God of War

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Re: God of War

Post by jeremyrem »

Here is a snippet I just made that you can add to the table

Its freezes the Magma Shield's timer making it last forever (or until you toggle it off)

Its from the Sinmara's Cinder talesman - Summon a raging Muspelheim maelstrom that prevents Kratos's attacks from being interrupted, reduces the amount of damage he takes, and inflicts normal and BURN damage to all nearby enemies.

EDIT: It looks like this effects all countdown effects/buffs/timers and not just the Magma Shield, one thing I wish it worked with was the Hel's Wind. It pauses the count down but the wind still reverts after the 10 seconds despite the time remaining

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(INJECT,GoW.exe,F3 0F 11 41 28 F3 0F 59) // should be unique



  nop 5
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db F3 0F 11 41 28



GoW.exe+97C966: 48 83 EC 50              - sub rsp,50
GoW.exe+97C96A: 80 3D EF 52 DC 01 00     - cmp byte ptr [GoW.exe+2741C60],00
GoW.exe+97C971: 48 8B D9                 - mov rbx,rcx
GoW.exe+97C974: 0F 85 A9 00 00 00        - jne GoW.exe+97CA23
GoW.exe+97C97A: 48 63 41 18              - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rcx+18]
GoW.exe+97C97E: 33 FF                    - xor edi,edi
GoW.exe+97C980: F3 0F 10 41 28           - movss xmm0,[rcx+28]
GoW.exe+97C985: F3 0F 5C 05 73 CD 56 04  - subss xmm0,[GoW.exe+4EE9700]
GoW.exe+97C98D: 48 89 44 24 28           - mov [rsp+28],rax
GoW.exe+97C992: C7 44 24 40 47 01 00 00  - mov [rsp+40],00000147
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
INJECT: F3 0F 11 41 28           - movss [rcx+28],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
GoW.exe+97C99F: F3 0F 59 05 25 B7 56 00  - mulss xmm0,[GoW.exe+EE80CC]
GoW.exe+97C9A7: F3 0F 2C C0              - cvttss2si eax,xmm0
GoW.exe+97C9AB: 48 63 C8                 - movsxd  rcx,eax
GoW.exe+97C9AE: 48 63 43 1C              - movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbx+1C]
GoW.exe+97C9B2: 48 89 44 24 38           - mov [rsp+38],rax
GoW.exe+97C9B7: 48 8B 43 10              - mov rax,[rbx+10]
GoW.exe+97C9BB: 48 89 4C 24 30           - mov [rsp+30],rcx
GoW.exe+97C9C0: 48 8B 48 08              - mov rcx,[rax+08]
GoW.exe+97C9C4: 48 8B 41 08              - mov rax,[rcx+08]
GoW.exe+97C9C8: 48 8D 4C 24 20           - lea rcx,[rsp+20]

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Last edited by jeremyrem on Mon Jan 24, 2022 3:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: God of War

Post by banmeido »

This is the only table that works for me, thank you. Would it be possible to add "Instant Cooldown" for all skills, the listed ones only work for the axe. Thank you again.

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Re: God of War

Post by RottenAzzRonnie »

This table is absolutely magnificent! And thank you for sharing! 👏👏👏

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Re: God of War

Post by LoneRanger »

I am probably being stupid, but I can't get the Resource Gain modifiers to work at all? If I select "Inf items" and expecting to receive infinite items, nothing happens. Same when I try specific ones like Frozen Flame multiplier, nothing happens.
What am I doing wrong?

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Re: God of War

Post by SunBeam »

banmeido wrote:
Sun Jan 23, 2022 10:36 pm
This is the only table that works for me, thank you. Would it be possible to add "Instant Cooldown" for all skills, the listed ones only work for the axe. Thank you again.
Smug statement. Maybe rephrase it to "the only table that has the options I want". Cuz I doubt the table I made in the other topic, downloaded almost 20K times, doesn't work for people, in general or you, in particular...

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Re: God of War

Post by jeremyrem »

Just got to Niflheim and found the toxic mist pretty annoying (well just hate seeing bars decrease tbh) so I made this snippet that prevents it from going down.

