Kena: Bridge Of Spirits [Engine:Unreal 4.25]

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Kena: Bridge Of Spirits [Engine:Unreal 4.25]

Post by SunBeam »

[ 23 Sep 21 - Update #1 ]

Added a script that kills the timed abort UFunction (makes it return nothing) for a challenge encounter:
  • Challenge Timer: Kill Encounter Timed Abort
    The script will use a wrapper I wrote for the internal StaticFindObject function to retrieve the address of an UFunction:

    Code: Select all

    Function BP_WaveManager_Curse_Base.BP_WaveManager_Curse_Base_C:Timed Abort Encounter
    This UFunction executes compiled UnrealScript bytecode. The compiled script is at offset 0x60 from the function address. What I did in there was to patch the start of the bytecode to these bytes: 04 0B 53. What these bytes translate to: ... Code_Table.

    04 = Return
    0B = Nothing
    53 = EndOfScript

    So now.. when the timer hits 00:00, the challenge itself won't die. The only success condition now becomes reaching the goal (e.g.: killing 15 enemies).

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[ 23 Sep 21 - First Release ]

Game Name: Kena: Bridge Of Spirits
Game Vendor: Epic Games Store
Game Version: 1.05
Game Process: Kena-Win64-Shipping.exe


Hello folks.

Below I'm attaching a table that doesn't tackle your regular options (god, unlimited X, etc.). So if you're looking for such a table, please head to other similar topics, as I'm interested in totally different things.

(37.04 KiB) Downloaded 166 times


Once you have the game running and you've targeted the game (File > Open Process > Kena-Win64-Shipping.exe), start by activating the [ Enable ] script. It will run a series of scans to locate several requisites, then open this tree up:


The [ Enable ] section:

  • Create Console
    This script will create the Console UObject based on its UClass. StaticCreateObject_Internal function is used. You don't need to re-create the Console at any other point in your game session, so once enabled, leave the script as is (don't touch it). By default, the key bound to open the console is F10 (aside from Tilde (`~) key).
  • Patch UMochiHelpers::IsDebugBuild -> 1
    Patches an internal function so the Debug Menu can open (game checks if this function returns 1 when running the Ubergraph node).
  • Set UFunctions Executable (on console use)
    This script will hook 2 functions that are run internally when you type in a command in the console and it executes: UPlayer::Exec and UObject::CallFunctionByNameWithArguments. The first checks if the command you are attempting to run translates to an UFunction that can be found in the context of several UPlayer-related classes: Input, Hud, PlayerController, CheatManager, etc. I wanted to expand the functionality past the stock CheatManager commands and the ones from MochiCheatManager, so I'm allowed to add MORE to the list :) The commands will be listed at the bottom. So, using the dumped data, I found out that there's the OpenDebugMenu command/UFunction, which needed a context UObject called BP_KenaController_C. As it turned out a bit later, this one inherits from Engine's PlayerController, which we already have.
  • Patch "SET" Command
    Allows you to set individual UProperty values using the console :) Example: set Engine.Actor bCanBeDamaged false. Yes, you will have to experiment with this one without bothering me too much. Thanks!
  • Unrestrict CVars
    In the event you discover there are some CVars that can be used in this game, this script will allow them to be set when changed from the console context. In short, type something like bGod = 1 (assuming this is a valid CVar) and it will be set accordingly. Without the patch, it will not work.
  • Clear Console (works only with Console active)
    In case you're fed up with the big ass console text flooding your screen, use this to clear it out. Remember, the console has to be active/open when you do this, else it won't work.

The [ Debug ] section:

In here you will find some mapping that should help you easily come up with your own scripts/options. Please be aware that this section is for debug purposes only (a helper section) and will not be updated if the developers update the game -- and some offsetting changes -- or they change UE4 version. If you end-up relying on it, you will have to manage on your own through the updates.

