AOB injection, dealing with floats/doubles

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AOB injection, dealing with floats/doubles

Post by seergaze »

Hi very new user here, I need help dealing with floats

So in the following line, xmm0 is the attack damage of my character

Code: Select all

movss xmm0,[rax+00000120]
I want to make a pointer for a cheat table, I set up a symbol "attack" and try to move the address of xmm0 into it

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mov [attack],xmm0
But it doesnt work, i did some googling and its likely because xmm0 is a float value, can anyone help me work with floats?

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Re: AOB injection, dealing with floats/doubles

Post by aSwedishMagyar »

Do you know what a single or double value is? Do you know why in the first instruction it uses movss and not mov? Find the answer to those questions and you will see why it doesn't work.

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Re: AOB injection, dealing with floats/doubles

Post by LeFiXER »

After following aSwedishMagyar's advice. You can achieve what you want to do by using other registers also.

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