a simple item editor. just a quick one. may add more when the game is finally unlocked. (or I may just wait for more options from makotech222, most likely...)re-post of the table I uploaded on the original forum. may or may not work on the latest game update.
the original post is as messy as you can see below. and it's even messier here as I'm too lazy to reformat the text as it was. maybe I'll tidy it up and write a proper scripts' descriptions for it when I'm bored later. who knows~
you can change the ID and quantity of the highlighted item (works in both inventory menu and equipment menu).
just a few ID list for now. feel free to add them in.
there are 2 more untested scripts in the table too. use at your own risk.
added a simple script, Secret of Metamorphosis, which allows you to use the Secret of Metamorphosis without finishing the game first.
1. goto the "Start Menu" (where you can choose from "Main Menu", "Manual", and "Exit Game"), or "Main Menu" (where you can choose from "New Game", "Load Game", "Hard Mode", "Option").
2. enter any of the menu item while holding both Ctrl and Shift together, would brings you to the character editing menu.
you should wait until you have created the protagonist before you use the Secret of Metamorphosis.
added a Game Speed Mod script.
when activated, press CapsLock to bullet time, press Shift+CapsLock to back to normal speed.
added Extend Vertical Cam Limit and No Clip
Extend Vertical Cam Limit
- extend the vertical range you can view with the camera.
No Clip
- when activated, press numpad0 and numpad/ to start, press numpad0 and numpad* to end.
- for now you may took fall damage (you might get killed even) when you end the flying if you noclip for too long. having a proper god mode activated is a must.
- updated No-Clip. the injection point used on the previous script may bring you to some weird place if you cross the "edge" of the current "tile" (only happens if you're in the open world ((not in village/town/camp ect.))). the new injection point would bypass this problem by allowing the game itself to calculate the "edge crossing".
- as you can't pass through wall or ground with this injection point, No-Clip is changed to Fly.
- when Fly is activated, press numpad0 and numpad/ to start, press numpad0 and numpad* to end.
- note that you need to jump to take off if you start flying on the ground.
- same as the previous update, you may took fall damage (you might get killed even) if you fly for too long. having a proper god mode activated is a must.
- added Real Time script, which set the time of day speed to "almost" real time.
- added some pointers including Gold, RC, Dcp (both plater and main pawn), Current Day, and Time of Day.
- for the Time of Day, dropdown list is prepared, you can change to the hour of day you want from it.
- if the pointers are showing "??", access the inventory once and check again.
- for Game Speed Mod, hotkeys to slow motion is changed: press CapsLock to bullet time, press Tab to back to normal speed.
added Undead and Full Stamina.
both works on party only.
for Undead, party's HP still drops when being hit but your party won't die. falling won't kill you as well.
updated Undead script, it won't prevent your party from healing anymore.
- added Share Weapons' Skills
-- allows you to use all learnt Weapons' Skills, ignoring your current vocation; as long as you can use the weapon, all the skill you learnt for that weapon can be used.
-- e.g., Heavenward Lash, originally a Fighter only skill, can be used on all vocations that can equip a sword, i.e., Fighter, Assassin, and Mystic Knight.
-- as the script name suggested, it doesn't cover the Core Skills.
- added Total Weight Mod, allows you to ignore the weight of each party members separately
-- if Status is "Normal", script won't do anything.
-- if Status is "Ignore", script would make the game think you've Zero Weight without tempering the actual Weight. (prefer method, as it won't temper the actual value, thus setting the Status back to "Normal" would reveal your actual Weight right away. not thoroughly tested though.)
-- if Status is "Set Zero", script would set the actual Weight to Zero.
- updated Extend Vertical Cam Limit, it works on bow aiming now.
- updated Real Time to Time Interval Mod, allows you to customize the speed.
-- 1 : Game Default
-- <1 : slower than Game Default (e.g., 0.5 : Game Default/2)
-- >1 : faster than Game Default (e.g., 2 : Game Default*2)
-- you can still select "Real Time" from the dropdown list, or keyin 999999, or pressing F10.
