Searching .txt files and print to drop down. Even possible?

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Re: Searching .txt files and print to drop down. Even possible?

Post by oldstuff »

Not sure if this is the best way or not.. but i managed to get it working with this:

Code: Select all

	local dropDownData = { }
	for address, name in fileStr:gmatch('%[%x-%]%s(%x-)%sItemPoolData%s.-([%w_]*%.[%w_]*)') do
		if wanted[name] then
			local prettyName = name:match('^[%w_]-%.ItemPool_(.-)$')
			---- this will make the names look like this: "BigBoomBlaster", "Pills Downer"
			---- 	But you can just use name if this doesn't match enough.
			---- Here we setup a table to call concat on.
			if prettyName then
				table.insert(dropDownData, address..':'..prettyName:gsub('_', ' '))
				prettyName = name:match('^[%w_]-%.DA_ItemPool_(.-)$')
				if prettyName then
					table.insert(dropDownData, address..':'..prettyName:gsub('_', ' '))

				prettyName = name:match('^[%w_]-%.Itempool_(.-)$')
				if prettyName then
					table.insert(dropDownData, address..':'..prettyName:gsub('_', ' '))

					table.insert(dropDownData, address..':'

It seems to be pulling all the address's now and not giving any error... Do you see anything i might of done wrong that im not seeing?

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Re: Searching .txt files and print to drop down. Even possible?

Post by SunBeam »

Since this is BL3 or Tiny Tina related, why not use the helpers in my Table? There is a function called staticFindObjectEx (it calls up on the UE4 internal function StaticFindObject) which you can use to query the Objects pool and get the address of an UObject instantly. Just format it properly (takes from 1 to 3 args). Add a loop and you will get all you need very fast, no txt file required to be read :))

P.S.: I even use it in the Set Weapon Properties script, so you have an example there.. :) Good luck!

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