I have "Assembly Code"But I dont know how to use it

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I have "Assembly Code"But I dont know how to use it

Post by gogoblok »

So I have this code for a game and I dont know how to use it
heres the code
DWORD hkMemset = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("MSVCR100.dll"), "memset");

DWORD ResultHackShopItemRET = ResultHackShopItem + 6;
declspec(naked)void hkHackShopItem()
mov dword ptr[esi+0x10], 2000
call [hkMemset]
jmp ResultHackShopItemRET
DWORD ResultHackShopCashRET = ResultHackShopCash + 6;
declspec(naked)void hkHackShopCash()
mov dword ptr[esi+0x18], 2000
call [hkMemset]
jmp ResultHackShopCashRET
DWORD ResultHackShopPesoRET = ResultHackShopPeso + 6;
declspec(naked)void hkHackShopPeso()
mov dword ptr[esi+0x14], 2000
lea eax,[ebp-0x124]
jmp ResultHackShopPesoRET

DWORD ResultHackShopRank1RET = ResultHackShopRank1 + 6;
declspec(naked)void hkHackNeedRank1()
mov[edi + 0x64], 0
push edx
lea ecx, [edi + 0x68]
jmp ResultHackShopRank1RET

DWORD ResultHackShopRank2RET = ResultHackShopRank2 + 6;
declspec(naked)void hkHackNeedRank2()
mov[edi + 0x64], 0
push edx
lea ecx, [edi + 0x68]
jmp ResultHackShopRank2RET
//Hook ASM
DWORD retOK1 = HackShop3 + 6; // address
int oke_oke = 0xB3F3B340; // value -1, 0, 1

declspec( naked ) HRESULT WINAPI Ok_OK2( )
mov eax, oke_oke
mov [ebp-00000140],eax
JMP retOK1

DWORD retOK2 = HackShop4 + 6; // address

declspec( naked ) HRESULT WINAPI Ok_OK3( )
mov eax, oke_oke
mov ecx,[ebp-0x0000034C]
JMP retOK2

DWORD retOK3 = HackShop5 + 5; // address

declspec( naked ) HRESULT WINAPI Ok_OK4( )
mov eax, 0
push 0x104
JMP retOK3

DWORD retOK4 = HackShop6 + 5; // address

declspec( naked ) HRESULT WINAPI Ok_OK5( )
mov eax, 1
push 0x104
JMP retOK4

DWORD retOK5 = HackShop7 + 5; // address

__declspec( naked ) HRESULT WINAPI Ok_OK6( )
mov eax, 2
push 0x104
JMP retOK5
If Anyone know how to use it please reply

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Re: I have "Assembly Code"But I dont know how to use it

Post by Csimbi »

gogoblok wrote:
Fri Nov 05, 2021 4:33 am
So I have this code for a game and I dont know how to use it
Why don't you ask from whom you stole it?

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Re: I have "Assembly Code"But I dont know how to use it

Post by SunBeam »

Wanted to say a few things, but I figured he won't understand anyway. Looks like an x86 game with inline __asm. Quick google search for some of the names in there shows this:

Someone is trying to figure out how some OLD source code works :P

And since this is about an online game, I will close this.


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