- hotkeys are set for my own convenience, (can be changed via the table manually):
-- F12: enable all scripts
-- F11: set "Multiplier" of "Time Interval Mod" to "Half Game Default"; Set "Status" of "1" under "Total Weight Mod" to "Ignore"
-- F10: set "Multiplier" of "Time Interval Mod" to "Real Time"
-- CapsLock: "Slow Motion" ON
-- Tab: "Slow Motion" OFF
-- numpad0+numpad/: "Fly" ON
-- numpad0+numpad*: "Fly" OFF
-- G: heal party
- updated Share Weapons' Skills, missed one condition jump on last update.
- no table updates. just fixed a typo on the hot-keys description above.
added Affinity Mod.
- you can view the Affinity and Attitude of the NPC whose affinity just changed (the one you just talked to or bump into or attacked, etc.).
- for Affinity, 850 is friend, 900 is pink.
-- somehow raising affinity won't change the attitude automatically, neither by legit means in-game or via CE.
- for Attitude, not sure how it works exactly yet.
-- changing this would change how the NPC talk to you.
- change the value of Mod to how you want the script to manipulate the affinity change:
-- "normal (do nothing)" > won't do anything when the affinity is changed.
-- "no negative change" > ignore any negative change.
-- "all change positive" > all negative change would become positive change. e.g., when bumping into someone, instead of giving you -5 to affinity, it would give you +5 to affinity.
-- "instant friend" > any change would make the affinity to friend (850).
-- "instant pink" > any change would make the affinity to pink (900).
added some misc. pointers, e.g. pointers to equiped skills of protagonist, pointers to some manner of speech of all joined pawns.
if you want to change skill via the table, access equipment menu and exit to let the game register the changes.
-added Instant Skill Charge
-- condition check added to ensure it works on protagonist only.
-- tested on staff/sword spells, shield spells, melee skills, and bow skills.
-- please report if you found some skills/spells not covered.
-added Ranks Ignore when Learning Skills
-- allows you to learn a skills, be it weapon skills, core skills or augments, regardless of the current rank.
-added Vocation Ignore when Learning Skills
-- allows you to learn a skills, be it weapon skills, core skills or augments, regardless of the current vocation.
-- note that the primary and secondary skills are still bond by weapon types the current vocation can use. that means you can't learn any Dagger skills when using Warrior, can't learn any Bow skills when using Sorcerer, etc.
-added a fly speed for Fly script
-- change it to a bigger number to move faster, useful when you want to travel to a faraway place without using Ferrystone.
-- beware if you decided to fly a long way above the ocean, you may lost your pawns. it's because the game would teleport the pawns (and the person you're escorting actually) to you if they are too far away from you, and if you're above the ocean when that happens, they'll fall into it. so if you want to "fast travel" with this script, stay away from the ocean.
-the hot-keys to activate the scripts/options are added in the corresponding script's description.
- forgot to give credits to unrevealer, whose Quick Spell Casting script is which I based on to make Instant Skill Charge.
- updated Some Pointers script. you don't need to access inventory once after activating the script anymore.
- updated Total Weight Mod script. you can pick up items when you're "overweighted" if "Status" is set to "Ignore" now.
- added Enable, to gather the Party Base pointers.
- updated Undead, Instant Skill Charge and Fly to utilize the new party base check.
- for Instant Skill Charge:
-- added an option to choose an Alternate method to instant charge.
-- if the Default method just brings the charge to full green without actually charged, try the Alternate method.
-- I haven't experience this "full green without actually charged" problem myself, so it's just a testing, hope that helps.
- updated Total Weight Mod
-- simplified the party slot check.
-- fixed a bug that introduced in the previous update (missed a pop, would crash the game when a party member with "Normal" Mod Status pick up things).
- added Ignore Gold
-- allows you to buy or sleep at inn with 0 gold (gold still decrease normally when shopping).
