(ATTENTION: The original language of this text is Portuguese. It was translated with G.T, sorry for any inconvenience in the text.)
I'm learning how to create cheats in CE, and by a stroke of luck, I found an AOB that guaranteed me access to "NPC Base Stats" of all npc's in the game (Tale of Immortal).
My question is: how do I make, for example, a script go through the list of addresses I get when I do AobScan (something around 360), to modify the value of life in all of them. Remembering, as I have the base of the NPC, I also have the offset that always leads to the value of life.
Would it be possible? (no matter the speed feasibility of the hack, it's just for studies)
How to use AobScan to modify several characters in the same hack?
Re: How to use AobScan to modify several characters in the same hack?
I think you misunderstand AOB scan.
Its sole purpose is to scan for and find a specific pattern in the memory.
It does not modify anything.
Its sole purpose is to scan for and find a specific pattern in the memory.
It does not modify anything.
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