Hero Quest (on DosBOX)

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Hero Quest (on DosBOX)

Post by gibberishh »

Hero Quest on DosBOX. It let's you change all your heroes' body points (health), mind points, and gold.

To use, run Hero Quest on DosBOX, open the cheat table and attach the DosBOX game window (not the console window). Or, switch to the process list and attach the Hero Quest exe. This has been tested on a [Link] (by Sierra?) to run on DosBOX (on Windows 7, but Windows version shouldn't matter).

The game is too simple to require cheats, but earning enough gold to be able to buy all items is a bit of a grind. So I just cheated my gold up after I had finished all the quests once to give my characters more items. The second run-through of the game was then a breeze.

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How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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Re: Hero Quest (on DosBOX)

Post by gibberishh »

Update: The file has been modified.

It now also lets you change movement steps and to perform an action even though you have already performed one before (move, search, attack, spell). There are shortcuts associated with these cheats:

Keyboard Up Arrow: Add movement steps.
Keyboard Down Arrow: Reduce movement steps (in case we go too crazy with the up arrow).
Keyboard Right Arrow: Allow action.

Depending on your sequence, you may need to 'allow action' to be able to move again even if you add movement steps.

For Spells and Combat, you will need to 'refresh' the screen to be able to cast/attack again. To do this, simply use the cheat, then click any subscreen (e.g., map, inventory) to change the screen, and return to the main screen. You should now be able to cast/attack again.

With these cheats, a hero can go through the entire map on a single dice roll!

Note: The startup script attempts to attach the table to "Play NOW.exe". I have chosen to use this file name because the game linked in the first post uses this name. If you use a different version of DosBOX and/or rename the exe, you will need to manually attach your DosBOX to the table. You can also change the name by clicking on Table > Show Cheat Table Lua Script.

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Re: Hero Quest (on DosBOX)

Post by gibberishh »

The latest table has more keyboard shortcuts (the number keys):

1: Increase Barbarian Health by 1.
2: Increase Dwarf Health by 1.
3: Increase Elf Health by 1.
4: Increase Wizard Health by 1.

Note that these hotkeys are activated even if you are doing something else, so if the game is running and the table is attached, hitting the numbers or arrow keys in any application will affect the game, too. I'm okay with this, but you may want to change the hotkeys to something like Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, etc.

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Re: Hero Quest (on DosBOX)

Post by gibberishh »

Update: I finally got my signature! The table is now signed, so it won't ask you at launch whether you want to run the script or not.

This can be a problem if you did edit the script to change the exe name and/or hotkeys. :cry: Sorry. If you edit this table, the signature will be stripped from it and you will still get that pesky confirmation.

The table has been downloaded by 4 people. If you'll want a different exe name or hotkey, post your preferences here. I will update the table with the most common request.

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Re: Hero Quest (on DosBOX)

Post by gibberishh »

I see that interest in this cheat table has picked up. So here's a major update.
  • Change all the equipment carried by the player (potions will only be accessible on a map).
  • The table attempts to automatically launch "Hero Quest.exe" and then find the required memory address to target so you don't have to attach the game and stuff.
  • This automatic launch and attach will not work with the game found on the URL listed above. Sorry, I don't know if I'm allowed to upload the game here itself -- it's tiny but there maybe board rules that I don't want to violate. The table will still work with that game but you will see error messages and have to continue manually attaching the table to the Dosbox window.
  • Instead, you can download the game from [Link] and replace the cheat table in that archive with this one.
  • If you download the game again, you may want to backup and restore your own Quest.sav first.
  • See Manual.txt for Dosbox keyboard commands in that download. The most important ones are Alt+Q to quit Dosbox and F10 to turn music off.
  • Ignore the "On the Board" cheats -- they denote whether the character is still on the map or has left but turning it off without actually leaving the map causes problems.
New keyboard shortcuts:
  • Ctrl+1: Increase Barbarian's health by 1
  • Ctrl+2: Increase Drwarf's health by 1
  • Ctrl+3: Increase Elf's health by 1
  • Ctrl+4: Increase Wizard's health by 1
  • Up, Down, Right still work as previously (movement steps, enable actions)
  • Alt+Shift+Right: Useful at the launch of every new session, it includes all 4 characters in the game without having to manually add them one by one. Usually only Barbarian is set to play by default. You will still have to individually load saves of each character though, there is no easy way to automate this :dry:
    [Edit]: See the latest table for a way to automate loading of all heroes :D
  • Alt+Left: Collapse all the equipment lists to declutter the window.
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Re: Hero Quest (on DosBOX)