-- tested on shop and inn.
- some hot-keys are changed, check the script's descriptions in the table for details.
- table now used vng21092's aobscan lua script for some of the injection points (as of this update, Ignore Gold script). so, when asked "This table contains a lua script. Do you want to run it?", CLICK YES.
updated Instant Skill Charge
- covered one more heavy weapon skill
- added support for the whole party, you can choose which party member(s) to apply to.
- hotkeys to enable:
-- hold "numpad0", then
--- press "numpad1" for Protagonist.
--- press "numpad2" for Main Pawn.
--- press "numpad3" for Pawn 2
--- press "numpad4" for Pawn 3
- hotkeys to disable:
-- hold "numpad.", then
--- press "numpad1" for Protagonist.
--- press "numpad2" for Main Pawn.
--- press "numpad3" for Pawn 2
--- press "numpad4" for Pawn 3
updated Total Weight Mod
- Weight pointers in Inventory/Equipment menu would show the correct values now.
added Equipment Quality Flags to the Highlighted Item pointers.
a quick update to Instant Skill Charge once more. didn't know it has yet another whole different route to handle heavy weapons' lash skill. the script cover heavy weapons' skill "Indomitable Lash" now.
added Ignore Dcp.
- allows you to learn skills and change vocation with 0 Dcp.
- Dcp would still decrease normally when spent.
added Instant Rank Up
- this is actually the "legit" way to raise the rank, compare to editing the rank pointer via CE directly, as this script uses the game's own funtionS to raise the rank.
- although it does include the option to raise the rank of Pawn 2 and Pawn 3, how it affect their skill set is unknown, you're welcome to experiment yourself.
- usage: when activated, use the following hot-keys to instant raise one of the party member's current vocation rank up by 1.
- hold "Ctrl" + "Alt", then press one of the following keys:
-- "numpad1" - Protagonist
-- "numpad2" - Main Pawn
-- "numpad3" - Pawn 2
-- "numpad4" - Pawn 3
added Inf. Items
- item quantity still decrease when used/gave/sold/etc, but won't reach zero.
- check Shirokaido for some of the issues with the script.
- activate the child script Crafting too to allow you to craft 99 item regardless of the quantity of the basic items. (i.e. even if you've only 1 left for both of the basic items, you can still keep increasing the quantity of the item to be crafted. even if it's showing negative value for the 2 basic items, they won't be used up after you crafted the item.)
added Ignore Equipment Vocation Restriction
- you can equip anything, ignoring vocation restriction.
- e.g. Ranger can use a sword. as long as you've been using Share Weapons' Skills already, you should be able to use the sword skills you've learnt and equipped already.
- the "illegal" equipments (that you can't equipped with your current vocation without this script) would be unequipped upon save/reload. either the "illegal" equipment won't be saved into the savegame, or the "illegal" equipment won't be loaded from the savegame. or both. not sure yet.
updated Ignore Gold
- fixed a stupid mistake (missed a jmp), it should work all the time when shopping now.
updated Instant Rank Up
- removed the hot-keys to raise the rank of the 2 Extra Pawns, as it seems it doesn't affect the skill sets anyway.
updated Secret of Metamorphosis
- changed the hotkeys to "Home" + "End"
updated Ignore Equipment Vocation Restriction
- loading savegame won't de-equip the "illegal" equipment anymore.
- remember you need to activate this script BEFORE you load a savegame (better yet, activate the script before you get pass the "Press Any Key" screen when you first start the game).
- some graphic glitch may occur sometime, e.g. when equipping heavy weapon and longbow together, when you attack with the heavy weapon, you'd swing with both the heavy weapon and the longbow together.
- not thoroughly tested.
added Run Animation Mod
- when activated:
-- press "numpad0" + "numpad9" to use the casual run (like when you're in town) always, no matter where you are.
-- press "numpad0" + "numpad8" to use the game default run (cautious run on field/dungeon/etc., casual run in town/rift/etc.)
added a useless script: Allow Dodge
- allows you to dodge without equipping dagger.