MochiCheatManager commands that MAY do something:

Code: Select all

Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:BugIt
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:BugItGo
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:BugItStringCreator
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:ChangeSize
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:CheatScript
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DamageTarget
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DebugCapsuleSweep
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DebugCapsuleSweepCapture
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DebugCapsuleSweepChannel
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DebugCapsuleSweepClear
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DebugCapsuleSweepComplex
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DebugCapsuleSweepPawn
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DebugCapsuleSweepSize
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DestroyAll
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DestroyAllPawnsExceptTarget
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DestroyPawns
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DestroyServerStatReplicator
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DestroyTarget
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DisableDebugCamera
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DumpChatState
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DumpOnlineSessionState
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DumpPartyState
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:DumpVoiceMutingState
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:EnableDebugCamera
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:FlushLog
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:Fly
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:FreezeFrame
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:Ghost
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:God
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:InvertMouse
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:LogLoc
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:OnlyLoadLevel
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:PlayersOnly
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:ReceiveEndPlay
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:ReceiveInitCheatManager
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:ServerToggleAILogging
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:SetMouseSensitivityToDefault
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:SetWorldOrigin
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:Slomo
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:SpawnServerStatReplicator
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:StreamLevelIn
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:StreamLevelOut
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:Summon
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:Teleport
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:TestCollisionDistance
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:ToggleAILogging
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:ToggleDebugCamera
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:ToggleServerStatReplicatorClientOverwrite
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:ToggleServerStatReplicatorUpdateStatNet
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:UpdateSafeArea
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:ViewActor
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:ViewClass
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:ViewPlayer
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:ViewSelf
Function /Script/Engine.CheatManager:Walk
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ActivateAllMail
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ActivateRandomMail
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ApplyDamage
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ApplyHealth
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:CompleteAllMail
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ExecConsoleCommandFile
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:GenerateFakeSave
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:GiveBond
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:GiveCourage
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:GiveCurrency
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:GiveDebugMemory
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:GiveHealth
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:GiveItem
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:GiveRot
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:HandleCreditsComplete
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:Kill
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:LoadGame
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:MaxFollowRot
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:MochiSet
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:MochiToggle
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:PDSAddWatch
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:PDSGetValue
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:PDSRemoveWatch
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:PDSSetValue
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ReloadLevels
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ResetAllMail
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:RestoreKenaInput
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:SaveGame
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:SetInitialRotCount
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:SetLoadout
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ShowAllObjectives
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ShowCredits
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:StartWwiseCapture
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:StopWwiseCapture
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:TakeItem
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:TakeRot
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleAimAssist
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleAllAbilityUpgrades
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleBroadcastTriggers
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleCameraLocation
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleCombatManager
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleDamageDealers
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleDeadzone
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleDebugRotCloud
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleFree
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleInventoryManager
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleMochiFoliage
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleMovementCorrection
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleRotCloud
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleSoftCollision
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleSpawners
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleSphereTrails
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleSpiritRealm
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleStateMachine
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleStunlocks
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:ToggleUtilityScores
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:UnlockAllAbilityUpgrades
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:UnlockAllHats
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:UnlockAllWarps
Function /Script/Kena.MochiCheatManager:WarpFromAnywhere
Test them yourselves and please don't ask "what does X do?". I'm in the same bowl with you, not my commands, not my job to discover what some command does. It's actually your job, the user, if interested :)

How to open/use the Debug Menu

1) Make sure you've enabled these scripts, in this order:
  • [ Enable ]
  • Create Console
  • Patch UMochiHelpers::IsDebugBuild -> 1
  • Set UFunctions Executable (on console use)
Otherwise it won't work.

2) Press F10 so the small console shows up. DO NOT PRESS F10 AGAIN SO THE BIG CONSOLE SHOWS. Use it small, like it is:


3) Type in OpenDebugMenu:


4) Press Enter and this will now show on your screen:


5) Do whatever you want there and when done, just click outside the Debug Menu so it's hidden and game resumed.

