Would it be possible to have an encounter modifier?
Some enemies can be missed in this game and there is an achievement to unlock the full bestiary. Having the ability to specify what the next encounter will be would be amazing, or something so you can encounter an enemy you missed...
I'm gonna drop some addressed here in this and update this post.
"GameAssembly.dll"+01FE4DC0 [B8, 0, 38, 40] -- Item list array, count of each item can be found in the first pointer [0000] and then whatever pointer inside of that pointer, at offset 80 and then 14.
Is there any way to reset characters' levels back to zero? I was screwing around with fearlessrevolution and leveled DK Cecil to 99 when he was by himself outside Mysidia. But when Tellah rejoined at Mt Ordeals and later, Yang rejoined as well, they were level 99 too. Only Cid, Palom, and Porom were unaffected (possibly because they had never been a party member prior to that).
I did manage to reset everyone's XP to zero (or close to it, anyway), but that had the unintended effect of keeping them not only at level 1 with the same HP and MP values they had before (everything else seemed to reset to lvl 1 values though), after I saved in another slot and closed the game and CE, I loaded it back up and finished a battle. It made the game hang at the victory fanfare.