RogueBook +15 **Update [v1.5.6-1.5.7]

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RogueBook +15 **Update [v1.5.6-1.5.7]

Post by gideon25 »

NOTE: Close cheat engine before closing the game or the game will crash cause mono is still attached

New Version. Redid several scripts and the way they work.
Thanks to cfemen for creating and helping modify his cheat mod!
A CHEAT MOD IS NOW REQUIRED TO USE THIS TABLE. Otherwise Memory may not be correct for several scripts

FIRST: All of the scripts ABOVE this LINE:
▲ Activate at Main Menu - After Activating ALL OF THESE Above Must Mouseover Brushes Main in OverWorld before Scripts Will become Effective ▲
After you activate those scripts abaove that line you must mouse over your Brushes icon in the main Overworld screen for the scripts to become effective. After that they are all good for the entire play session. If you deactivate then you must mouse over brushes again when you reactivate them (mousing over the brushes triggers the initial scripts).

Notes for ONLY these two script:
[X] <== All Sight Runes = Super Runes (If Run in Progress After Activating Drop Run and Start New One)
[X] <== Unlock ALL 6 Tiers with ALL Talents (Exit to Main Menu the Continue to Affect)

If you are in a run: Activate these scripts, Mouse over your brushes a few times, then DROP run and start a new one. It should work after that for all runs during your play session.
If you are in main menu before you Start the run: Activate at main menu, start the run, wait until you get into the main Overworld map then mouse over brushes a few times, exit to main menu then Continue back to game.
If you are Continuing a RUn (ONLY in which you ALREADY USED THESE SCRIPTS!) and unlocked all the talents using script: Activate at Main Menu continue your run, mouse over brushes a few times, exit to main menu then continue. You may have to open talent screen and double click on any the game tried to remove :P

Once you sucessfully activate the All talents script open your talent screen and click/double click on each one and it will populate to the screen.


F8: Open/Close the little overlay (shown in screenshot below) that shows you the cheat keys
F9: Win the Current Battle you are fighting
F10: During Battle if a HEro Dies, Revive them
F11: During Battle (if Fearia is not already at 0 for turn) Add 10 Faeria
F12: Toggle/Show/Hide the Cheat Button in Bottom right corner of screen

CHEAT MOD install: Just drop all Files/Folders into the Main Roguebook Folder (the folder with Roguebook.exe in it). Its a mod and does not overwrite any files so should be fine for future updates. PASSWORD:g25


1.5.6-1.5.7 TABLE
CHEAT MOD install: Just drop all Files into the Main Roguebook Folder (the folder with Roguebook.exe in it). Its a mod and does not overwrite any files so should be fine for future updates.PASSWORD:g25
Click the like/Thumbs up button if it works and for your kind support. Thank you. :)

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
1.5.6-1.5.7 CHEATMOD is REQUIRED for this table to function properly
(125.8 KiB) Downloaded 1861 times
Drop all files/folders into MAIN Roguebook install folder
(607.24 KiB) Downloaded 1409 times
1.2.7838.22357 **V2** No DLL Needed for Cheat panel Script included
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Last edited by gideon25 on Thu Aug 12, 2021 12:57 am, edited 18 times in total.

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Re: RogueBook +6 (+Cheat Panel DLL)

Post by Tahtawy »

Thank you for the table and the DLL, gideon 25. as for Energy or "Faeria", you can actualy edit Sharra's and Sorocco's cards to require 0 Energy. I used Notepad++ to edit "Roguebook_Data\StreamingAssets\GameBoxResources\cards.json" and changed the faeria on their cards to 0 so that I can use any card without expending energy.

You can also edit the .xlb files located in "Roguebook_Data\StreamingAssets\GameBoxResources\cards_scripts" using Notepad++ to change the amount of damage or other attributes for any card.