Post by gibberishh »

Oops. Sorry, the address pointing to the potions was off by 1 byte. I think it is fixed in this update. For some reason the edit but seems to have been removed from this forum so I can't just update the previous table. Please get this new one and I hope there are no more errors! :oops:

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Re: Hero Quest (on DosBOX)

Post by STN »

gibberishh wrote:
Fri Nov 04, 2022 4:44 pm
Where is my mind! I meant to put you in table makers group but accidentally put you in a limited group hahaaa. Fixed 😅

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Re: Hero Quest (on DosBOX)

Post by gibberishh »

Solved: Previous tables had to be attached to the game at start only. This one can be attached to the game at any time. :D

Major Update: You now have access to all spells that the Elf and Wizard can cast. You can also give both of them all 12 spells if you want, or keep repeatedly giving them spells after you've used them up -- like casting Rock Skin or Pass Through Rock on everyone in one round. :)

Minor stuff: Reduced clutter.
Minor note: If you don't have "Hero Quest.exe" (or open the table from a different folder without first launching the game) there will be no error messages but you will have to manually attach the table to the game.
FYI: I've found the pointers to the attack and defence dice rolls. Not able to figure out how to always roll a winning score yet.
More FYI: Under Mundane Equipment, bits 5 and 6 (not included) are for Fool's Gold and Magnus' Gold respectively. These are quest item chests that you are expected to carry back to the staircase. So after you pick these up, for the remainder of those 2 quests don't change your mundane equipment using the dropdown otherwise you will lose these items (their bits will be set to 0). You can still change the equipment you have by directly selecting Yes/No on each of them.

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Re: Hero Quest (on DosBOX)

Post by gibberishh »

Now modify what equipment you have equipped and what effects (potion/spell) are active on your characters.
Alt+Left still hides most of the clutter away.
  • I have not tested what happens if you mark an item as equipped but don't actually have that item.
  • Symbols for the tick mark, potions and spells (under Effects) use extended font characters. I expect them to work on most current systems but if they don't display properly for you let me know with details of your OS and language.
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Re: Hero Quest (on DosBOX)

Post by gibberishh »

Sped up loading of cheats. It may not be immediately apparent but the earlier table was taking 2-3 seconds to load the cheats. Now it happens in under a second.

You can use shortcuts B, D, E, W to open/close Barbarian, Dwarf, Elf, Wizard trees, respectively. Along with Alt+Left, this lets you quickly minimize clutter.
Hero Quest.ct
Signed cheat table, will attempt to launch "Hero Quest.exe" from the same folder and attach itself to Dosbox.
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Re: Hero Quest (on DosBOX)

Post by gibberishh »

