ran across this thread while working on lua stuff, some interesting things - haven't messed with FC before so not sure if these are new or were on old ones
GetPlayerGroupWithType("allplayers") // friendlyplayers, enemyplayers
local players = self.Pawns or GetPlayerGroup("friendlyplayers")
for _, e in ipairs(GetEntitiesInGroup(players)) do
CAPI_Player.GivePlayerReward(e, reward)
local itemDescriptorID = self.itemDescriptorID
local quantity = self.quantity or 1
CAPI_Pawn.AddItem(player, itemDescriptorID, quantity)
for _, e in ipairs(GetEntitiesInGroup(self.targets)) do
CAPI_Entity.SetVisibility(e, true)
local vehicle = CAPI_Pawn.GetPawnVehicle(e)
if vehicle ~= nil and CAPI_Entity.IsValid(vehicle) then
CAPI_Entity.SetVisibility(vehicle, true)
Not sure how many people might find this useful but I've used code and concepts from CoMPMStR to register a lua function and dump the lua tables with offsets. I know this mostly focused around CE but this may help anyone viewing and reversing in IDA as I do
I do have a few hundred lua files dumped and decompiled as from the snippet above, but nothing that I saw that was ground breaking so not sure if it's worth posting?
What did you type to get it to work? I tried adding various numbers after the command and couldn't get it to do anything?
So timescale works, but it is irritating and awkward to use, really I just want to skip sundown/sunset as I have some mental issues with it. I tried combing through the far cry 5 and new dawn and couldn't see any commands discussed except timescale, did you get the set time to work or only use timescale?
What did you type to get it to work? I tried adding various numbers after the command and couldn't get it to do anything?
So timescale works, but it is irritating and awkward to use, really I just want to skip sundown/sunset as I have some mental issues with it. I tried combing through the far cry 5 and new dawn and couldn't see any commands discussed except timescale, did you get the set time to work or only use timescale?
I haven't actually tested it, but found this in some of the game's lua files... feel free to test it
Since I use timescale (0,1) hours go by before I have to clear night to day, then I use timescale (20) and stop where I want. I know, it's uncomfortable but the party has just started, one day with the release of the "resistance mod" all our dreams will come true bro.
What did you type to get it to work? I tried adding various numbers after the command and couldn't get it to do anything?
So timescale works, but it is irritating and awkward to use, really I just want to skip sundown/sunset as I have some mental issues with it. I tried combing through the far cry 5 and new dawn and couldn't see any commands discussed except timescale, did you get the set time to work or only use timescale?
Thanks to Sunbean and the FCB tool i've dumped a lot of lua scripts and decrypted, if anyone is interested in them i'm uploading here [Link] hopefully it serves someone well
Love it when people actually take in the advice and contribute to the whole process. Good work!
On another note, can someone kindly upload the current FC_m64d3d12.dll file from bin folder to mega.co.nz or mediafire and post the link here? Thanks!
P.S.: I'm away, travelling. Not sure how fast Ubi is gonna update the game, so I'd like to have the chance to study what I missed on. No need to dump it from memory, just upload it as is. Standard one, from bin folder, not binplus.
Love it when people actually take in the advice and contribute to the whole process. Good work!
On another note, can someone kindly upload the current FC_m64d3d12.dll file from bin folder to mega.co.nz or mediafire and post the link here? Thanks!
P.S.: I'm away, travelling. Not sure how fast Ubi is gonna update the game, so I'd like to have the chance to study what I missed on. No need to dump it from memory, just upload it as is. Standard one, from bin folder, not binplus.
I'm not getting this game because I don't support the Epic Games Store exclusivity thing (personal choice), but I have to say, I like what you did here. This is probably outside of most people's comfort zone when it comes to Cheat Engine, but I don't necessarily think that that is a bad thing. It forces people to use more features that they wouldn't know about or utilize with a standard cheat table. Kudos, Sunbeam.
You can order directly from UBi Soft. As I did. Epic is not the only place you can get it.
^ I always buy my stuff from the producer. Even if other stores discount it by 5 EUR. It makes no fucking sense to use 3 launchers at the same time, when you can use the developers'. If game's from Ubi, then Ubisoft Connect. If exclusive to a single store, that store. Ah.. that you don't like X or Y for personal reasons or don't want to have 3-4 stores installed, that's your beef. I can't help but wonder why people brag they got 38272625 TB of SSD disks and can't be bothered to install 200 MB of stores.....