- it's useless because if you're not equipping dagger, you can only dodge with your weapon sheathed.
- for experiment/testing only. MAY refine it later.
added Instant Staff Charge
- works on the whole party. allows you to instant charge the staff attack once you begin the charging.
added Disable Auto Cam
- prevent the follow camera from correcting itself when moving around with weapon sheathed.
- could be useful if you're playing with mouse+keyboard.
updated Enable script
- added some more bad pointer checks.
updated Game Speed Mod
- added one more feature to it: Auto Slow Motion.
- you can set it to "Disable", "Bow", or "Weapon".
- as this script is now dependent to the Enable script, its hotkey is changed to "F11"
- hotkeys: hold "Right Arrow", then:
-- "numpad7" > Disable
-- "numpad8" > Bow, enter slow motion when you ready a bow.
-- "numpad9" > Weapon, enter slow motion when you draw a weapon.
- enable the original Slow Motion would override this feature, disabling the Slow Motion would use the Auto Slow Motion feature again.
updated Inf. Item
- added a temp disable button to Inf. Item
- hold "Z" to temp disable, useful when you want to dismiss a pawn, or simply want to sell out an item.
- with this script activated. anytime if you think the game is freezed without actually crashing to desktop, try pressing "Z" should let you get past the infinite loading.
updated the hotkey to Instant Rank Up
- changed from "F12" to "F11", to ensure the script is activated AFTER you activate the Enable script, which would fetch the party base pointers that this script needed for some condition checks.
- the changes would prevent the script from reading a pointer that its symbol isn't ever registered yet, which would render the script useless, and causing a potential random crash.
- it doesn't matter you if you don't use the hot-keys to activate script(s).
updated Highlighted Item
- item name (reference) would be shown in storage now.
- added the pointers/ID list/Enhancement shared by Dishonored to the table.
forgot to give credit to Moooo for sharing the pointers to the 2 weather pointers.
updated Inf. Item
- messed up some editing on last update. should be fixed now.
added Assign Weapon Skills
- allows you to change weapon skills anytime without talking to specific NPC.
- works on the Protagonist only.
- read this whole description before you use it.
- instruction:
-- activate the script
-- access the "Status" menu, move down to the "Skills" tab.
-- highlight the weapon skill you want to assign.
-- use these hotkeys to assign to different slots:
--- hold "Tab" and "Spacebar", then press one of the following number keys (NOT the ones on keypad) to assign skills to the corresponding weapon:
--- press "1" key, assign the highlighted skill to the 1st weapon skill slot.
--- press "2" key, assign the highlighted skill to the 2nd weapon skill slot.
--- press "3" key, assign the highlighted skill to the 3rd weapon skill slot.
-- after you changed the skills, re-equip the weapon that its weapon skills has been changed.
-- done.
- when assigning the weapon skills of Staff or Archistaff, you need to move the cursor down the skills list at least once before you assign your desiring skill.
- not thoroughly tested.
updated Inf. Items, changed to Inf. Item Usage
- added ret check to ensure it works on usage only:
-- consume curatives, throw object, fire arrows, refill empty flask, refuel lamb with oil flask, using keys, giving gifts, and combine items.
- other item quantity changes won't be affected: sell, drop, item transfer, etc.
- the "Z" button's functionality has been reversed: holding "Z" would stop the item quantity from reaching zero when selling/dropping/transferring an item. useful if you want to duplicate an item without alt-tab to CE and edit the quantity directly.
- if there are any other item usage it didn't cover, please post feedback.
- the original Inf. Items can still be found in the table, just in case.
updated Instant Skill, it support shield skills now ("Showdown" specifically).
updated Ignore Equipment Vocation Restriction, it works in NPC equip menu now. i.e., equip from shop, equip from storage, equip right after changing vocation.
updated Ignore Equipment Vocation Restriction once more, it works properly in Storage Equip menu now.
updated Ignore Equipment Vocation Restriction, it works in shopping now, i.e., remove the non-equip-able icon, show the 3D model, and show the stats compare when buying/selling equipment.
added Portcrystal Location Mod
- allows you to move the FIRST placed Portcrystal location to wherever your mouse is pointing at in the Map menu.