EDIT - Wow, this worked too well. It also disabled damage. 1 positive is it prevents mob spawns by killing them instantly but it can break scripted fights, leaving it here incase it can be salvaged

Its awesome, if you just want to walk in an area and have it auto kill all mobs as soon as they spawn tho

Also if anyone needs it, the starting value for the mist health is 240, uses float

Code: Select all

{ Game   : GoW.exe
  Date   : 2022-01-24
  Author : JRemi

  Disables Niflheim's toxic mist


aobscanmodule(INJECT4,GoW.exe,F3 0F 11 73 20 74) // should be unique



  nop 5
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db F3 0F 11 73 20



GoW.exe+79A29E: 45 33 C0           - xor r8d,r8d
GoW.exe+79A2A1: E8 3A 2B 02 00     - call GoW.exe+7BCDE0
GoW.exe+79A2A6: 0F 28 F0           - movaps xmm6,xmm0
GoW.exe+79A2A9: EB 03              - jmp GoW.exe+79A2AE
GoW.exe+79A2AB: 0F 57 F6           - xorps xmm6,xmm6
GoW.exe+79A2AE: F3 41 0F 5F F0     - maxss xmm6,xmm8
GoW.exe+79A2B3: 33 F6              - xor esi,esi
GoW.exe+79A2B5: F3 41 0F 5D F2     - minss xmm6,xmm10
GoW.exe+79A2BA: 44 0F 28 54 24 50  - movaps xmm10,[rsp+50]
GoW.exe+79A2C0: 41 0F 2E F1        - ucomiss xmm6,xmm9
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
GoW.exe+79A2C4: F3 0F 11 73 20     - movss [rbx+20],xmm6
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
GoW.exe+79A2C9: 74 5B              - je GoW.exe+79A326
GoW.exe+79A2CB: 48 39 73 18        - cmp [rbx+18],rsi
GoW.exe+79A2CF: 0F 84 F0 00 00 00  - je GoW.exe+79A3C5
GoW.exe+79A2D5: 48 8B 43 10        - mov rax,[rbx+10]
GoW.exe+79A2D9: 48 8B 48 08        - mov rcx,[rax+08]
GoW.exe+79A2DD: E8 4E B9 D5 FF     - call GoW.exe+4F5C30
GoW.exe+79A2E2: 48 85 C0           - test rax,rax
GoW.exe+79A2E5: 74 06              - je GoW.exe+79A2ED
GoW.exe+79A2E7: 48 8B 40 40        - mov rax,[rax+40]
GoW.exe+79A2EB: EB 07              - jmp GoW.exe+79A2F4

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Re: God of War

Post by apollo1 »

jeremyrem wrote:
Sun Jan 23, 2022 1:37 pm
Here is a snippet I just made that you can add to the table

Its freezes the Magma Shield's timer making it last forever (or until you toggle it off)

Its from the Sinmara's Cinder talesman - Summon a raging Muspelheim maelstrom that prevents Kratos's attacks from being interrupted, reduces the amount of damage he takes, and inflicts normal and BURN damage to all nearby enemies.

EDIT: It looks like this effects all countdown effects/buffs/timers and not just the Magma Shield, one thing I wish it worked with was the Hel's Wind. It pauses the count down but the wind still reverts after the 10 seconds despite the time remaining
Ive tested it, and although it works, its a bit buggy. You need to hotkey it a toggle it on and off constantly. If you keep it on and use a runic cooldown attack skill, that skill becomes locked/frozen and you're unable to use it again until/unless you toggle off the code. So it becomes too annoying to use after a while, especially if you're like me who likes to use no runic skill cooldown cheat and spam cooldown related attacks. If there was a way to target lock the talisman trinket activated cooldowns only, those are the cooldowns you only really want to lock down, because having to constantly spam them is annoying.
Last edited by apollo1 on Mon Jan 24, 2022 11:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: God of War

Post by jeremyrem »

apollo1 wrote:
Mon Jan 24, 2022 11:24 pm
jeremyrem wrote:
Sun Jan 23, 2022 1:37 pm
Here is a snippet I just made that you can add to the table

Its freezes the Magma Shield's timer making it last forever (or until you toggle it off)

Its from the Sinmara's Cinder talesman - Summon a raging Muspelheim maelstrom that prevents Kratos's attacks from being interrupted, reduces the amount of damage he takes, and inflicts normal and BURN damage to all nearby enemies.

