Boss_DTF wrote: ↑Fri Jun 28, 2024 7:17 pm
I'm talking about being able to adjust other players in your lobby with stuff like XP, Guardian Ranks, Eridium and all that stuff.
Just to be clear on that I'm not sure if you thought I meant like personal information or something, just being able to adjust their xp and what not.
I'd love to donate if you could point me in the right direction. I've been using this site for a long long time but never replied or made any post until recently.
I don't hack online games and it goes against the rules on this forum, too.
For donations, contact
STN using PM.
Here's the table I built in 2023 - half a year ago or so.
I ported most of my old BL2 stuff, fixed and improved old scripts found on this board.
Loot Profiler; applies a specific loot profile using a timer. Timer is needed because the values reset every now and then (map change?).
Attribute Profiler; applies a specific attribute profile using a timer. A bunch of damage multipliers. Timer is needed because the values reset every now and then (map change?).
Seconds to shop reset; pointer
Mayhem Level; pointer
Health Damage; protects the player
Move Speed; speeds up the player
Jump Speed; makes the player jump higher
Free chests; ignores the key requirement
Backpack SDUs; pointer, not saved
Gold; pointer
Eredium; pointer
Infinite Ammo; as name suggests
Fire Delay; faster shooting
Spread Mod; focused fire
Spread Gain; less gain
Recoil; steady weapon
Weapon Heat Gain; weapon heats up slowly
Constant Mag Spin; fix mag spin
Mag Spin Rate; faster mag spinup
Charge Time; faster charge
Auto Fire; continuous firing
Projectile Speed; less lead is required
Mission Timer; this is not my script, just added it to table. Can't recall who posted this script. If you find your own work in here, let me know and I'll add the credits to this post.