- note the the coordinate Z (height) would only be updated when highlighting a map default named place, e.g., Abandoned Storehouse (north of The Encampment), Miner's Toolshed (flag west of The Ruins of Aernst Castle), etc. these places are "safe" to move the Portcrystal to, and teleport there using the Ferrystone.
- instruction with an example usage:
-- if you haven't place a Portcrystal before, start by placing a Portcrystal to the ground first.
-- open the Map menu, point the mouse (the finger) onto a named place icon (not a custom waypoint, as custom wapoint doesn't store the coord Z info). in this example, we move the finger to the Windbluff Tower.
-- press "Tab"+"Spacebar"+"T" to move the Portcrystal to where the finger is pointing at.
-- exit the map menu, you should still see the Portcrystal rest at your feet. ignore that and use the Ferrystone to teleport to Windbluff Tower.
- if you're teleporting to a named place you never moved the Portcystal to before, the place may have an uneven ground and you may risk to teleport under the ground and fall through the map.
- so, when you're not sure, you may consider pressing "Tab"+"Space"+"G" a few times to raise the coord Z of the new Portcrystal location a little bit; and/or enable Fly before you use the Ferrystone to teleport there.
- use at your own risk.
updated Undead, your party won't get instant death from Death's Scythe attack anymore.
updated Enable script
- moved the vng21092's lua script into this script, every time you activate the Enable script, the lua script would be executed.
- this way you don't need to run the lua script first every time you open the table, nor have the need to include the lua script if you want to merge the table with other tables.
- with this change, the hot-keys of two child scripts have been changed (from "F12" to "F11") to avoid being activated before the lua script is executed, they are: Ignore Equipment Vocation Restriction and Ignore Gold
updated Undead
- allows you to choose which party members you want to apply the Undead to (health still drop but won't be killed when attacked + falling damage won't kill).
- the instant death of Death's Scythe would still be ignored for the whole party when the script is activated, no matter you've applied Undead to the member or not.
- by default, only the Protagonist would have the "Undead"+"Ignore Death Scythe" applied.
- hot-keys to change the status in-game:
-- to apply both "Undead"+"Ignore Death Scythe", hold "Right Arrow", then:
-- "numpad1" > for Protagonist.
-- "numpad2" > for Main Pawn.
-- "numpad3" > for Main Pawn 2.
-- "numpad4" > for Main Pawn 3.
-- to apply only "Ignore Death Scythe", hold "Left Arrow", then:
-- "numpad1" > for Protagonist.
-- "numpad2" > for Main Pawn.
-- "numpad3" > for Main Pawn 2.
-- "numpad4" > for Main Pawn 3.
updated Run Animation Mod
- using Casual running animation to sprint outside of town no longer prevent the stamina from draining normally.
updated Inf. Item Usage
- applying Oil to the Lamp by using Add Oil command from the Lamp usage menu won't use up the Oil anymore.
undated Assign Weapon Skills
- added one more injection point, assigning staff/archistaff skills now works properly without having to navigate within the skill list once.
updated Undead, made a bad edit on last update (a typo, should be edx, typed ecx), which would generate a CERTAIN crash. it's fixed now.
added a new script Skills Enhance Without Rings
- allows you to use tier 3 skills without equipping the corresponding jewellery.
