Any chance for an update to the latest version? All tactical options and some campaign options no longer work. Current STEAM version is 1.0.8746.27272. Would be greatly appreciated!
Leaving one more request here for an update to 1.0.8746.27272, mainly just to show that there's demand. Keep up the great work, and thanks for all the time and effort you've put into maintaining the old table.
I was updating the table and saw they updated the game again today. Might be next weekend since the devs can't get their shit together.
Understandable. The DLC just released on Tuesday so there've been a number of hotfixes since then. Thanks for doing this anyway, even if you need to take some time to get to it.
v1.0.6870 still works with the right actions. Run the game-run engine-in main menu activate the main script-load the game-profit. Works for me. Didn't check all options, but those I checked are worked.
v1.0.6870 still works with the right actions. Run the game-run engine-in main menu activate the main script-load the game-profit. Works for me. Didn't check all options, but those I checked are worked.
If you're only checking on the campaign map, sure, some campaign options work with this version (max cards, for instance), but none of the tactical, in-battle options such as God Mode or Infinite Movement work, regardless of when you activate the script.
v1.0.6870 still works with the right actions. Run the game-run engine-in main menu activate the main script-load the game-profit. Works for me. Didn't check all options, but those I checked are worked.
If you're only checking on the campaign map, sure, some campaign options work with this version (max cards, for instance), but none of the tactical, in-battle options such as God Mode or Infinite Movement work, regardless of when you activate the script.
Sorry, I didn't mean to come off harsh there. I just meant that I can't replicate getting the in-battle options working, even by activating the script at the main menu.
Updated for STEAM v1.0.8904. Let me know if there are issues, and there probably will be because there usually are with this game. Also, I don't have the DLC so not sure how that will affect things if you do.
I do have the DLC and every option I tried (admittedly not very many) did seem to work so that doesn't seem to be an issue for now. Thanks for the hard work.