Is there any way you can add league rules to change please. Im playing turkish league and there is foreign players limited to 6+4 after 2 season
I've tried this in the past with substitution rules and its too hard to edit league rules with CE. You can probably make these edits with the Editor. Its not easy in my experience and you have to start over from scratch.
Updated to table v2. Mainly some scripts which I'm not sure if they were used normally but were wrong. Also added Transfer Manager pointers. most of this is hard to use and not sure you can actually force a transfer with any amount of edits. What you can do with these is set other teams offers to canceled (state = 15) so only your offer is considered which if reasonable may still be taken. If I knew how to get the contract offer to get salary I would show that but I cannot figure out how that is done.
Does the "transfer manager" only can read and can't edit it ?
You can view selected fields on existing transfers. The only field that I've had success changing is the "Status" field. Which you can generally change on existing transfers to Cancel other transfers in my experience. I believe the other fields are involved but not sure what they do. You cannot set salary as its not in that record and you cannot force player to accept. I think if you set status to 19 they will auto join on the date but I'm not sure where the join date is defaults to 1900 so will never trigger.
hey, could someone help tfigment to make it work with game pass edition. thank you
I put in some helper scripts in the last version that potentially generate 80% of most used pointers but I'm still not expecting that someone could use those and figure out what to do. Unfortunately, the skill/curiosity gap seems to be too wide.
I can only see the full club information of the one that I'm managing. Any other clubs I click are [???]. Their reputations and stadium info still show though, but no details and finances.
I can only see the full club information of the one that I'm managing. Any other clubs I click are [???]. Their reputations and stadium info still show though, but no details and finances.
Thanks. Confirmed. Fixed in v4.
This was a strange bug in Cheat Engine which actually concerns me but I guess probably not common. If you define the same variable twice (in this case both vtbClub,vtbNation) were defined twice after I wrote new pointer finder code. Both values were correct in code but the vtbClub pointer was actually pointing to vtbNation define in memory when registered. I think the team pointer might still update because Nation and Clubs are nearly identical which is why some things worked.