There is definitely not much to get in this game. Even in solo mode against NPC everything is server sided.
But I haven't tried to make instant win like in Duel Links yet.
I get Iil2Cpp dumped and figured out that a lot of logic is in the duel.dll.
Update 2!
After spending upwards of 5 hours grinding for little bits of XP here and there, It was locked down to about 150+ Values, lots of the same number and an even amount matching with a slightly different number, as I began to see what all I could find out, crash, lost all the data
Unfortunately its seems as if I will not be able to help at all.
Luckily after spending several hours ingame, it seems as if you may be able to earn enough crystals in the beginning to build at least 3 good decks.
I HIGHLY suggest looking for a Meta recipe to be able to compete with others as it seems there is no option for a more "casual" dueling experience.
I also got absolutely nothing on attribute orbs as well.
Konami has money grubbed again
Luckily after spending several hours ingame, it seems as if you may be able to earn enough crystals in the beginning to build at least 3 good decks.
Maybe too late for you (but you can reset your account any time, if you want), but for somebody who want to get deep into the game, I recommend watching some YouTube videos. The game seems to be pretty fair for people who don't want to spend (much) money. But it's important to know small things and what is the best buy for free earned crystals.
I find this video very useful:
But there are more videos, also an important thing that was missing in Duel Links is card crafting, like in Heartstone.
You can discard/destroy cards to get crafting materials that you can use to craft cards you need. Another significant thing, is how to unlock special booster packs (secret card packs). (watch also the video above)
im trying to use cheat engine in this game but its seems not working ( using the basics only that what i know to do ) for the LP its changes but its not working and for the N / R / SR / UR seems not working at all cant even find the value :/ anyone help please !
im trying to use cheat engine in this game but its seems not working ( using the basics only that what i know to do ) for the LP its changes but its not working and for the N / R / SR / UR seems not working at all cant even find the value :/ anyone help please !
99% of this game is server-side u wont find the things u want
I've been poking around to see if I can make a simple Instant Win feature, the best I have for now is "always win". Even if you lose, the game still counts as win, you get the Exp, rewards for it and the stage is "clear!". It doesn't work, if you just surrender.
I reverse engineered the surrender function, it sends a "surrender" command. There are no "Send-Commands" for win or something, so I haven't found a way to make surrender into instant win.
If someone, want to look into it for yourself. Engine.SendSurrender is the function. It uses PvP.Send function to inform the server and the game that you surrendered.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I didn't test "Always win" online. Feel free to do it, if you're not scared to get banned, but I doubt that it works anyway.
The game seems to be heavily server sided.
I'm done with this game. After watching some videos, I realized that I'm at least 10 years behind. There are like 10k cards in Yu-Gi-Oh and too many crazy effects and combos. Duel Links was really a blessing at the beginning to re-experience the nostalgia.
Like in Duel Links all important things are server sided. Instant Win against NPC could be possible, and as you see in my script above, you can override the game result to trick the game into thinking that you have beat a certain stage in solo mode, even if you lose. However, there is no real use for such a thing as "Instant Win", since there is no real grind like in DL. You can beat the Solo mode only once to get all the rewards.
There are also functions and information available that should be able to make it possible to read opponents cards, but you even want to make a tool for it, or you have to reverse engineer, if there is a function that shows you all the cards. In Duel Links it was pretty easy, since each Character there has a special ability and Pegasus could see opponents cards, if I remember it right. It was client sided, so you could manipulate the game easily to enable the ability permanently or something like this.
Anything else, like crystals (currency), exp, your cards are completely server sided.
In Duel Links you could increase your reward and exp against NPCs, because there was a system that counted client sided how many rare cards you have played and depends on cards rarity, how you won, etc. a score was calculated that gave you max amount of exp on a score 8k and above.
However, there is no such system in Master Duel.
I'm done with this game. After watching some videos, I realized that I'm at least 10 years behind. There are like 10k cards in Yu-Gi-Oh and too many crazy effects and combos. Duel Links was really a blessing at the beginning to re-experience the nostalgia.
Like in Duel Links all important things are server sided. Instant Win against NPC could be possible, and as you see in my script above, you can override the game result to trick the game into thinking that you have beat a certain stage in solo mode, even if you lose. However, there is no real use for such a thing as "Instant Win", since there is no real grind like in DL. You can beat the Solo mode only once to get all the rewards.
There are also functions and information available that should be able to make it possible to read opponents cards, but you even want to make a tool for it, or you have to reverse engineer, if there is a function that shows you all the cards. In Duel Links it was pretty easy, since each Character there has a special ability and Pegasus could see opponents cards, if I remember it right. It was client sided, so you could manipulate the game easily to enable the ability permanently or something like this.
Anything else, like crystals (currency), exp, your cards are completely server sided.
In Duel Links you could increase your reward and exp against NPCs, because there was a system that counted client sided how many rare cards you have played and depends on cards rarity, how you won, etc. a score was calculated that gave you max amount of exp on a score 8k and above.
However, there is no such system in Master Duel.
Thank you for showing interest! Im sure just that there is plenty to help new or OG Yu-Gi-Oh players give themselves a little bit of a boost in the early game! I know Im going to use it for sure just so I can still feel accomplished for using my horribly outdated deck xD
I've been poking around to see if I can make a simple Instant Win feature, the best I have for now is "always win". Even if you lose, the game still counts as win, you get the Exp, rewards for it and the stage is "clear!". It doesn't work, if you just surrender.
I reverse engineered the surrender function, it sends a "surrender" command. There are no "Send-Commands" for win or something, so I haven't found a way to make surrender into instant win.
If someone, want to look into it for yourself. Engine.SendSurrender is the function. It uses PvP.Send function to inform the server and the game that you surrendered.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I didn't test "Always win" online. Feel free to do it, if you're not scared to get banned, but I doubt that it works anyway.
The game seems to be heavily server sided.
Hi! Thanks for your work! Unfortunately this table doesn't work form me... I've tried with two version of cheat engine, but It always report error : "error in line 18 (assert("duel.dl"+856157,88 80 34 03 00 00)) :The bytes at "duel.dll"+856157 are not what was expected"
you can always win, by searching the number of cards remaining in the deck of your adverser and, then, each turn that he take one card you can search for one less, and then check all the searching result to "0", next turn you win.
I don't know how to do a pointer, because the adress is swaping every duel you start, so if this thing can help somebody for creating a pointer to make the adress statik it would be welcome.
(sorry my english is so rusty, im speaking french normaly..)