  • Like I said, if something doesn't do anything when clicked upon, not my business. Found out that some option doesn't work? Cool. Keep it to yourself :)
  • If you open the debug menu, then alt-tab, it's possible the INPUT might get blocked when alt-tabbing back to the game. If that happens, press F10 < 1 time > so the console shows up and MOUSE POINTER IS SHOWN, then hover the mouse over a menu entry AND KEEP IT THERE, then press Escape. The reason this happens is when you alt-tab, the game goes automatically into a pause state showing the menu by default. Since you've opened up a WIDGET, the focus is set to that widget and all game input is blocked (that's how Unreal Engine works when you open a widget; it focuses on it). Since you alt-tab, the Debug Menu gets hidden, but input not unblocked. So you need another widget to hover on (to move focus on), and that's a menu button.


    ^ I opened the console with F10 then hovered mouse over MAIN MENU option (I know the mouse cursor doesn't show in the picture, but it's there). Then pressing Esc key resumes the game.


How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Kena: Bridge Of Spirits [Engine:Unreal 4.25]

Post by SunBeam »

Ouch.. open " Create Console " script and uncomment line 5 :D That's why console wouldn't be created... Forgot to uncomment the line as I tested it.

Here, adjusted:

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Re: Kena: Bridge Of Spirits [Engine:Unreal 4.25]

Post by sebastianyyz »

Nice, thank you SunBeam

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Re: Kena: Bridge Of Spirits [Engine:Unreal 4.25]

Post by SunBeam »

Updated main post with a script that kills the encounter's timed abort feature :P Enjoy!

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Re: Kena: Bridge Of Spirits [Engine:Unreal 4.25]

Post by Aki454 »

Is there any way to cheat MAX ROT LEVEL??

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Re: Kena: Bridge Of Spirits [Engine:Unreal 4.25]

Post by Paul44 »

@Sunbeam: nice job on the console part. Tried this out last night; primarily interested in only 2 "cheats": fly/ghost & WarpFromAnywhere. Unfortunately, 'fly' & 'ghost' do not seem to work (even though the console "confirms" appropriately); and executing 'WarpFromAnywhere' returns a 'missing or bad property Enable' ?

Q: what is expected - syntaxwise - when the console returns such error?
(did some console googling; one forum states that the command should be 'WarpFromAnywhere 1' ~ discussing a similar error. obviously also tried some other combos)

ps: ignore my request if game is no longer installed. it would have been a nice-to-have.

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Re: Kena: Bridge Of Spirits [Engine:Unreal 4.25]

Post by MasterVegito »

outdated for 2.04

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Re: Kena: Bridge Of Spirits [Engine:Unreal 4.25]

Post by SunBeam »

Paul44 wrote:
Wed Sep 29, 2021 6:52 am
@Sunbeam: nice job on the console part. Tried this out last night; primarily interested in only 2 "cheats": fly/ghost & WarpFromAnywhere. Unfortunately, 'fly' & 'ghost' do not seem to work (even though the console "confirms" appropriately); and executing 'WarpFromAnywhere' returns a 'missing or bad property Enable' ?

Q: what is expected - syntaxwise - when the console returns such error?
(did some console googling; one forum states that the command should be 'WarpFromAnywhere 1' ~ discussing a similar error. obviously also tried some other combos)

ps: ignore my request if game is no longer installed. it would have been a nice-to-have.
fly/ghost are 100% not compiled in Shipping builds. In any UE4 game. If you've found some UE4 game that has those, then they're either custom commands devs implemented through their own [game]CheatManager -or- they've removed the constraint #if directives in their source code.

Code: Select all

void ACharacter::ClientCheatFly_Implementation()
	if (CharacterMovement)
		CharacterMovement->bCheatFlying = true;
If you remove or change the value of UE_BUILD_SHIPPING in the source code, then recompile the Engine, then fly/walk/ghost will work. Otherwise, by default, they're not compiled in any Shipping builds. That was Epic's decision to default stuff like that.

I don't know anything about the other command, as it seems to be game specific (I've not seen it in the stock list of commands for UE4, in general).
MasterVegito wrote:
Sun Dec 18, 2022 1:35 pm
outdated for 2.04
The game has updated Engine version, from 4.25 to 4.27. So the entire table needs fixed. And that was already done for my Patreon patrons. If interested, you can find the means to get to it in my signature below.


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