Damn, sorry for not sharing it. As user Gorsan said, this game is easily cheated without CE.
1. Download SQLite Browser ...
(I prefer "No Installer". Download match with your system version, Win32/x86 or Win64/x64)
2. After Install or Extract, launch [DB Browser for SQLite.exe]
3. File > Open Database ... go to C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Rebound CG\Tennis Manager 2021\Saves\*Savefilename*\save.db
4. You will be back & fort between [Database Structure] tab & [Browse Data] tab
5. Now to detail explanation ... under [see below] table ...
-AFFILIATION- (Right click > Browse Table)
Because I made my own Tennis Academy, my/your custom Academy ID will be -999
1. To cheat the club funds, simple scroll side to [FUNDS] table. Fill with whatever money you want, but don't forget to add 1 decimal behind it.
ex cheat 1 million dolla ... fill funds table with 1000000.0
2. You can skip upgrading Academy Facility by changing table [SportCenterLevel], [MedicalCenterLevel], [TennisSchoolLevel] & [BusinessCenterLevel] up to 9 (maxed level).
-INFRASTRUCTURE- (Right click > Browse Table)
When you upgrade your Academy Facility, you can short the build time to just one day.
Pay attention to your in-game date. Let say you upgrade a facility on 1 January 2021 and finish 12 months later, in the Infrastructure table it will say date of project will be finished. 2022-01-01 (time format is Year/Month/Day). To shorten the upgrade process, don't fill with the same time as build time, but add like one day after project start. So if you build on 1 January 2021, fill the tab 1 day after it, 2 January 2021, or 2021-01-02 in the table.
-STAFF- (Right click > Browse Table)
Here are all the in-game staff data. To pin point your staff, you need to enter your Academy ID in the filter box. Scroll to the right until you see [AffiliationID], type on it's filter box, your academy ID. Since in my case I built my own custom tennis academy, fill it with -999. Now everything you seen in the chart will be all of your academy staff. Here you can change any of their stat. Again, do not forget to add 1 decimal behind the number. All stats maxed at 20, do not enter +21 if you don't want to see unnecessary bug. So you will fill number like [20.0]
Note : NEVER CHANGE [ID] ... it's their Unique ID, any change can lead to unwanted bugs
-TENNIS PLAYER- (Right click > Browse Table)
Really similar to STAFF table, find [AffiliationID], enter the filter with your Academy ID, now it's only show your own player. Feel free to change their statistic. Again, don't forget to add 1 decimal behind the number.
Note : NEVER CHANGE [ID] ... it's their Unique ID, any change can lead to unwanted bugs
-GAME PLAN- (Right click > Browse Table)
This is your player's gameplan experience. To use it, you've got to copy their ID number from [Tennis Player] table first, paste on Notepad or anything. Then in [Game Plan] table, paste their ID on [Player ID] filter. It will show that particular player's Game Plan experience. Fill all of them with [100.0] and that player master all gameplan. Due remember, unused gameplan will have decaying rate if never used. So don't surprise when a mastered (green dote) tactic turn to become yellow at some point.
-CONTRACTS- (Right click > Browse Table)
You need pay attention more in this table. Each contract produce new table. If player A renew a contract, then he/she will have 2 different rows, which you can easily identify based on contract start & end. By default, it's shorted by time line, so scroll down to see your player contract. In here, you must pay attention to player ID that you can grab from [Tennis Player] table. You can change their sharing percentage on [Compensation] tab. For staff, compensation mean their monthly wage. So if you see 1532, mean it's $1532. But for player, it sharing percentage. If you see 25, mean they will share 25% of their award from participation or winning a tournament. So if you fill 100 ... mean ? ... fucking Slavery !
Now to save, either press Ctrl+S or File > Write Changes. Then close database by either press Ctrl+F4 or File > Close Database.
You can operate this while playing the game. When you want to edit something, just save your game first, go to SQLite and load your savefile. After save and close the database, DO NOT FORGET to load you save file in the game, instead press continue and confuse why there's no change ... duh.
GOOD LUCK and enjoy becoming the world best tennis trainer ... with cheat ! you schmuck