10206483 / 23 December 2022
Check build Id / Date Patches : [Link]

1. After the game is open, click directly on [ Activate ] on the cheat table.
Table will auto attach to process Game.

2. Effect State / Meta Perks State / Settings - [ Active, Need Build Building ]

3. Building Storage - [ Active, Need Click Building ]

My Table Old : viewtopic.php?p=253144#p253144
Options Table

If you like my table, don’t forget to click the Image button.
Against the Storm.CT
v0.40.2R / 10206483 / 23 December 2022
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Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by jujonkey »

@BabyGroot thanks for your effort and the Table! Is there a possibility to get a function like a simple "add ressource x"? That's basically the only thing I use and it's a bit of a hassle to to it manually each new game. If not, thanks anyway!

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Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by runejade »

the cheat engine no longer works for the new patch, may we get an update?

pBase3 could not be found. build id 10262804 just came up. and now i am no longer able to activate the ce for the game, i assume the new game mode they recently added moved a ton of stuff over.
Last edited by runejade on Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by runejade »

i know that since ce isn't a "agreed appon item" for windows, it won't show normally, thats why it asks each time i open it, if i want to authorize, but i tried to download the config files, and it says that they contain a virus or malware. the OR part tells me that, it might not be either, and its just unidentified for the system, is this normal for bepinex files to show? i am inexperienced on using bepinex files. please educate me on anything i should know, if its conviniant for you.

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Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by Anglican »

mahdidul wrote:
Wed Dec 07, 2022 7:34 am
parker_4144 wrote:
Wed Dec 07, 2022 6:43 am
mahdidul wrote:
Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:41 am

1. Download [Link]
2. Extract it on the root game folder (where Against the Storm.exe is located)
3. Create "plugins" folder on the BepInEx folder (the path should be <root game>/BepInEx/plugins
4. Drop ConfigurableAgainstThe Storm.dll to the created "plugins" folder
5. Run the game to let BepInEx create config folder and files automatically
6. Close the game
7. Open generated mod config file "mahdidul.againstthestorm.general.cfg" on <root game>/BepInEx/config
8. Edit values to your liking and save it
9. Re-run the game. Now the mod should be enabled
Great! but "AdditionalRelicWorkingTime" doesn't seem to work. I changed the value(20 -> any value) and checked it again in the game, but there seems to be no difference.
I've noticed it as well. Here's the update. I've added more options as well.

Please do note that I haven't tested all these options myself. So let me know if any option is not working.

Code: Select all

## Settings file was created by plugin Against The Storm Mod v1.0
## Plugin GUID: mahdidul.againstthestorm.general


## All production building output multiplier. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
ProductionMultiplier = 20

## All production building storage capacity bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalBuildingStorageCapacity = 200

## Worker movement speed bonus. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalWorkerSpeed = 20

## All production building speed. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalBuildingProductionSpeed = 200

## Construction speed bonus. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalConstructionSpeed = 200

## All production building multiplier. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalHouseCapacity = 200

## Worker carry capacity bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalWorkerCarryCapacity = 200

## How long to plant in the farmfield - in second. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
PlantingTime = 0.1

## How long to plow the farmfield - in second. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
PlowingTime = 0.1

## How long to wait for harvesting farm - in second. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
HarvestingTime = 0.1

## Farm harvested crops quantity bonus. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalHarvestedCrops = 20

## Prevent order from getting blocked. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
OrdersNeverBlocked = true

## Attacking trader will not get blocked penalties. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
TraderAttackPenaltiesNeverBlocked = true

## Prevent trader routes from getting blocked. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
TradeRoutesNeverBlocked = true

## Fertile soil bonus for farmfields. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalGrassAmount = 200

## Higher values will drain foods quickly. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
HungerMultiplier = 0

## Lower values will likely prevent worker from leaving. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
LeavingRate = 0

## Set hearth sacrifice max stacks. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
HearthSacrificeMaxStacks = 200

## Set Newcomers count bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalNewcomersCount = 20

## Set Newcomers goods multiplier. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
NewcomersGoodsMultiplier = 200

## Set Order options amount. Max 7 on 1080p screen. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
OrdersOptionsAmount = 7

## Set raw deposits charges bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalRawDepositsCharges = 20000

## Set production multiplier bonus per-recipe. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalRecipeProductionMultiplier = 20

## Set chance for extra rewards from relics. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
RelicExtraRewardsChance = 20

