local aob_luaL_loadbuffer = "4885ED4D89F04C89FA4C0F45CDE8????????"
sl = aobScanExModule( aob_luaL_loadbuffer )
if not sl or sl.Count < 1 then stopExec( "'aob_luaL_loadbuffer' not found." ) end
t = tonumber( sl[0], 16 ) + 0xD
t = t + readInteger( t + 0x1, true ) + 0x5
unregisterSymbol( "_luaL_loadbuffer" )
registerSymbol( "_luaL_loadbuffer", t, true )
^ Why don't you check the Far Cry 5 and New Dawn topics instead of asking random crap? That command has been discussed there with parameters and all...
thank you. unfortunately doesnt have pesos/money. id love to look for it myself but the game crashes any time i try "see what writes/acesses this address"
thank you. unfortunately doesnt have pesos/money. id love to look for it myself but the game crashes any time i try "see what writes/acesses this address"
nvm its not needed, the "free craft" feature works for purchase menu too, not just upgrades. thx
^ Why don't you check the Far Cry 5 and New Dawn topics instead of asking random crap? That command has been discussed there with parameters and all...
I do not know if things are different, I didn't want to assume and then get yelled it. But.
^ Why don't you check the Far Cry 5 and New Dawn topics instead of asking random crap? That command has been discussed there with parameters and all...
I do not know if things are different, I didn't want to assume and then get yelled it. But.
Watch it now, I've had two posts in as many days removed from side-comments- one was pretty good, too
{Deadpool's angst line to negasonic teenage warhead about sullen silence or mean comment}
Watch it now, I've had two posts in as many days removed from side-comments- one was pretty good, too
{Deadpool's angst line to negasonic teenage warhead about sullen silence or mean comment}
It was off-topic nonsense. Next time, please think first if it belongs here or perhaps somewhere else.
I hate it when people assume I'm the only one doing clean-up here. Thanks, STN
On another note, people have started contributing to the well-known fat/dat file unpacker for Far Cry series. Why don't you pop by and help the initiative? With files unpacked you will have access to the Domino Lua files which will help with functions, args, etc.
Takes me back to the old Rome Total War cheat scripts in the console. Excited to learn how to throw the commands into the window, and tear it up. Thanks, Sunbeam!