As I was struggling to find answers to this as well, I'll share my way of cheating money at least. It seems they've decided to move the money storage into an "EncryptedInt" value which you'll have to figure out if you want to use Cheat Engine, but the solution I found may be a little easier:
Use MelonLoader & UnityExplorer (see their individual github pages on how to install), then load the game and hit F7. Go to Console, and paste the following to give yourself all the ca$h:
Still could find the value for money, but if anyone interested using melon loader & unity explorer. use the MelonLoader.Installer.exe, and choose the version v0.5.5 in the automated tab. download the unityExplorer for ML 0.5 IL2CPP from the github page and copy the unityExplorer content into the directory. there's some interesting value if you poke around with Cheat engine mono dissect, and i think there's also a template terminal command in these directory Fights in Tight Spaces mk2\FightsInTightSpaces_Data\StreamingAssets.
do let me know if anyone managed to enable the terminal