As a nice twist you can also do the following (if you mean to update the
Hook Inventory Reader script):
1) Check out the Excel file on main page.
2) Copy the
Internal Name of the item you want the
Inventory Reader to list for you.
3) In [ Debug ] section of the table you will see a script:
Hash String.
4) Enable the script and paste the copied Internal Name.
5) Lua Engine should now pop and give you the hash.
You can now open the Hook Inventory Reader script (right-click > Change script) and adjust it as I will explain below.
Example: -- adding
World Serpent Scale to the list
So: 0065F9F9E69EAEDC == World Serpent Scale. Now:
Then edit it so it looks like this:
NOTE THAT YOU HAVE TO INCREASE THE OFFSET BY 8 IN "mov [pTable+XX],r13" instruction. YOU WILL HAVE TO DO THIS EVERY TIME YOU ADD ANOTHER ITEM. The offsets go in eighths: 50, 58, 60, 68, 70, 78, 80, 88, etc. H E X A D E C I M A L ! Hope it's as clear as fucking daylight.
Click OK. Then enable the script. Lastly, copy last entry and paste it below it (just press Ctrl+V without any clicks):
Then select this last entry and change its name accordingly, as well as the offset:
Click OK and open Inventory in-game:
BOOM shakalaka!
Now save your table and that's that. Keep adding shit as I've taught you above