Silly request, but I've been trying on my own to manage to create a "force character selection" for the game's Musou mode to kind of play a 'free play' but with all story elements run through. Sadly, I've only found a way to force a character selection in the "free mode" selection screen but not in the Musou mode; so close and yet so far. (Easy enough to find in the free mode, as the first character is identified by HEX 00 and it goes up as you go to the right.)
Sadly, the Musou character selection is eluding me thus far as no value I change seems to do anything. So I thought I'd ask the masses if they had any idea on what to do to possibly lock in any character to be playable in any scenario in Musou story mode.
Nevermind, figured it out.
First off, the character offsets are a little off due to adult Oda and Akechi being HEX 25 and 26. The character HEXes are as follows. [Value in Parenthesis is the 'true' value. The value preceding that is the 'character select' value.]
(Young) Oda = 00 (00)
Oda = 01 (25)
(Young) Akechi = 02 (01)
Akechi = 03 (26)
Hashiba = 04 (02)
Ieyasu = 05 (03)
Imagawa = 06 (04)
Takeda = 07 (05)
Uesugi = 08 (06)
Mori = 09 (07)
Azai = 0A (08)
Matsunaga = 0B (09)
Nou = 0C (0A)
Mitsuki = 0D (0B)
Maeda = 0E (0C)
Shibata = 0F (0D)
Oichi = 10 (0E)
Saito = 11 (0F)
Yamanaka = 12 (10)
Takenaka = 13 (11)
Kuroda = 14 (12)
Nakamura = 15 (13)
Sena = 16 (14)
Honda = 17 (15)
Hattori = 18 (16)
Momochi = 19 (17)
Saika = 1B (19)
Yasuke = 1C (1A)
Nobuyuki Oda = 1D (1B)
Upon launching the game (once you start loading up missions, the values permanently change until the game is cold launched again), search for the following AOB spoilered below and the third result is the one we want. Change the XXXXXXXXX58 to XXXXXXXXX48:
E0 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 30 00 00 00 AD 02
By freezing this value during character selection (or just changing it while on the Partner selection), you can play as anyone you like during Musou mode. If you keep the value frozen once the game starts loading the Mission brief screen, however, it will crash (it's best to unfreeze it while the character gives their voiced selection line).