PeaceBeUponYou wrote: ↑Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:21 pm
I just checked your post. "Hashes", really? do you even know those hashes are not hard coded. Game generates those hashes using a script encryption function. (Function encrypts the object name, which in the text file I provided with my CT are preset in "[]"). It uses a sequence of a few instructions, I can show you if you want.
Yes. HASHES. Here..
PERM encoding:
Code: Select all
sub rsp,28
xor r9d,r9d
lea r10,[rcx+1]
mov al,[rcx]
movzx r8d,al
lea r10,[r10+1]
sub al,61
cmp al,19
lea ecx,[r8-20]
movzx edx,cl
cmova edx,r8d
movzx eax,dl
add rax,r9
imul r9,rax,401
mov rax,r9
shr rax,6
xor r9,rax
movzx eax,byte ptr [r10-1]
test al,al
jne short @b
mov rax,r9
jmp short +3
xor rax,rax
add rsp,28
And the items are hashed differently when you ACQUIRE them.
Code: Select all
sub rsp,28
xor r11,r11
mov r9,rcx
movzx r8d,byte ptr [r9]
test r8l,r8l
je short HashMe_null
inc r9
test r8l,r8l
je short HashMe_null
movzx edx,r8l
lea r9,[r9+1]
sub r8l,61
cmp r8l,19
movzx r8d,byte ptr [r9-1]
lea eax,[rdx-20]
movzx ecx,al
cmova ecx,edx
movzx eax,cl
add rax,r11
imul r11,rax,401
mov rax,r11
shr rax,6
xor r11,rax
test r8l,r8l
jne short HashMe_loop
jmp short +3
xor rax,rax
add rsp,28
Add those to your CE and run a known string through each. You will see the results you get T_T. So yes, I DO KNOW.
Please do your research better than having some snarky comebacks at me. I've been analyzing this game for quite a while now. And if you get to do that, you'll find out that the algorithm is this:
[Link] (notice the word HASH in that link?):
Code: Select all
// An implementation of Jenkins's one-at-a-time hash
// <>
function hashString(key) {
var hash = 0, i = key.length;
while (i--) {
hash += key.charCodeAt(i);
hash += (hash << 10);
hash ^= (hash >> 6);
hash += (hash << 3);
hash ^= (hash >> 11);
hash += (hash << 15);
return hash;
Again, yes, HASHES.
And again, I DID NOT SAY YOU STOLE FROM ME. I also posted that I DID NOT IMPLY THAT. If lashed out at you it's because he didn't understand I WAS TALKING ABOUT CREDITING. Now.. if you've done everything by yourself, with zero inspiration, then there's no need to credit anyone and you can rest assured I won't bother you again.
One thing though, don't ever again advertise your work that way, on behalf of other sites, trying to pull in members to subscribe with your table.