I wanted to know if anyone knows where i can find the most current trainer for Wargame Red dragon? The only place i found one for epic games is fearlessrevolution and they want money for a monthly membership or i can pay for each single cheat per key. I just had my left foot tendon severed and need a crap ton of money for an MRI doc wont go in without the MRI so any money i get has to go for that. So i can't be spending money on trainers right now. Please if anyone knows of a trainer that works for the last epic update (6-6-2021) for wargame red dragon even if you can find how to increase the political points in single player campaign i would be very grateful! I keep getting my Bunda handed to me by the north koreans. I tried falling back with all assets in busan i lose. I try to delay them i lose
So if i had more troops i know i can at least hold them till the americans come. But having a full trainer would also be even better. Please let me know thanks! Matrix501
WarGame Red Dragon
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