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Re: RogueBook +6 (+Cheat Panel DLL)

Post by krmit »

It's WAY easier to make all enemies' cards like this:


And you can beat them as you like ^_^

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Re: RogueBook +6 (+Cheat Panel DLL) **Updated v1.2.7838.22357**

Post by gideon25 »

Updated to 1.2.7838.22357

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Re: RogueBook +6 (+Cheat Panel DLL) **Updated v1.2.7838.22357**

Post by apollo1 »

This game is extremely editable/mod friendly. Almost every item in the game can be editted. For action points, lookup/do a search for


Change the original 3 to something like 30 and you'll have 30+ action points. As long as you have that item equipped in game you'll have the cheat. Also unless you edit the text, it'll still say the original 3, but in actuality its the modified number.

EDIT: You'll also have to pair the urn with the ID-'7081'- Faeria Flute

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Re: RogueBook +6 (+Cheat Panel DLL) **Updated v1.2.7838.22357**

Post by gideon25 »

apollo1 wrote:
Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:07 am
This game is extremely editable/mod friendly. Almost every item in the game can be editted. For action points, lookup/do a search for


Change the original 3 to something like 30 and you'll have 30+ action points. As long as you have that item equipped in game you'll have the cheat. Also unless you edit the text, it'll still say the original 3, but in actuality its the modified number.

EDIT: You'll also have to pair the urn with the ID-'7081'- Faeria Flute
Yea I noticed even the saves are in text format to edit.

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Re: RogueBook +6 (+Cheat Panel DLL) **Updated v1.2.7838.22357**

Post by Dekonnt »

Thx!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

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Re: RogueBook +6 (+Cheat Panel DLL) **Updated v1.2.7838.22357**

Post by Arash »

Sweet baby Jesus! That DLL's cheat panel is amazing! Did you make It yourself? :0

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Re: RogueBook +6 (+Cheat Panel DLL) **Updated v1.2.7838.22357**

Post by gideon25 »

Arash wrote:
Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:46 pm
Sweet baby Jesus! That DLL's cheat panel is amazing! Did you make It yourself? :0
No its built in. I just added a line to the bottom bar part so when you toggle on/off the hero view it activates. There is ALSO a different cheat menu for battles but I couldn't figure out a way to activate it, even in the dll. Not very good at programming.

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Re: RogueBook +6 (+Cheat Panel DLL) **Updated v1.2.7838.22357**

Post by apollo1 »

Couldnt find the file with the Narrative ID so i had to manually search for them, heres what i have so far.

Narrative ID -

1 - wish for full heal, 2 gems, or gold
2 - Dublicate a card
3 - Aladdin
5 - pay gold for random treasure or to remove a card
11 - Transmute a card
12 - socket card
14 - gem vendor
15 - gargoyle companion
16 - feast with pig god
17 - Create treasure/skytower/transmute on map
18 - Create action points
19 - Change a card
20 - reveal stuff on map
21 - Pick 1 of 3 cards
22 - Da Queens blessing
23 - Swordsman pet
24 - Llama
25 - reveal map icons
26 - pay to reveal something on map
27 - draw 8 cards or just 1
28 - pick between +hp, heal, or blessing
29 - summon da beast from 'The Abyss'
30 - heal or rainbow gem
31 - pay to remove a card or fight
32 - pick cards and lose health
33 - fight for da queen for reward
34 - lose hp for a voidstone

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Re: RogueBook +6 (+Cheat Panel DLL) **Updated v1.2.7838.22357**

Post by cfemen »

gideon25 wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:20 am
**UPDATED for 1.2.7838.22357** Also attached dll for 1.2.7838.22357

in case you don't want to modify the DLL every update:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Get Instance"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : Roguebook.exe
  Date   : 2021-06-21
  Author : cfe

  This script does blah blah blah
if syntaxcheck then return end

define(bytes,55 48 8B EC 48 83 EC **)








  //push rbp
  //mov rbp,rsp
  //sub rsp,**
  // Instance + 0x18 = CheatButton
  mov [pBottomBarLayout],rcx
  jmp return
dq 0

  jmp newmem
  nop 3




          <Description>"Toggle Cheat Button"</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
if syntaxcheck then return end

local method = mono_findMethod('', 'BottomBarLayout', 'ToggleCheatButton')
local domain = mono_enumDomains()[1]
local args={}

local instance = getAddressSafe("[pBottomBarLayout]")
if (instance&gt;0) then
 mono_invoke_method(domain, method, instance, args)


quick code to get the instance and then calling the ToggleCheatButton method :)

