If you want use "Creative >> Commande with ahcivement" please follow this step :
To avoid crashes and loose your survival world just copy this. When you wan't save and leave the world please take OFF and uncheck "Creative >> Commande with ahcivement"
If you want to use the jetpack and teleport with the shortcuts (not the button) you need to activate teleportation first and then the jetpack and do not disable teleport.
Features :Spoiler
- Creative >> Commande with ahcivement*
- FulBright
- Force Show Coordinates
- See invisible entities
- No Blind
- Zoom
- Instant Break
- Godmode*
- Fly / Jetpack bypass hurt when you flying
- FastHit
- Super Reach (7 blocks)
- High Jump
- Critical hit
- No Hunger
- Anti Knockback
- Speed Hack
- HitBox Widht
- HitBox Height
- No Slow in web
-Teleport / Teleport XYZ
- Phase* (if you have any bugs, please leave one comment here)
- Fast Ladder (UP/DOWN)
- Fast Scaffolding (UP/DOWN)
- Semi Jesus (Water or Lava)
- AIrVel
- Instant Eat
- "No Block"
- AirJump
- No Slow Sneak
- Always Sneaking
- Auto Sprint
- LongJump
- Water/Lava Up
- Water Down
- Fast Place
- Time
- NoFall (Offline)
- Spider
- Blink
- Instant Bow
- No Hurt Cam
- No Fire Visual
- Swim Animation
- Lava Speed
- Water Speed
- Show under Lava / Water
- Hit Trought the wall
- Keep Inventory
- Anti Mob Spawning (For the night) (Mob spawning with spawner or spawn with eggs)
- No Damage Fire
- No Phamtom Spawn
- MobGriefind
- TickSpeed
- RainTime
- Scaffold
- Rain toggle
- Rain block Time
- Durability // Infinite block // No drowning
- Stealth
- Name / Name Long*
- Max Heart
- One Hit Kill
Dev Log : Spoiler
Added :
One Hit Kill
11/06/2022 :
Added :
-Name and Name long
-Max Heart
Removed :
Strength effect (I'm working with Jz in OHK)
Version 1.18.X :Spoiler
Added :
Command enabled with achievements
No Durability / No Drowning / Unlimited Block
Fix :
No Web
Optimized :
Added :
Longjump you can select your value
Fixed :
Teleport and High Jump
Added :
Emergency pointer for Time, Exp, Visual Heart, MobGriefing and Rain Time
Airvel, water down/up, semi jessus lava you can select your value
Added :
Jesus for Lava
Rain toggle and rain block time
Improve :
Speed for Water and Lava (This is a script now)
Tick Speed (This is a script now)
1.18.12 :
Hit Trought the wall
Keep Inventory
Anti Mob Spawning (For the night) (Mob spawning with spawner or spawn with eggs)
No Damage Fire
No Phamtom Spawn
Strength effect
27/02/2022 :
Added AirJump with or without fast fall.
1.18.10 :
Teleport to XYZ
No Hurt Cam
No Fire Visual
Swim Animation
Lava Speed
Water Speed
Show Under Water / Lava
1.18.2 :
Instant Eat
"No Block"
No Slow Sneak
Always Sneaking
Auto Sprint
Water/Lava Up
Water Down
Fast Place
NoFall (Offline)
Instant Bow
1.18.1 :
Coming Soon :
Instant Eat
"No Block" (idk for better name, you don't need jump for upping block)
1.18.0 :
Added AIrVel
You can now change value wihout edit the script.
How to use : Spoiler
Check the box and the features is on. If you have one feature with value for change you need to change "Value" under you feature
For EXP you need to put your value in "EXP" and update ingame your level (one level more) and your value updated to CE value
For use Noblock, juste double click on value and select ON or OFF.
* : Spoiler
Creative with achievements unlockable :Your world must be created in survival mode ! Please make sure to turn on to activate creative mode which gives you access to creative mode (except Fly, activate Fly Hack after). Turn off before saving or exiting game to continue earning achievement. Remember, this does not work on Realms/Server. Use at your own risk
Godmode : When you have the godmode to activate and you take a poison effect your life will go down but to get to 4 hearts your life must go up. If all the time you die despite that you just have to activate the godmode and in "Pointer Address" activate "Visual Heart".
Phase : When you want to deactivate the effect, sometimes it doesn't work you can always go through the blocks, to solve this problem you have to change the value of "HitBoxPhase" to +1. Exemple you have 4.185431223 you need just add +1 = 5.185431223.
Show Under Water / Lava:
You need to activate before you enter in the liquide same for no fire you need to ON before you enter in lava. If you ON in lava just out and enter again.
Name long = The maximum number of characters you can put. By default it will be the number of your nickname for example Saug = 4 So if I want to put Hello I will have to change the long name to 5
Crédits :
Hacker Hansen for Jetpack script.
Tung for Teleport button.