- note that you still need to learn the tier 2 skill first if you want to use its tier 3 skill.
also if you haven't already, check out Moooo's table for some very handy pointers.
updated Skills Enhance Without Rings, it works on the whole party now.
updated Ignore Gold fixes some stupid typos.
uploaded a wrong table last time...
also updated Skills Enhance Without Rings, I missed some staff's skills, it should cover all tier 3 skills now.
made 2 alternate scripts: Ignore Equipment Vocation Restriction Alt and Ignore Gold Alt.
if you have trouble activating the original scripts, try these alternate versions.
updated Instant Skill Charge.
fixed a stupid mistake, which would retrieve a wrong max charge value when using most of the sword skills, and you'll have to use the "Alternate" charge Method to instant max before this update.
it should work properly on sword skill like "Steel Charge" now (with or without using the "Alternate" Method).
also added support for the Magick Bow skill "Great Sacrifice".
added 2 useless scripts, "9 hum" and "3 ?".
both of them allows you hold any weapons like you're holding daggers.
"9 hum" allows you to hold the weapon on your main hand, but like you're holding a dagger.
"3 ?" allows you to have the weapon on both of you hands.
you can attack, use the double jump and dodge, but you can't use any weapon skills (unless you're using the daggers).
forgot to add this script to the uploaded table:
Curatives Works On Whole Party
which allows you to use all curatives as if they are group curatives like spring water.
re-download if you want this script.
completed the pointers to the learnt weapon skills.
completed the dropdown list of the equipped skills' pointers, based on the list shared by Shizg6.
updated Skills Enhance Without Rings
- allows you to choose which party members to apply to.
- by default it's enabled for all party members.
- to enable different members, hold "Up Arrow", then:
-- "numpad1" > for Protagonist.
-- "numpad2" > for Main Pawn.
-- "numpad3" > for Main Pawn 2.
-- "numpad4" > for Main Pawn 3.
- to disable different members, hold "Down Arrow", then:
-- "numpad1" > for Protagonist.
-- "numpad2" > for Main Pawn.
-- "numpad3" > for Main Pawn 2.
-- "numpad4" > for Main Pawn 3.
added Cam Offsets Mod
- just a personal script.
- add offsets to the follow Camera Z and FOV to my own taste.
- when activated, press "numpad0" and "numpad+" to use the custom Z offset and/or custom FOV offset.
updated Cam Offsets Mod
- added a separate set of offsets (camera offset Z and FOV) for combat.
- that means, there's a set for explorer (weapon sheathed) and a set for in battle (weapon unsheathed).
updated Inf. Item Usage
- it covers "Rancid Bait Meat" now.
updated Cam Offsets Mod
- added Cam Left/Right Offset
- changed the Default values of the custom offsets a little bit (to my own taste again.)
- as the script uses some pointers that were originally located in the Fly script, I've moved these parts to the Enable script, so that you don't need to activate Fly script before you can use this script. that's why both Enable and Fly are updated.
updated Time Interval Mod
- added the feature to fast-forward and rewind.
- smooth transition is implemented, it won't be a jump of time like you use the dropdown list to change the time of day.
- you can actually get to the previous day when you rewind time.
- hot-keys:
-- "Shift" + "PageDown": fast-forward
-- "Shift" + "PageUp": rewind
updated the Enable script.
- it works on the latest update (v1.0.10.8756) now.
- in theory it should work on previous game patches too.
updated the Assign Weapon Skills script.
- you don't need to re-equip the weapon after assigning skills any more.
- i.e., after assigning skills in the status menu, you can just return straight to the game and the skill(s) you've changed can be used right away.
updated the default values of Cam Offsets Mod.
- again, it's just for my preference, you can always change the values yourself.
updated a sub-hot-key of Game Speed Mod
- changed the key to disable slow motion to from "R" to "V", because I've use "R" for the big script below...
added a new script Weapon Skill Sets Mod.
- when activated, allows you to swap between sets of weapon skills on the fly.
- when swapping between skill sets, the screen would go dark for a split second. it's normal.
- I've implemented a condition check to prevent you from swapping skill sets when performing a skill, so that the skill won't be interrupted. (some skills like bow skills would still be interrupted if you swap the skill sets during skill "casting")
- only the 3 skills of the main hand weapon are support now, I'll cover the off-hand weapon/shield skills later.