(feel free to include it to your table if you like )

Edit: won't work in the game menu, you need to be on the world map ( to get the instance ) if the instance is 0 then nothing will happen.


btw im lately started using [Link]to make stuff for Unity, this allows to do more complex stuff without JIT related problems on other systems ( especially if you want to alter things on game start )

BepInEx is using winhttp.dll as a proxy to load own mono code, and with Harmony you can do pre or post-fix hooks.

in case you are interested:
I've attached a Cheat-Button-Enabler based on BepInEx ( source code included - you need Visual-Studio 2019 and a C# DLL Project with all Mono DLLs referenced in order to compile it)
Extract the Roguebook.rar inside the game folder (so that the winhttp.dll is in the same folder as the Roguebook.exe )
Now everytime you start the game the cheat button will be enabled, and it will also work with future game update ( unless the devs are removing the CheatPanel ... )

note : the cheat engine code won't inject if the BepInEx code is active ( same hook spot )

okay that's it, maybe this helps you for future Unity hacking ( so you don't need to alter DLLs again every version)
On non-IL2CPP Unity games im only injecting at the prologue to get instances or calling functions, coz even with aobscanregion there is chance that other machines will generate different code.


Edit: Just realized I have the v1.0.7836.26326 version, let me know if it works for 1.2.x
Password : cfefrf
extract to game folder to activate the cheat button
source is included (Source.cs)
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Last edited by cfemen on Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: RogueBook +6 (+Cheat Panel DLL) **Updated v1.2.7838.22357**

Post by gideon25 »

cfemen wrote:
Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:47 pm
gideon25 wrote:
Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:20 am
**UPDATED for 1.2.7838.22357** Also attached dll for 1.2.7838.22357

in case you don't want to modify the DLL every update:
Ah nice. I WILL USE IT, of course! Thanks! Every time I tried to invoke the method (by finding an instance and hooking it) the game would crash! Guess I didn't do it properly :P I don't suppose you could toss me a cheat engine script for the cheat menu during battles? Its here:

The problem is that its in its own namespace and as far as I can tell it doesn't get called in a different namespace the way the other menu did. im not sure how you would even invoke it due to possibly not being able to get an instance of it? I don't really know how to program. I just kindof muddle thru.
Last edited by gideon25 on Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: RogueBook +6 (+Cheat Panel DLL) **Updated v1.2.7838.22357**

Post by cfemen »

gideon25 wrote:
Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:01 pm

The problem is that its in its own namespace and as far as I can tell it doesn't get called in a different namespace the way the other menu did. im not sure how you would even invoke it due to possibly not being able to get an instance of it? I don't really know how to program. I just kindof muddle thru.

BattleCheatLayout is never used ( its not attached to a GameObject ) also the UI objects are not created = no instance.
so you can only recreate or emulate it.

e.g calling the SendMessage Method with a GameboxConnectionService instance to send a iMessage.

Quickly updated the BepInEx code ( still tested on v1.0.7836.26326)
F1 = Toggle HotKey Overlay
F2 = Win Fight
F3 = Revive Heroes
F4 = Add 10 Faeria

so yeah you can call all that stuff, but with cheat engine only it would be very time consuming :/

i can also call AddToHand, but i didn't include it coz the other CheatPanel also has it.

okay im out :)

edit : reuploaded - added F4 = +10 Faeria in battles (not sure if its useful lol )
password : cfefrf
updated with hotkeys to win the fight or revive heroes.

extract into game folder (winhttp.dll needs to be in the same folder as the Roguebook.exe)
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Re: RogueBook +6 *v2*(Cheat Panel Script) **Updated v1.2.7838.22357**

Post by gideon25 »

Updated main table with the new cheat panel script!

