Can someone do a cheat table for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shinning Pearl on YUZU? I know it comes out on the 19th but seeing as it's already leaked and can be played I was wondering if someone can do a cheat engine cheat table for yuzu. And if someone already did one can someone link me to it? I'll be attaching the atmosphere cheat txt file if that helps.
While we wait for a pro to give us real codes or PKHex to be updated, I was playing around and was able to get a couple of cheats working by my crude searching and experimenting:
I have successfully altered the amount of money to 999999 by searching while in the pokemart. Search for your current value, buy something, search again (4 bytes). Then change to 999999 (the max possible) and buy unlimited items!
You can (as far as I can tell) ONLY change this during a battle - trainers are easier since you have more time between pokemon swaps or the end of battle but it can be done during wild battles too - you just have to pause before it starts to fade out. Before the battle, find the amount of exp your pokemon has and wait until the battle starts to do the first scan (4 bytes again). Then when you beat a pokemon and get the exp, add the + exp to the original amount and search again (there should be 4 instances of this value). Then before the battle ends, change it to whatever you want. Then when the battle's over you will see your upgraded pokemon. These will change each battle so you'll have to do a new scan every time. Only issue is that your pokemon won't learn the moves unless it evolves at that time. Evolution works just fine, but the moves won't get learned because the growth technically happens after the battle. BUT you can just downgrade it to the a few exp points lower than the next level and train it up to the level naturally to get the move you want. Haven't had any issues going up or down, just gotta get the timing right.
I am playing the Diamond version and I managed to find every item in the game before I got the pokedex. No one specified the version so I did not apply the patch. Can someone test this script out for me? It should give you an address that will allow you to manipulate the number of master balls you have. I also managed to find money, but I am not including it in this script until I can confirm that the one I have uploaded works. I am also working on random encounters. I haven't played pokemon since the blue version came out, but I was able to run into any pokemon I wanted and I'd imagine the concept of finding that address is still the same. I could do that or either have every pokemon in that pc thing you deposit them into so you don't have to bother with catching them. The Script will take a LONG time to check so be patient it is having to scan an AOB!