- tested in one battle only, more testing needed. please post feedback. thanks.
- to swap the skill sets, hold the game's "Primary skills set" key, and press 'R'. (again, off-hand skills set not supported yet)
- instruction to customize different skills sets, we'll use the skills sets for Sword as an example:
-- activate [Customize Skill Sets]
-- goto "[Main Hand]" > "[Sword Skill Set]", you'll find 3 immediate child pointers: # of Set, Current Using Set, and Viewing Set #.
-- # of Set:
--- how many skill sets you want to swap between.
--- you can have up to 7 sets.
-- Current Using Set:
--- the Skill Sets you're using in-game. for reference only.
-- Viewing Set #
--- the Skills Set # you're viewing.
--- changing the value would update its child pointers according.
-- now, by default, # of Set for the sword skills set is 3. let's added another set to the skills set.
-- first change # of Set to "4 Sets", the script cycle through 4 sets of sword skills when you press "R" in-game.
-- next, change the Viewing Set # to "Set 4" to that you can edit what skills you want to add to "Set 4"
-- after change the Viewing Set # to "Set 4", all the 3 skill slots' value should be 0, it's because no default values are set for "Set 4".
-- just customize the 3 slots skills as you desire.
-- when you're done. just go back to the game, hold the game's "Primary skills set" key, and press 'R' to cycle thorough the 4 skill sets.
- in doubt, just experiment with them, you would get used to it very soon.
- after you've found the skills set you're comfortable with, you may consider changing the default values by editing the script. info can be found after this text "//Default values for Custom Weapon Skill Sets".
a quick a update to these 2 scripts: Game Speed Mod and Cam Offsets Mod.
- before this update, both of them have a defected bow aiming check, that would make the script think that you're aiming a bow while you just unsheathed the weapon without equipping a bow. it's fixed on this update.
updated Weapon Skills Sets Mod
- removed the "in-action" check for now. may add a boolean to switch this condition check on/off later. not sure though...
- added support for off-hand weapons'/shields' skills set. hold the game's "Secondary skills set" key, and press 'R'.
- to customize the sets, it's the same as the main hand weapons' skill.
- changed the value type of the child pointer Base to array of bytes, using these bytes to customize the default values should be easier than having to type everything in manually every time you want to change the default values.
- changed the injection point for the main hand weapons' skills set trigger.
- fixed a bad edit that would potentially take the script to a place that's not supposed to.
- moved the scripts to under Weapons / Weapon Skills Sets Mod
added Weapons / Weapon Skills Sets Mod
- both Weapon Skills Sets Mod and Weapons Mod (a new script, see the description below) is grouped under this script.
- edit this script to customize the default weapon skills set for Weapon Skills Sets Mod . info can be found inside.
- you can edit this script to customize the default weapon change for the new script Weapons Mod too. again, info can be found inside.
added Weapons Mod
- allows you to change the weapon on the fly.
- hold the game's "Primary skills set" key, and press '6' (not on the keypad) to cycle through a set of main hand weapons of your choice.
- hold the game's "Secondary skills set" key, and press '6' (not on the keypad) to cycle through a set of off-hand weapons of your choice.
- for now, you can only edit the weapons of choice by editing the Weapons / Weapon Skills Sets Mod, will add a "interface" like the [Customize Skill Sets] later.
- the game only use the stats of the actual weapon you're using before you start swapping the weapon.
- unlike the Weapon Skills Sets Mod, the weapon changing won't be saved into the savegame. i.e., after you saved and reload, you would use back the original weapon you were actually equipping before you start swapping the weapon.
- this script need testing, please post feedbacks. thanks.
- and finally, here's a request: under the updated table's Highlighted Item script, you'll find a new pointer that would show the wID of the highlighted item. this wID is actually what Weapons Mod script used to change the weapon. it'd be great if someone could make a wID list for all the weapons/shields, so that I can add a dropdown list when I make the "interface" to customize the weapon sets. thanks in advance.
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1