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Re: RogueBook +6 *v2*(Cheat Panel Script) **Updated v1.2.7838.22357**

Post by cfemen »

cfemen wrote:
Mon Jun 21, 2021 1:47 pm

On non-IL2CPP Unity games im only injecting at the prologue to get instances or calling functions, coz even with aobscanregion there is chance that other machines will generate different code.
Just updated to v1.2.7838.22357,

I tested your scripts, Brushes/Consumables /Gold is not activating (coz JIT and different AOBs )

the best approach in this case are pointers ( inject at a prologue or get a public static instance):
e.g get the runDataService or loadedRun and you can access the gold and brush pointers.

for the consumables:
you are doing a aobscanregion for this:

Code: Select all

mov r11,Abrakam.Data.Runs:Run:RemoveConsumable
call r11
( my machine is generating different AOBs so your aobscanregion can't find it )

then i asked myself "why not a return on Abrakam.Data.Runs:Run:RemoveConsumable" ... then i realized why you do a aobscan to NOP the call,coz RemoveConsumable has a overload.

so to make sure that the consumables works for everyone you could do:
-use mono to filter the overload methods to return the correct RemoveConsumable method.
-get the runDataService or loadedRun instance and iterate trough the consumables (_consumables -> _items -> item[0] | item[1] | item [2]) to get the value pointer
-a script that sets all used items to a fixed amount ( or prevent them from being emptied e.g do a "(currentValue-1) < 1" check and then increase it )

example how to access a Consumable amount while its used from the UseConsumable prologue :

Code: Select all

define(bytes,55 48 8B EC 48 81 EC **)







  //push rbp
  //mov rbp,rsp
  //sub rsp,**
  push rax
  push rbx
  xor rbx,rbx
  mov rsi,8
  mov rax,20
  mov ebx,edx // rdx = slot index
  imul rbx,rsi // index * 8 to get the correct pointer
  add rbx,rax // +20 (slot 0) + index
  mov rsi,[rcx+18] // runDataService
  mov rsi,[rsi+60] // loadedRun
  mov rsi,[rsi+60] // consumeables
  mov rsi,[rsi+10] // items
  mov rsi,[rsi+rbx] // item Slot ID
  mov rsi,[rsi+20] // count
  mov dword ptr[rsi+18],#99 // value
  pop rbx
  pop rax
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 6



this example sets all Consumables to 99 while using.

or this one based on panraven's method to find the correct RemoveConsumable in order to return it:

Code: Select all

// based on panravens method
if syntaxcheck then return end


function tohex(n)return string.format('%X',n or 0)end


function reEscape(s)
  local escPatChars = [[().%+-*?[^]]
  s = s:gsub('.',function(c) if escPatChars:find(c,1,true) then return '%'..c end end)
  return s


function findMethodBySignature(namespace,classname,methodname,signature,check)
  assert(type(signature)=='string',"invalid signature")
  local class = mono_findClass(namespace,classname)
  if type(class)~='number' or class==0 then return nil end
  local methods=mono_class_enumMethods(class)
  if type(methods)~='table' or #methods<1 then return nil end
  for i=1,#methods do
	if methodname == methods[i].name then
	  local sign = mono_method_getSignature(methods[i].method)
	  if sign:match(signature) then
	    return methods[i].method


function findMethodAddrBySignature(namespace,classname,methodname,signature,check)
  local meth = findMethodBySignature(namespace,classname,methodname,signature,check)
  if meth~=nil and meth>0 then
    return mono_compile_method(meth)


pRemoveConsumable = findMethodAddrBySignature('','Run','RemoveConsumable','int,Abrakam.Data.ConsumableModificationType',true)



so yeah just keep that in mind, AOBs for your machine will not work for all systems (even on my machine on different game starts the AOBs sometimes are changing ... yeah JIT can be annoying ...) so i would recommend to do most of the stuff at the function/method prologue or search for public static instances and call stuff instead of doing aobscans, you'll get the hang of it :)

too bad i barely have time for playing/cheating at the moment ... :(


Edit : forgot to add the LaunchMonoDataCollector() - add this to the scripts or activate Mono before you execute it :)
Last edited by cfemen on Thu Jun 24, 2021 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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