YOU MUST USE THE ATTACHED Assembly-Csharp.dll file or you WILL NOT be able to use this table!
1. No Disarming (dropping Weapon when getting hit).. Got sick of it!
2. Mouse Over item Options:
a. Set Gold pile to Massive
b. Set arrows to massive
c. Set food to massive
3. Unlimited Crafting Material (Open Crafting Screen and Click Arrow to Update)
TWEAKED ASSEMBLY-Csharp.dll to increase odds of dungeons having MORE TRAINERS so GET **V2**
Thanks to dharmang1910 for the orginal pointers.
Table will auto attach if game is already running.
So this one was a monster due to the MASSIVE and I mean MASSIVE anti0cheat stuff. So bad I had to just edit the Assembly-CSharp.dll cause no way could i script all of it.
1. Download and extract Assembly-CSharp.dll and go to your main game folder\Launcher_Data\Managed and rename/backup old file and copy the Assembly-CSharp.dll file into folder. I would highly recommend backing up the entire game folder for use later in case the game updates. CAUSE I WILL NOT BE UPDATING THIS ANYTIME SOON-so don't ask!!!! You can always just get a steam emulator to bypass steam protection and play offline with my cheats...OR perhaps a *cough* online backup with steam removed (but only if you own the original).
Fixed possible activation issue..
FIRST BACKUP THE Documents\Rogue's Tale\ folder as it has your saves!
1. With the infinite health and Energy scripts you need to first set your max health and energy using the pointers and again if you change your stats, otherwise the game will spam rest messages.
2. Its possible the level up stats screen may not work anymore as it TOO had anticheat stuff and i killed alot of the code.. You can add stats manually if the screen does not popup when you levelup.
3. IF YOU USE THIS TABLE WITHOUT MY ASSEMBLY-CSHARP.DLL file don't be surprised if the game crashes, deletes your hero, deletes your profile, resets all your progress, etc.
4. This table need extensive testing as the game is quite complex with all the heritages/achievements and so forth.

MIRROR of Assembly-Csharp file **V2**:
Click the like/Thumbs up button if it works!!! and for your kind support. Thank you.

How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1