i just allow some setting in file game and ce
and i click play empyrion.exe in folder game don't run on steam (i don't know about table can't work)
and it work!!! table work
edit: ok it really! when i play empyrion.exe on steam table it not work it can't detected i don't know why?
and when i play empyrion.exe on folder game table it work!!
you can tell me something this issuse?
** i observe (Task Manager) EAC don't run when i click play empyrion.exe in folder game it make ce table work ! and detected in ce and when i play empyrion.exe on steam EAC it run!! make table and ce don't work and undetected expyrion.exe
you can help me this issuse ?
#and i have a question
- we can play in EAC server list ?
thank you time
thank you again mate
@notPhokz @Kalas