Hi this game recently got it's full release. There are tables but I've not found and updated one.
Cool story but how about reading the rules? The forum doesn't need to be spammed with request topics for games that already have countless tables and request topics existing. People have the ability to read existing topics you know?
It's been a hot minute since my last update, this will likely be my last for this game.
Added a resource editor to help you manage adding and removing resources.
Here is my new table for survival mode for the v1.0 full release, enjoy!
Resources Editor
The 5 Building Resources Will Not Decrease
Freeze Time Of Day
Buildings Health Will Not Decrease
Instant Build
Build Anywhere (DO NOT build on top of keep)
Instant Train / Research
Hero Instant Level Up On XP Gain
Hero instant cooldown
Unlimited Manual Saves
Enemy Buildings Health Will Not Decrease too ... may you can fix that ... Thx
Because of the multiplayer being added, they are releasing hot fixes daily (at the time of this post)
see here - [Link]
Which is a bit to fast to check, test and keep an updated table.
A solution would be to stop steam or whatever platform you use from updating this game, or any
game you wish to cheat on, maybe someone would be willing to post a mini tutorial on how to do this ?
I am still on the v1 initial release, just tested and everything is working OK.
I am still on the v1 initial release, just tested and everything is working OK.
"Enemy Buildings Health Will Not Decrease" its working too for enemy, if i tick the cheat ...