Game Name: Far Cry 6
Game Engine: Dunia 2
Game Version: 1.1.0
Options Required:
- Infinite Ammo
- Infinite Items
- Item Spawner
- Etc etc etc
Other Info:
Another year, another Far Cry. The game is out now. I know its kind of pointless to request as these games always get multiple trainers or tables, but I didn't see one. So....yeah. Might as well. Anyways, the usual will do.
One thing I did notice however, is that they implemented the AC style shop into this game. Same as the last Assassin's Creed and Watch Dogs. No clue if this game uses the same method of spawning shop items that the last few Ubisoft games did or if they changed it, but I guess it would be nice to have that option back as well.