EDIT: It looks like this effects all countdown effects/buffs/timers and not just the Magma Shield, one thing I wish it worked with was the Hel's Wind. It pauses the count down but the wind still reverts after the 10 seconds despite the time remaining
Ive tested it, and although it works, its a bit buggy. You need to hotkey it a toggle it on and off constantly. If you keep it on and use a runic cooldown attack skill, that skill becomes locked/frozen and you're unable to use it again until/unless you toggle off the code. So it becomes too annoying to use after a while, especially if you're like me who likes to use no runic skill cooldown cheat and spam cooldown related attacks. If there was a way to target lock the talisman trinket activated cooldowns only, those are the cooldowns you only really want to lock down, because having to constantly spam them is annoying.
Yea, nothing I can really do about that right now. Running 2 cheats so never realized that was an issue as the other ones lets me spam as much as I want. Even makes it so I cant be hit (main reason I am using it)

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Re: God of War

Post by SunBeam »

jeremyrem wrote:
Sun Jan 23, 2022 1:37 pm
Found the same thing today, it only affects the timer, not the effect:

Code: Select all

000000014097CC80 | 48:895C24 08       | MOV QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+8],RBX        |
000000014097CC85 | 57                 | PUSH RDI                            |
000000014097CC86 | 48:83EC 50         | SUB RSP,50                          |
000000014097CC8A | 803D CF4FDC01 00   | CMP BYTE PTR DS:[142741C60],0       | << global flag to disable it
000000014097CC91 | 48:8BD9            | MOV RBX,RCX                         |
000000014097CC94 | 0F85 A9000000      | JNE gow.14097CD43                   |
000000014097CC9A | 48:6341 18         | MOVSXD RAX,DWORD PTR DS:[RCX+18]    |
000000014097CC9E | 33FF               | XOR EDI,EDI                         |
000000014097CCA0 | F3:0F1041 28       | MOVSS XMM0,DWORD PTR DS:[RCX+28]    |
000000014097CCA5 | F3:0F5C05 53CA5604 | SUBSS XMM0,DWORD PTR DS:[144EE9700] |
000000014097CCAD | 48:894424 28       | MOV QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+28],RAX       |
000000014097CCB2 | C74424 40 47010000 | MOV DWORD PTR SS:[RSP+40],147       |
000000014097CCBA | F3:0F1141 28       | MOVSS DWORD PTR DS:[RCX+28],XMM0    | << this writes to timer
000000014097CCBF | F3:0F5905 15B55600 | MULSS XMM0,DWORD PTR DS:[140EE81DC] |
000000014097CCC7 | F3:0F2CC0          | CVTTSS2SI EAX,XMM0                  |
000000014097CCCB | 48:63C8            | MOVSXD RCX,EAX                      |
000000014097CCCE | 48:6343 1C         | MOVSXD RAX,DWORD PTR DS:[RBX+1C]    |

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Re: God of War

Post by yaodm2020 »

Thanks everyone for making the script.
Anyone interested in making a script to change the Atreus' rate of fire and the number of arrows per shot?
I tried to see which values changed when firing by searching the memory area around the affected arrow.
But it didn't work.

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Re: God of War

Post by banmeido »

SunBeam wrote:
Mon Jan 24, 2022 6:27 pm
banmeido wrote:
Sun Jan 23, 2022 10:36 pm
This is the only table that works for me, thank you. Would it be possible to add "Instant Cooldown" for all skills, the listed ones only work for the axe. Thank you again.
Smug statement. Maybe rephrase it to "the only table that has the options I want". Cuz I doubt the table I made in the other topic, downloaded almost 20K times, doesn't work for people, in general or you, in particular...

I apologize if that's what it sounded like, I'm actually using the windows 7 fix to run the game. I tried a couple other tables & a couple trainers that didn't work. Like you said, I didn't try out your table as it didn't have the options I wanted.

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Re: God of War

Post by jeremyrem »

SunBeam wrote:
Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:02 am
jeremyrem wrote:
Sun Jan 23, 2022 1:37 pm
Thank you, will check it out.

