Hello there, I'm glad you're enjoy the table
So far, in my test case, the part gauge look like empty/cannot decrease but you can actually break them. I tested in three battle against Arzuros with god mode on and off and both can break the part without any problem, which I think it's more of a visual bug when using the cheat. You can try sending the save file right before the issue or the said monster if you think otherwise via PM (probably need mega.co.nz / zippshare / any trusted uploader).
Best regards,
thank you for following up sir
maybe it was tied to part breaking sub quest in Rutoh, since i was testing on 5 arzuros but none of their part were able to break using right weapon (nor any notification that part has been broken). now i'm past that sub quest without god mode, will inform if any funky thing happens.
oh and also, additional kinship gauge only for rider would be very much apreciated, since using switch cheats affects riders partner thus they always spamming kinship attacks haha
once again, thank you