So for anyone wondering I frickin did it lol! I'm so so happy because I just started using cheat engine couple of days ago hahahaha.
For the record - I wanted to get rid of the "At least 1 U22 player from nation in the first 11". While the "Fixture rules" change from this table worked, it reset every time I reloaded the game and I was not satisfied with that.
Here's what I did:
- I tried to find a byte 4 number (0 <= n <= 4,294,967,295) that did not show in scan (found 899,799,699)
- I started the pre game editor and replaced the number of players for that rule from 1 to 899,799,699
- I created two new games with that edited data (one with that single league I targeted, the other with that league and anohter one)
- I opened each new save, scaned for that number and looked at the memory around that address
- I compared the memory around that value from the two saves and created an AOB replacing the values that were different with wildcards
- I started my save, looked for the AOB and set the value I was targeting to 0 (that did not work!)
- I looked for the starting year of that rule (you can see it in the pre game editor) - found it just along the value I was targeting and replaced it with 2100
- Saved game and reloaded and it works!
Just to illustrate the AOB work:
93 DA A1 35 = 899,799,699 (replaced it with the value I was looking for = 1 or 01 00 00 00 in bytes)
E3 07 = 2019 (the starting year for the U21 rule) - ended up setting it to 2100
E4 07 = 2020 (the starting year for the U22 rule) - ended up setting it to 2100
All the bytes that are strikethrough are replaced with the wildcard