Huge update with several new features.
  • Alt+S: If you have melee weapons and crossbow, use this to quickly switch between the two. If you are wielding any melee weapon AND have a crossbow in your inventory, it will be unequipped and a crossbow will be equipped instead. Similarly, if you are wielding a crossbow AND have any melee weapon, the melee weapon will be equipped instead. Note that the melee weapons are chosen from a priority list, going from max attack dice downwards. Among weapons with similar attack dice, weapons with diagonal reach are given priority. This means, depending on your inventory, a battleaxe might be given priority over Spirit Blade because battle axe has 4 attack dice and Spirit Blade has 3. If the weapon is switched, a voice prompt will inform you which one was equipped.
    This can result in illegal combinations: usually a battleaxe can not be wielded with a shield. However, this will not unequip the shield. It does not break the game though.
  • Alt+M: Reveal entire map and pit traps, and remove all spike traps. Secret doors will not be revealed. You still have to search for those.
  • Ctrl+M (only works in the Cheat Table window) or Tools > Modify Map: Here you can choose to:
    • Reveal Map, Reveal/Remove Pit Traps, Remove Spike Traps: self-explanatory. Secret doors will not be revealed.
    • Remove Fallen Rocks: On some maps, falling rocks can trap you in and actually prevent you from going anywhere! Use this to remove fallen rocks. Note that the rocks will fall again if you step on the offending tile again.
    • Remove All Rocks: This will remove all rocks so that you can zoom around the map instead of having to take the longest route.
    • Kill All Monsters: This will remove all monsters from the maps. Note that you will not receive any rewards associated with special kills. At least the following quests either have rewards or require certain monsters to be killed: Lair of the Orc Warlord, The Fire Mage, Bastion of Chaos, Barrow of the Witch Lord, The Gate of Bellthor (you can't exit the map without killing the boss), Court of the Witch Lord.
      Kill All Monsters has a potential to be buggy: not only does the cheat need to remove monsters from the map (not buggy), but it also needs to enable the search buttons for each area in a different region of the code. The second part has a potential to introduce bugs in the quest. I've tested it as much as possible and eliminated what I found, but there's no way to tell if it is perfect.
    • Replace Bad Treasures: Treasure cards which only do damage or spawn monsters are replaced with cards that give you 100 gold.
  • You can click Apply once you have chosen how you want to modify the map OR simply close the window after making your selections. As long as you don't close the cheat table, it will remember your selections. Alt+Z will apply these selections so that you can quickly modify maps with the same options as you progress through the game. This way you are not stuck with the default choices afforded by Alt+M.
  • Alt+X (only works in the Cheat Table window) or Tools > Save Heroes: Export all your characters to Heroes.sav. This will include all your equipment, and even whether you are playing with certain heroes or not. Remember to save your heroes using the in-game mechanism every once in a while! You never know if my code has some bugs. Even if it doesn't, this allows you only one save 'slot' and it's extremely easy to mistakenly overwrite heroes.
    Important note: This is different from the game's Quest.sav. The format is totally different and doesn't provide individual save slots. Do not mix up the two or you will lose your heroes.
  • Alt+L (only works in the Cheat Table window) or Tools > Load Heroes: Once you've exported characters, you can use this to quickly load them back. This means you don't have to individually load every hero in-game every time you come back to it.
New records
  • Reuse Door: Usually the game prevents you from exiting a door you just entered from in the same turn (or even a different door that is adjacent to the tile you are standing on). This will let you re-use doors. Up arrow or down arrow keys also enable this in addition to modifying movement steps.
  • Next Treasure: See/change the next random treasure before searching.
  • Treasure Cards: The full sequence of random treasure cards that the game generates. You can even modify this sequence if you wish (use a legitimate number as shown in the Next Treasure dropdown).
  • Searched for Treasure: This is a list of all 42 'areas' of the game. Each number represents a specific visible area from left to right in that region. Any value of 255 means that area has been searched for treasure. 0 means you will draw a random treasure card (Next Treasure) when you search that area for treasure. Any other value indicates a special treasure or quest item in that room/area. If you wish, make a note of the number before searching a room. After searching it will change to 255. You can set it back to whatever number and search again (say for a different hero). That way, e.g., everyone can find Borin's Armor in a single run.
  • Searched for Secrets: Just like Searched for Treasure, this shows you which areas/rooms have been searched for secrets. 0 means no traps, 255 means already searched. Any other value usually indicates a trap on a chest or object. Unfortunately, secret doors are not indicated here.
  • On the bottom-right of the cheat table, click Table Extras to see a legend of how the game board is segmented into areas. I've also given an image below.
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Re: Hero Quest (on DosBOX)

Post by gibberishh »

Minor update:
I've eliminated killing of critical bosses via Modify Map. This has not been extensively tested but in my very few tests of those maps, I have not run into problems yet. The previously noted "possible bugs" may still arise because I still have to enable search in every room upon killing the monsters, which is not straightforward. Again, I have not faced any problems yet but something to keep in mind.

All monsters will be killed in Bastion of Chaos if you use the cheat: they are not critical, they only give money. But then, that is the whole point of playing this quest in the first place so highly recommended to not use the cheat there.

Another note: I recently discovered that Ctrl+Esc quits a quest and returns you to the main screen. Very useful. Of course, in Windows the same keys also open the start menu but it still works. If you are not on a quest, Ctrl+Esc quits the game. This is an in-built feature, nothing to do with the cheat table.
Hero Quest.ct
Signed cheat table, will attempt to launch "Hero Quest.exe" from the same folder and attach itself to Dosbox.
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