^ "fine enough for causing a desync on any health loss": if you mean that you'd like some script that skips the test (basically executing nop), i can do that. But as you said: you'll need to get hurt first before that kicks in, so my practical logic...
(even if you set your health to -1, nothing will happen till you get hurt)
* dark mode: [
[Link] ]
(just so you know, I HATE darkmode
1. find a color of your liking that "fits" darkmode (I found some sites listing such RGB_codes, but can't find any right now)
2. copy/paste that colorcode in the bckgr_color field
3. click 'apply changes to table', and presto
=> if that colorcode is incorrect (technically), CE will turn black completely. Which is why i then change it to full_white so that you can still read the screens !
4. when happy, save the table manually !
=> BIG request: if you do not mind testing out 4/5 colors fitting for DarkMode, and upload printscreens showing the tables as in my example: that would be highly appreciated. You are not the 1st one asking this, but... everytime i ask for some examples "they" never report back.. So: can i dare you ?
Oh yeah: also get me a prtscrn with my standard color, so one has an idea about its "non"-readability.
thx in advance (just in case)