## Set working speed on relics. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
RelicsWorkingSpeed = 20

## Set working time on relic. Will disable RelicsWorkingSpeed value. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
RelicWorkingTime = 0

## Set resolve rate per-second. Negative values will drain resolve otherwise will increase. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
AdditionalResolveChangePerSec = 2

## Set resolve to reputation ration. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
ResolveToReputationRatio = 2

## Set all seasons length multiplier. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
SeasonLengthMultiplier = 0.34

## Set all seasons length. Lower values will make season changes more frequent. Will disable SeasonLengthRate value. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
SeasonLength = 0

## Set TimedOrdersAmount. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
TimedOrdersAmount = 10

## Set Trader merchs amount bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalTraderMerchsAmount = 20

## Set Trade routes amount bonus. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AdditionalTradeRoutesAmount = 10

## Set TradeRoutesSpeed. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
TradeRoutesSpeed = 200

## Set TradeRoutesTravelTime. Will disable TradeRoutesSpeed value. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
TradeRoutesTravelTime = 0

## Set TraderTravelSpeed. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
TraderTravelSpeed = 200

## Set VillagerBreakTime. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Single
# Default value: 0
VillagerBreakTime = 0.1

## Set amount of Wildcards (All building cards) choice. Set to 1 to pick one each time. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
WildcardPicksLeft = 0

## Set to prevent blight during storm. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PreventBlightInStorm = true

## Set consumption control to always available. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
ConsumptionControlAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set favoring to always available. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
FavoringAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set to prevent workers from leaving. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PreventWorkersFromLeaving = true

## Set to always able to move all buildings. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
MovingAllBuildingsEnabled = true

## Set to prevent moving all buildings. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PreventMovingBuildings = false

## Set to always able to pause the game. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PauseAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set to always get reputation from resolve. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
ReputationFromResolveAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set to prevent season changes. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PreventSeasonChanges = false

## Set to prevent trade from getting blocked. Set false to disable.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
TradeAlwaysAvailable = true

## Set Cornerstones rerolls count. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
CornerstonesRerollsCount = 2000

## Set total amount of Newcomers. Will disable AdditionalNewcomersCount and AdditionalNewcomersCountPerRace values. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
AmountOfNewcomers = 20

## Forcefully set perks stacks amount. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
PerksStacks = 20

## Set Reputation picks amount bonus. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
ReputationBonusPicks = 2

## Set Reputation total picks amount. Will disable ReputationBonusPicksAmount value. Set 0.0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
ReputationFullPicks = 0

## Set price to reroll Reputation. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
ReputationRerollPrice = 1

## Set Reputation wildcards picks amount. Set 0 to disable.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 0
WildcardsPicksAmount = 1

See the password
This doesn't seem to generate a config file. I am playing on the latest update though.

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Joined: Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:33 pm
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Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by runejade »

BabyGroot wrote:
Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:56 am

Code: Select all

Game Name: 					Against The Storm	
Game Process : 					Against The Storm.exe
Game Release date: 				1 Nov, 2022
CE Version : 					7.4
Version Game / Build Id / Date Patch:  		v0.40.2R / 10206483 / 23 December 2022
Check build Id / Date Patches : [Link]

1. After the game is open, click directly on [ Activate ] on the cheat table.
Table will auto attach to process Game.

2. Effect State / Meta Perks State / Settings - [ Active, Need Build Building ]

3. Building Storage - [ Active, Need Click Building ]

My Table Old : viewtopic.php?p=253144#p253144
Options Table

If you like my table, don’t forget to click the Image button.
Is there any way you can update this for the new patch. they added a new game mode, and i would like to be able to get back to playing this inbetween my breaks without the stress of reading searches taking up the time. also, thankyou so much for making the first code, its awesome. i have no clue on how to fix pbase3 or what it even means tbh.

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Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by MoiToto »

Anglican wrote:
Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:23 pm
This doesn't seem to generate a config file. I am playing on the latest update though.

did you Download BepInEx x86 v5.4.21.0 not the BepInEx_x64_5.4.21.0 (as mahdidul's write) ?


Posts: 36
Joined: Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:33 pm
Reputation: 3

Re: [REQ] Against The Storm

Post by runejade »

it appears that this modification to which bepinex file i used, worked. and completely with the current patch as of , after 1/11/23. and i am using it. thanks for informing us of this possible missed opportunity

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