Still a newbie and dont really know what I am doing. Been doing the basic find number/value and change/freeze/etc, this was my first attempt at nop'ing so any input/advise you have is graciously accepted.

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Re: God of War

Post by acecel »

Thank you for the awesome table.

I wanted to duplicate an enchantment i had (Shard of The Elements), i was hoping to be able to do that with the inventory editor but i can't find any of my enchantments, only the list of possible craftable ones. Did i missed something ? or enchantments are not in the inventory editor ?

If anyone found a way to do that i would love to have a little help (by mp or here as you want)

Edit : Maybe it is possible to edit the "craft a random enchantments" so that it create a specific one ?

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Re: God of War

Post by acecel »

I found a way to modify character's stats which persist over time, in case some people doesn't know about it.
It involve the "Yggdrasil's Dew" you can find in Midgard while exploring the Lake of Nine with the boat, so you need to advance in the story enough to be able to do that (if you are not there yet then stop reading) :
However, in order to collect all of the Yggdrasil's Dews, you need to progress the story after the point where you blow the serpent horn to reduce the water level of the Shores of the Nine the second time.

You can find multiple guides online (like the one above) on how to collect all of them with their locations and such, i guess you only need to get one of each "kind" to be able to edit all your stats.

So they give a fixed stat bonus (+2) and they exist in 6 versions (i used the name from the inventory editor) :
- [StrengthBoatLoot] Yggdrasil’s Dew of Strength
- [RunicBoatLoot] Yggdrasil’s Dew of Runic Power
- [DefenseBoatLoot] Yggdrasil’s Dew of Defense
- [ResistanceBoatLoot] Yggdrasil’s Dew of Vitality
- [FocusBoatLoot] Yggdrasil’s Dew of Cooldown
- [LuckBoatLoot] Yggdrasil’s Dew of Luck

So you can easily change their quantity via the inventory editor then save/reload to see your stats updated in game.

I don't know what happen if you find/use one of them after having edited their quantity, in the best case it just add +1 to the quantity, in the worst it reset the value and you have to edit it again, so no worries.

I hope it may help one or two people around here, and sorry if this "tips" has already been explained previously (or if it's so simple/easy that nobody would loose time explaining it :mrgreen: )
Last edited by acecel on Fri Jan 28, 2022 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: God of War

Post by iethanhuntz »

acecel wrote:
Thu Jan 27, 2022 3:27 am
I found a way to modify character's stats which persist over time, in case some people doesn't know about it.
It involve the "Yggdrasil's Dew" you can find in Midgard while exploring the Lake of Nine with the boat, so you need to advance in the story enough to be able to do that (if you are not there yet then stop reading) :
However, in order to collect all of the Yggdrasil's Dews, you need to progress the story after the point where you blow the serpent horn to reduce the water level of the Shores of the Nine the second time.

You can find multiple guides online (like the one above) on how to collect all of them with their locations and such, of course you only need to get one of each "kind" to be able to edit all your stats.

So they give a fixed stat bonus (+2) and they exist in 6 versions (i used the name from the inventory editor) :
- [StrengthBoatLoot] Yggdrasil’s Dew of Strength
- [RunicBoatLoot] Yggdrasil’s Dew of Runic Power
- [DefenseBoatLoot] Yggdrasil’s Dew of Defense
- [ResistanceBoatLoot] Yggdrasil’s Dew of Vitality
- [FocusBoatLoot] Yggdrasil’s Dew of Cooldown
- [LuckBoatLoot] Yggdrasil’s Dew of Luck

So you can easily change their quantity via the inventory editor then save/reload to see your stats updated in game.

I don't know what happen if you find/use one of them after having edited their quantity, in the best case it just add +1 to the quantity, in the worst it reset the value and you have to edit it again, so no worries.

I hope it may help one or two people around here, and sorry if this "tips" has already been explained previously (or if it's so simple/easy that nobody would loose time explaining it :mrgreen: )
If you find one after editing the value, it simply increase your stats. it has a cap the max you should add in all category except vitality is 450 and in vitality you can go up to 9500. It has been discussed before on occasion in SunBeam's post.

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