like many people here, and on other forums I'm looking for Forza Horizon 5 tricks with Cheat Engine.
For now the only one that really works is to open the hidden custom auto show.
Like in Forza Horizon 4 (it's exactly the same method)
Steam and Microsoft versions only (offline)
First: turn off your antivirus (Windows Defender or others)
Launch Forza Horizon 5 in windowed mode
turn off your network
lauch cheat engine 7.3 or newer
link the game on cheat engine (processes)
in Forza Horizon 5 go front off the auto show (front of)
in cheat engine setting value type on: String
and copy / past: AvailableInAutoshow= in cheat engine scan bar
run scan
as a result we have 3 values
modify the bottom value and change:
ok to valid
in game now we have open the hidden custom auto show we can enter in
we can buy vehicules and will insta-selling them in the auction we'll have restart network
When we have buy all vehicules we need.
in Cheat Engine modify
close cheat engine
restart the network
in game
enjoy your vehicules value in auction
(for exemple (if you begining in FH5)
you can buy a Delorean for 15 000CR
it's insta sell in auction for more of 30 000CR)
be carefoul not all vehicules are interesting
(for exemple yesterday I had selling lot of Ford GT 2005 for 516 000CR / one but today I selling 2 for 50 000CR / one)
Sorry for my crappy english it's not my birth languge.
if you want I did a tutorial video in english here
Forza Horizon 5 Open the hiden custom auto show with cheat engine
Forza Horizon 5 Open the hiden custom auto show with cheat engine
Last edited by computeur on Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Forza Horizon 5 Open the hiden custom autoi show with cheat engine
PSA: Considering delorean is not available ingame this is an easy way to get banned.
Re: Forza Horizon 5 Open the hiden custom autoi show with cheat engine
My man I never said don’t do it or play legit. I just said what’s been proven to happen. I bought the car out of the auction house and it got taken away due to it not being available in game
Re: Forza Horizon 5 Open the hiden custom auto show with cheat engine
Can we please stop talking about online features and getting banned? This forum is all about single player. Thanks.
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