R.U.S.E. v1.0.0.1. + Steam versions

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R.U.S.E. v1.0.0.1. + Steam versions

Post by STN »

This table is for R.U.S.E. v1.0.0.1. and it is also working with the Steam version of the game.
Made by Geri
1. Unlimited money (working for the human controlled player only.
2. Invincible units in groups (Health for any unit which is in a group)
3. Health boost for units when targeting enemies (invincible units is a better option but I have left this one in the table too)
4. Easy kill against targeted enemy unit
5. Health Mode for all of the player's units
6. Instant Kill
7. Instant Kill + Health

Unlimited Money is not working for the AI, only for the human controlled player
Health Mode for player's units is most likely the final version of Health. I have tested it with the "blue" player in both campaign and skirmish battles. I leave the older "not so good" options in the table too, because it might be useful if Health will not work on newer versions of the game.
Do not use Health Mode and Instant Kill at the same time. If You want that,
use the Health Mode + Instant Kill option.
I don't recommend using the Instant Kill option on campaign level, because it is messing up the gameplay, for example Your allies or enemies die too soon etc... So if You are stuck at a level with instant kill, probably You should turn it off and restart the level from the last checkpoint.

Invincible units in groups:
You can assign Your troops to groups in the game with CTRL+number (0-9)
If this option is on, any unit which is part of any of Your groups will be invincible.
If You want just put Your whole army into a group and You have an invincible army.

How to use the max health cheat:
1. Turn on the cheat.
2. Select some of Your units.
3. Target an enemy unit until You see the odds (like very easy, easy, dangerous, etc) against the enemy unit.
4. When You target an enemy this way, Your selected units get max health.

If You need health boost for Your units again, target any enemy to get max health for Your troops.
Until You keep the enemy in the crosshair, Your selected units will be almost invincible.

How to use easy kill:
1. Turn on the cheat.
2. Select one of Your units.
3. Target an enemy unit until You see the odds (like very easy, easy, dangerous, etc) against the enemy unit.
4. The enemy will die from 1 shot after that.

Target enemies and mop them up easily for harder missions.

RUSE trainer with money, unl health, health boost and easy kill can be downloaded from here:

Posted a new table for the latest steam version, made on 20th October. It has money cheat only.
You need to turn on the cheat, You will get lots of money, and then You need to turn it off.
It is NOT working in multiplayer and if You try messing with it in multi despite of my warning, expect to be BANNED. RUSE is using VAC to detect cheaters. You have been warned, don't cry if You ignore my warning and You loose Your account.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
(909 Bytes) Downloaded 599 times

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